Chapter 124: Dennis? What happened?

Chapter 124

"Ugh! I am getting annoyed by all this!"

He heard a feminine shout and focused on a shadow just a few steps above him. He was sure that it was Amber's vague figure.

It seemed she was also getting frustrated at being stuck like that.

"Hey, Amber!" Daniel shouted in her direction, "Are you there? It's me, Daniel!"

"Daniel, is that you? The fog seems to be getting thicker and thicker!"

"I noticed it too. Maybe it's about time that someone picks us up from here!"

"I do hope that your guess is right and someone really comes to our aid, or I am going to go crazy here!"

Daniel chuckled despite the tension, "Hang in there, Amber. Just a bit longer."

At that moment, they suddenly heard a sweet feminine voice echoing around them. It was neither too loud nor too soft, just right.

"Well done, kids. You all have managed to climb so far. Be proud of being born into your clans and having such prestigious blood running through you."

The arrogance in the woman's tone was hidden but still present.

"Now that all of you have reached your limit, it is time to start your real training. Don't be disheartened for not reaching the top. You will have plenty of opportunities in the future."

The children listened attentively to her words.

They did not miss when she said 'all of you.' Being born with intelligence, they could tell that all their fellow mates had finally stopped climbing.

The ones at the bottom could not help but wonder how much they had climbed so far, given the hours of difference between them.

Just as they were thinking about it, they all felt their bodies becoming lighter as the scene in front of them blurred and shifted into something else entirely.

Instead of the dense white fog, they were now facing a tall building built like a traditional Japanese house.

The roof of the house was steeply pitched and curvy, with deep eaves extending far to provide shade and protection from the elements.

They noticed that the windows were made of wooden frames filled with translucent paper, allowing diffused light to enter the rooms.

Overall, the house was mainly constructed using wood and looked beautiful.

"Did I allow you to speak? How dare you interrupt me..."

A frown was etched on her forehead, and there was a hint of anger in her eyes. Her long hair fluttered behind her with the sudden gust of wind.

"A man, you say... huh? Sir Dennis? Dennis Rivera, if I am not wrong..."

She whispered in a tone that carried hatred.

The pressure around her multiplied significantly as all the children present had their expressions change.

Oliver felt his knees buckle slightly, the weight of her aura pressing down on him like an unseen hand.


Oliver looked at her. The pressure was as heavy as what he faced on the mountain. It was as if someone was trying to press him to the ground.


He heard a noise and saw Alphonso collapse under the pressure, unable to withstand it.

Amber was gritting her teeth, trying to endure it with all her might. Her hand was holding a gem ball that pulsed with light from time to time. He was sure it was an artifact she was using to support herself.

Oliver closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He had to do something, or they might all collapse.

"M-Miss Alisa, may I know why you are angry?"

He said and instantly regretted it. The woman paused and looked at him. Suddenly, all the pressure disappeared from the atmosphere as if it was never there.

However, the next instant, all of it was directly focused on him as she stared at him intently.

"Why, you ask?"

"The name 'Dennis Rivera.' Whom did you hear it from?"

Oliver had a dark expression at the moment. The pressure on him was terrifyingly huge, far greater than what he felt on the mountain.

"I heard it from the clan elder," he said, his voice steady despite the weight pressing down on him. "Why does that name anger you so much?"

He looked at the woman with a frown. Why was she venting her anger on him?

Even so, if he bent down here, what respect would he have left? His mind raced as he sorted out the ways to stop this pressure bearing down on him.

He moved his head and looked directly at the woman who was the source of all this.Cheêck out latest novels at