Chapter 98: Suppressing her! Arriving at the destination!

Chapter 98: Suppressing her! Arriving at the destination!

Due to him becoming a circuit of Abyss, he was sure his body had turned into something inhuman, some sort of abomination.

He shuddered at the thought, feeling the cold, creeping dread of the Abyss still lingering on his skin.

He himself had witnessed the creatures of Abyss, albeit for a very short moment, but all of them were extremely repulsive and deadly.

Their twisted forms and piercing gazes haunted his thoughts, leaving him with a deep-seated revulsion that he couldn't shake off.

He was not able to sleep well for some days due to nightmares.

He could understand that she must have seen something similar instead of his humane self.

He realized the fear she must have felt, seeing him as one of those grotesque beings rather than the guy she knew.

Those grotesque beings served him a reminder of the Abyss he now belonged to.

It was no wonder she recoiled...

He looked at her and activated [Cosmic Void Gaze], looking at her seriously, as if trying to suppress her with his aura alone.

His eyes met hers, a palpable tension filled the air, as if the very fabric of reality trembled under the weight of his gaze

The effect was instant as she slowly stopped struggling, and her eyes seemed to be gaining clarity back.

The fog of confusion lifted slowly, replaced by a flicker of recognition and uncertainty.

Oliver's eyes were an evolved version of hers, so naturally, he was able to do this.

Although it was just a try, he did not expect it to work in first try, was this also associated with the Luck level?

As Nadia slowly gained clarity, her eyes turned confused as she looked around and behind at the maid who was now holding her arms.

"You guys! Be quiet and let me focus!" the elder shouted from the front as the haziness in her mind slowly cleared.

She yanked her hand away, and the maid let her go after noticing the shift in her behavior.

She knew something strange had happened just now. At one instance, she was attacking him, and now after Oliver looked at her once, she calmed down.

But she could not tell what...

He looked at his clothes, and fortunately, they were not stained with blood, or else it would have put a bad impression on others considering this was his first meeting.

The rest of the journey was in silence as Nadia did not speak, and Oliver, who did not want to be questioned, did not take the initiative either.

The maid... well, she was quite interested in knowing what had happened and the reason why Nadia attacked him.

But she was role-playing as a maid at the moment, and a mere maid was not in authority to know about things her master had not permitted her to ask.

She was sure that something was amiss there. The always calm and composed genius Nadia would not suddenly attack someone like this, after all.

Oliver was also aware that she could not see them using special eyes on each other, and he did not intend to tell her either.

"We're here."

These words suddenly cut through the tension, drawing their focus to the windows.

The elder announced in a serene tone, prompting the attention of the occupants of the car.

Oliver felt a small tremble as the car stopped.

The maid was quick to react and opened the door for him.


What he saw in front of him was a lush green forest—no, they were inside a dense green forest.

The elder who also got out said, "This is where the young heirs of the five clans will be meeting. This is a secluded sanctuary made by the clans. It is impossible to locate without prior information. Not only that, this sanctuary is protected by a powerful barrier."

The elder pointed at the towering ancient trees and the lush greenery as he further added, "This place is quite old and not used as much as it used to be before. The clans shifted their meeting locations long ago, but it still exists and used to be the place where powerful exorcists of the past would meet and discuss important matters."

Oliver looked at the trees, and they did seem quite ancient. They were tall and almost covering his view of the sky.

"So this place serves as a neutral spot for the clans?" he questioned.

"That's right. Although it is now not the official meeting place anymore, it is still regularly maintained by the guardian spirits."

'Guardian spirits?' Oliver's ears perked up. He had heard of them before but did not expect this place to have them.

"Now, follow me. I will be leading you to the meeting spot."

Oliver could not help but feel excited as he walked behind... it was finally time to meet them.