Chapter 44: Why was he left alive...?

Chapter 44: Why was he left alive...?

Chapter 44

'Well then, let's dig in~!'


She took a huge bite...

In the very next instant, her mouth exploded in fire!

"Meow-! Meow-! Meow-!"

She cried out in shock, the dish tasted extremely horrible and disgusting, not to mention it was too spicy, it was as if someone had directly poured lava inside her mouth.

"I am glad you enjoyed."

Oliver replied in a happy tone as he slowly got up and left the wailing cat behind.

After coming out in his courtyard, he looked at the trees and admired the scenery, he fell into thought.

'I can't understand one thing...'

He pondered about something that has been bugging him for a while.

In his memories, the Mystic Purge Clan has always been cruel and indifferent to everything around them.

This same principle was also applied to raising the heirs of the clan as well.

They only valued strength and did not even acknowledge the weak.

If he, who had been born as a talentless child with no strength and potential then why were they raising him?

He felt quite conflicted about this...

They had already appraised him to be worthless at his birth but still decided to let him live, albeit in isolation and bear the clan's name.

This was a big deal, assuming the name of one of the top clans was no joking matter. It was extremely serious as it defined your affiliations.

Oliver felt more inclined to believe that his existence was a part of Ophelia's greater future plan and the sole reason he was left alive and not bothered.

But of course, he could not let her succeed in whatever it was that she was planning.

Tap Tap

Two small knocks were made on the paper door of his room as he saw a feminine silhouette on the other side.

"Young master, may I come in?"

The soft voice of a woman sounded as he replied with a simple word.


The paper door slid open and a woman dressed in maid clothing entered the room, in her hands, she was holding something long wrapped in a brown-colored cloth.

He was calm as he saw his maid enter.

He had ordered her to buy him something from the market earlier during the day, although he very rarely asked anything from the servants knowing his status, this time, however, he asked them.

The thing she was holding was a rapier that he had asked one of the local blacksmiths in the clan market to prepare for him...

It was when he had gone to the market to buy the smoke capsules and aphrodisiac to cause distractions among guards.

He had also ordered for a rapier at that time that he could use to train and practice the [Sovereign Strike of Infinite Freedom].

He had paid for it beforehand and just asked the maid to visit the blacksmith and fetch it for him.

He was initially going to go himself but when he was informed of his mandatory participation in the hunt, he decided to give the clan hints about his strength.

Naturally, he could not just keep hiding his strength and then suddenly stand out on the day of the hunting event. That would put him under more suspicion.

So he had decided to let his clan believe that he had taken the path of a physical exorcist, training his strength and learning martial exorcism techniques.

Being a physical exorcist was quite easier in general as compared to the other two—espera based and tool-based.

It was a known fact that a person with...