Chapter 131: Elemental Chambers! Chamber of Fire!

Chapter 131: Elemental Chambers! Chamber of Fire!

Chapter 131

"Now that you all have managed to awaken your elements, it is time to start for real."

"The first phase of your training will focus on your elements. This will be to improve your elemental mastery over your awakened element."

Alison got up from the chair she was sitting on and said, "Follow me."

The children followed her as she led them outside the huge house, heading towards a small stone platform.

Oliver noticed a huge array carved on the ground with many complex runic symbols drawn on its surface.

Just looking at those symbols made his mind blurred.

"Get on the array, we are moving to our first location," Alison said in a plain tone as everyone gathered inside the array.

Alison moved her hand in a strange gesture before a gentle light enveloped all of them.

Oliver felt his head shaking and a sudden urge to vomit. Everything looked blurry, and his head felt nauseous.


He heard Daniel almost puke but in the end, controlled himself.

All of them showed unpleasant expressions as they stabilized themselves by sitting down.

"Oops! Is this your first time using a space transportation array? It is normal to feel dizzy initially. Don't worry, it's nothing serious. You will be fine in a minute or so."

She had expected them to be used to such space arrays given their clan background and lineage.

Nonetheless, after they settled down, they saw they were in an entirely different place. The crisp mountain air filled their lungs, carrying a faint scent of pine and earth.

He could not wait to enter one of these chambers.

"Let me give you all a small tour of the elemental houses first."

She told them to follow her as she led them into the first chamber.

"This here is the fire-attributed element chamber," she slowly pushed apart the heavy metal door.

Instantly, a heat wave swept past the whole crowd of children standing behind her.

She easily entered inside the gate, prompting the others behind her to slowly follow.

The moment they stepped inside, a blazing hot air assaulted their faces instantly.

Oliver could not help but close his eyes momentarily. Narrowing his eyes, his brows furrowed as he looked at the scenery in front of him.

In front of him was a pond of terrifyingly hot lava, its molten surface bubbling and churning with a menacing glow. The ground beneath their feet was charred and cracked, blackened coal scattered like the remnants of a forgotten inferno. The oppressive heat seemed to pulse from the very air around them, making it hard to breathe.

It was as if they were standing on the surface of a volcano at the moment. He could feel the heat from the ground through his expensive shoes.

He was sure that if he stepped inside barefoot, he would burn his soles immediately.

Not only that, but just the normal temperature in the room was very hot, and he was already starting to feel uncomfortable just being present inside.

"Agh-! It burns my face!" Amber cried out as she ran back to the exit, leaving the room at once.

"Tsk, tsk, she can't even handle this level of heat. Well, it should be expected given her endurance," Alison shook her head as she said this.

Alphonso heaved a heavy sigh, wiping off the sweat that streamed down his face like a river. Each breath felt like inhaling fire, his lungs protesting against the scorching air. His clothes clung to his skin, drenched in sweat, as he desperately tried to find some relief from the relentless heat.

It was as if he was inside a literal volcano. He was relieved that he was not the first one to escape the room.

"I—excuse me, but I cannot stand here anymore... my skin is burning..." he said after a few more seconds passed.

In the end, Alphonso also spoke up. He could not tolerate it either.