Chapter 65 Hunting the first ever demon!

Chapter 65 Hunting the first ever demon!

Chapter 65

With some random twists and turns, he had already gained quite a distance between himself and the other participants.


Unzipping his backpack, he retrieved his rapier out of it and held it in his left hand while he securely tied the bag on his back.

'First, I should do a warm-up...'

He decided to first get used to a demon and its abilities; he was not sure what demons he might encounter and what their abilities would be, but one thing he was sure of was that they were all weak.

They were all weaker than a minor-level demon...

Fighting a demon would also help him realize his current stage, how well could he handle the demons, and what was his current power level.

It would also provide him a general idea about how far he was from reaching Rank-1 on his own without Nadia's help.

He could not help but sigh; once he received her espera talent, he would not need to worry about such things and could have a pace of progress of his own too.

Gripping the handle of the rapier tight, he strode forward with suppressed steps.

He would need a place to stay as well in case he was unable to hunt a strong demon quickly.

And not to mention food; he could survive without food for a day, but water is a must thing.

He didn't want to be distracted while fighting due to thirst or starvation.

The demon sealing talisman was in his inner pocket secured.


Just as he was searching for a demon, his senses picked up a rustling sound from a distance.

He walked slowly towards the bushes where the sound originated from, and his eyes caught a fast-paced shadow.

The shadow was quick and rushed towards him; it was full of hostility and murderous intent.


Oliver was sane and fast; he reacted in the last moment and used the rapier's long body to block the attack from the shadow.

The sounds of flesh churning when being torn and pierced were sickening.

He had no intention to attack the lower body of the demon; the armored scales on its body were tough and hard to break through, it might even damage his expensive rapier.

So he was aiming for the skull only...


Not wanting to give the demon too much time to recover and stabilize, he launched a series of continuous attacks, mimicking different styles of the rapier engraved into his memories from Nadia.

Naturally, the demon was agitated as it realized the helplessness it was facing against Oliver.

Instincts went into frenzy as the demon's eyes turned blood red, opting more aggression towards the enemy regardless of the weary state of the body.

Oliver smiled; this was what he had expected, when cornered, the mindless demons turn aggressive and attack nonetheless.

As he dodged the sharp tail attacks that were aimed to slice apart his limbs, he started to notice more and more open areas that the demon was vulnerable at.


The tail collided with the shiny body of the rapier as he twisted his body and slid towards the ferocious demon.

Utilizing the demon's confused state, he pointed the rapier up and used considerable to force to pierce the skull of the demon just above him in a gruesome manner.

Gurgle... wheeze...

The demon let out a low and painful moan as it took its final breath in this world as its body fell to the side.


Oliver quickly got up and made some distance.


He quickly put a hand over his mouth, preventing himself from puking in disgust.

That was too disgusting, the smell, the unhygienic environment, the distorted insides of the demon, and the dark-colored blood...

Suddenly experiencing this torment was a bit much for his brain that was used to cleanliness and hygiene of comfort at his clan.

It took him a moment to get himself mentally stable as he finally looked at the demon's corpse.

He now had to think about how he should deal with it.