Chapter 135: Training elements!

Chapter 135

'It's really testing my patience...' he thought with a forced smile as he pointed his hand toward the water lily once more.

The water in the lake remained stubbornly still, defying his attempts to draw it toward him.

Frustration simmered within him—how could he have so much espera and still fail to control the water? He tightened his focus, trying to force the water to obey, but it only seemed to resist more.

Was his technique the problem then? He could not feel that it was the case, he had been doing as per the instructions and his instincts.

If the technique was really the problem then he would not have been able to even cause the slightest changes or fluctuations in the water in the first place much less move anything.

But since that was not the case then he was sure it was not that the technique he was using to be changed.

He'd been at this task for what felt like hours, with no success.

The more he focused on trying to force the water to move, the less responsive it seemed.

'Hmm...' he pondered. Was the approach correct? Should he try something different?

A devious idea came to his mind at the moment...

'Should I just go and fill the cup with water from the lake?'

But in the next moment, he laughed it off. This was foolish, Alison would definitely not believe till he showed her a practical demonstration in front of her own eyes.

Not to mention, it was also his loss if tried to fool her. In the future, he would have to rely on himself only after all.

It had been some time since he was busy with this task without any outcome. He heard the sound of doors moving and Alison entering.

His concentration wavered, and he felt the cool dampness of the chamber starting to seep into his bones.


The creak of the door broke his concentration, and he glanced up to see Alison entering, her calm presence reminded him to take a breath.

Alison approached him, her eyes looking in the still-empty cup with a hint of curiosity. "Show me what you've been doing," she asked gently.

Oliver nodded, demonstrating his methods with a practiced but weary hand. Alison watched, her brow furrowing slightly, and then she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder to stop him.

She was quite surprised internally, given how many methods he had already shown her and used before her coming back. He must have consumed a lot of espera and was still able to keep going without a break.

'Did he drink a potion?' she wondered, as this was the only reasonable explanation for his stamina so far.

Alison had told him to harness his emotions—to channel his intense energy into focused power rather than letting it scatter.

And this was the most difficult thing for Daniel.

While it might sound advantageous that he could use his intense energy and emotions without restraining himself, to do that, he needed just as much focus and concentration.

He was required to have a calm mind to be able to achieve that. He had to achieve this through concentration, which was contrary to his hot-blooded nature.

He clenched his fists, feeling the crackling energy within him. With a deep breath, he focused, letting his emotions fuel the lightning. A bolt shot forth, striking the target dead center, and Daniel grinned, his eyes alight with triumph.

"Easy peasy...!"


In the glacial cavern in the Ice Chamber, Nadia had to create an detailed ice sculpture using her abilities. Her initial attempts were crude, with the ice either shattering or forming into unrecognizable shapes.

Alison's advice was clear: "Shape the ice with delicate finesse, not brute force."

Alison had taught her the importance of precision and control, to shape the ice with delicate finesse rather than brute force, which she seemed to be doing.

However, something that separated Nadia from others was her persistence and lack of interest in anything other than power and strength.

She was relentless, like an emotionless doll set to work tirelessly and infinitely. She would take feedback from her mentor and incorporate the teachings into her technique seamlessly.

She would fail, take input, repeat, and keep training, using ice to form a finely sculpted structure.

It was as if someone did not tell her to stop, she would keep on going until she fainted, so Alison had to ask her to pause in between.

Alison was particularly impressed with Nadia's tenacity and espera. So far, only Oliver and the two sisters had proven to be capable of having as much espera as her.

As for the sisters...

In the sunlit Light chamber, Evelyn's task was to manipulate light beams to create a specific pattern on a wall.

Her initial attempts resulted in scattered, unfocused light that failed to form the desired shapes. Alison guided her to focus her inner light, to control its intensity and direction with clarity and intent.

Evelyn closed her eyes, centering herself. She imagined the pattern clearly, feeling the light within her pulse in response. Opening her eyes, she directed the beams with absolute control, and the desired shape gradually took form on the wall.


Alison transported them all back to the dormitory using the array.

As the day drew to a close, the group reconvened in the dormitory, exhaustion etched on their faces.

Back in the cozy dormitory, Oliver joined his friends as they unwound from the day's events. All of them had exhaustion written on their faces at the moment.

Alison had promised them a meal, and they gathered around the large wooden dining table, anticipation mingling with their fatigue as they waited for her.