Chapter 5: Nadia Mystic! The ruthless twin

Chapter 5: Nadia Mystic! The ruthless twin

Chapter 5

"Uh... hey?"

Oliver was unsure of how to interact with her and awkwardly waved at her after coming from behind the rock.

Nadia narrowed her eyes, observing his features and feeling quite intrigued. He was terrifyingly similar to her, with silver hair and amethyst eyes.

It was known throughout the clan that she was the only one with amethyst eyes and silver hair. The amethyst eyes were something she had inherited from the patriarch of the clan and held deep significance.

She was aware that none of her siblings had amethyst eyes, as far as she was told. The eyes held a deeper meaning than just their beauty.

The rest of the children mainly inherited some other features of their father, hair and all, and the rest was from their mother.

But a person's eyes held deep meaning in the exorcist world.

After all, it was known to the world that the patriarch of the Mystic Purge Clan possessed one of the three special eyes.

One of the powerful ones at that, so it was obvious she had also inherited them from him.

It's just that she had yet to awaken them, but nonetheless, her perception range was astonishing; she easily found Oliver hiding from a distance.

But more importantly, she could not help but stare at him; her mind was filled with curiosity.

She wondered who he was. Not only were their features almost similar, but she also felt a strong connection with him as well.

'He just needs a bit longer hair...' She thought about how he would look exactly the same as her if he grew his hair a bit more.

Being children, their faces carried traces of baby fat and feminine features, so it would be difficult to tell who was who if Oliver did that.

"Who are you?" Nadia questioned. She had to know who he was and how he had the same eyes as her father.

"Nadia..." She replied, her voice a little low. For some reason, she also wanted to know him more.

She felt a strong connection with him.

No matter how much she tried to suppress herself, she was still a child, and there were some things that could not be helped.

Her mind told her to follow her mother's words, but her heart did not listen; this was the first time she had lost such composure.

She wanted to know why she was feeling the connection with him? If he was someone important... or if something else was the case.

"Wow, Nadia, what a good name." Oliver praised. His tongue was quite good at pleasing others after 5 years of consistent begging to be allowed out.

Well, it was a different matter since he was still not allowed to come near the central area and had intentionally sneaked there just to meet Nadia.

It was just a small skill he had acquired and, coupled with his innocent childish looks, this worked like a charm.

"Nadia, would you come with me? I will show you my secret hideout; we can play there."

Oliver didn't know how to spend some more time with her. He had to touch her once at least to bind, so he decided to sacrifice his hidden spot that he had found behind his courtyard. It was a good hiding spot where he usually was when he was not studying.

"No... I cannot play... I am the heiress..."

Her voice was low and small; she really wanted to deny him and continue training as per her mother's instructions.


She watched as Oliver took her hand in his small hands and tugged her.

In the end, she let herself be dragged away to see what the place he was talking about was.

'I-I need to know if there's such a hidden location in the clan... t-then I can report back to mother. That's right...' Nadia told herself and went with Oliver.

[Ding! Nadia Mystic. Does the host wish to bind with the individual?]