Chapter 148 Deciding on element combinations!

Chapter 148 Deciding on element combinations!

Chapter 148

In the end, after some thinking, she decided not to worry him. She was not sure whether that thing was real or just a fragment of her imagination experienced while being pulled out of a mystical environment.

Perhaps her mind deluded itself into imagining that thing and relating it to the force pulling her will out of Oliver's espera.

But she seriously doubted that. She had experienced that energy so closely it could not be fake or imaginary. The memory of its malevolent presence lingered, too vivid to dismiss.

She had felt her espera being devoured raw easily. The strong sense of corruption and disgust, that primal ominousness, was too horrific to be imagination.

She had seen demons before when her clan's exorcists would hunt or sometimes seal them and bring them back to study.

They reeked of dread and danger, but even compared to that, that black energy was terribly malevolent and unsettling; it gave off a feeling of death.

It was a darkness that seemed to swallow light itself, far more menacing than any demon.

She wondered what could be darker than a literal demon... and that too inside him, a human being.

She thought about what to do. Should she consult her mother?

Her mother had a friend who was a highly skilled exorcist, just like her, someone with a light element. She was far more knowledgeable about such matters than Evelyn was.

She should consult her mother and ask for advice. Perhaps they could tell the difference, whether it was her imagination or real.

If Oliver was really unaware of such a thing inside his body, this was a serious issue. He might be in danger.

That energy, no, that thing, could very well be a threat to his life.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, a sense of urgency gripped her heart as she realized the potential danger Oliver was in. Her resolve hardened, knowing she had to act quickly and decisively.

She had to prevent that scenario from ever arising. Despite being friends for only a few months, they had developed a strong bond. Their shared experiences had forged a connection she couldn't ignore.

They were her very first friends; she could not let such an impending danger loom over him and threaten his life in the future.

She had made up her mind to consult about it later or find a clue regarding that.

"Oliver, I know this may sound stupid or even weird... but please listen. Right now, I cannot tell you about this; I have to be sure about it myself first. But..." she paused before continuing, "...if you ever feel something odd happening within you, something dark or ominous, I want you to contact me first no matter what."

Her eyes bore into his, filled with earnestness and worry.

She spoke in a deadly serious tone, her voice did not carry even the slightest sense of childishness that should have been there.

'...Ah, it's the classic protagonist dialogue. Not sure about it but still willing to put everything into helping their friends. Cannot tell the victim about it, cannot discuss the future, cannot warn the victim. Just trust the protagonist.'

Oliver's lips curled up slightly; he found it amusing and quite interesting that Evelyn was willing to help him with a problem that did not even exist.

He admired her determination, even if it was based on a misunderstanding.

Yet he had no intention of stopping her from doing this. By the time she even got a clue about it, he would have already made sufficient preparations.

The next day, Sigfor was once again observing the children carefully. However, he noticed that the white-haired kid and the golden-haired girl were no longer practicing with talismans anymore.

'Have they finally achieved synergy?' he wondered.

He leaned forward slightly, his interest piqued.

If that was the case, then he had to say that he was quite impressed by their talents and coordination skills.

Water and light were two very sensitive elements, not to mention the light element was inherently dominant over other elements due to its nature as a hybrid element.

Maintaining or forming a balance with two such sensitive elements was incomparably hard for someone their age.

He was not expecting them to achieve it so fast and quickly.

They had immense talent. To achieve such a feat at this age was too impressive. He had seen countless individuals, and among them, hardly a few could have done this at such a young age.

He looked around; they were not the first ones to achieve synergy among themselves.

His gaze turned towards another table where Amber and Alphonso were engrossed in a sheet of paper, both scribbling down something.

She had ultimately forced Alphonso to follow her advice and give him hints. Of course, he had tried to stubbornly refuse, but she was so frustrated that she directly yelled all the hints and methods out in his ears.

Her voice had echoed in the room, leaving Alphonso stunned and speechless.

He could only look at her dumbfounded with disbelief at how crudely she had told him about it.

He was so shocked that he was not able to utter a single word at that time.

But somehow they had managed to sort it out with each other later and had been working on a possible combination since then, planning extensively.

"Elder Sigfor..."

A voice called out to him. He looked at the source of the voice, and it was the young girl called Evelyn.

Behind her was Oliver, who had a poker face while looking at him.

His expression was unreadable, but his eyes gleamed with anticipation.

"What is it?"

"Well, the thing is... we wanted to practice our element combination and if we do that here..." she turned around and looked at others, busy with concentration.

Her voice trailed off, concern for her fellow mates in case they created another massive explosion affecting their concentration.

"Hmm? You already thought of something?" he asked in a surprised tone. It had not even been a day since she and Oliver managed to achieve synergy with their espera.

And they had already managed to think of a possible combination?

He was quite amused and interested.

He wondered what he should say.