Chapter 160 Summoning spirits for weapons?

Chapter 160 Summoning spirits for weapons?

Chapter 160

Sigfor continued to polish the kids over the next few days, making them realize improvements through constant spars.

Sweat dripped from their brows as they lunged and parried, each clash of metal echoing through the training yard.

They were geniuses, quickly learning from their mistakes and correcting them in the next attack.

Each sparring session became a dance of precision and skill, their movements growing more fluid with every bout.

It was a fun experience nonetheless. Laughter and shouts of encouragement filled the air, the camaraderie between the kids growing stronger with each passing day.

They were still not able to hit him though.

Sigfor moved like a shadow, effortlessly dodging their strikes, his eyes gleaming with a certain pride.

The most notorious ones in his eyes were Oliver and Daniel when it came to wielding weapons.

Their strikes were fierce, their eyes focused, every swing of their blades driven by a calm and calculated force.

Both of them used weapons as if they were using their limbs, their movements always precise and calculated, making him feel a hidden intent.

Sigfor could sense their resolve, the fire in their hearts pushing them to surpass their limits

They might be the closest ones to hitting him once. So he was extra careful with the two of them.

He watched them with a keen eye, noting their progress and silently cheering their growth.

"Of course, it will not be as effective and potent as a permanent contract with a spirit. It will be far paler in comparison to that. But for dire situations, even borrowing the strength of a spirit temporarily could change the tides," he added.

"Spirits are not physical beings. They exist in spiritual form only. Their own strength is not noteworthy. However, we as exorcists bear the potential to bring out the most of their powers, and thus we form contracts with them."

He tapped his desk as he continued, "Spirits have always loathed demons and ghosts. This is also one of the reasons that ancient spirits were willing to come out of their realms and help humans push them back, even if it meant forming a contract."

"Spirits are beings closest to elements. There are spirits belonging to each element in existence. The bearer of the element will find themselves more drawn towards the spirits affiliated with their element than others."

"However, don't get excited just yet. Spirits are beings who are able to see through things most humans can't, which is your inner self," he said, stroking his long beard.

"Inner self? What's that?" Amber questioned.

"Inner self is the true essence of who you are," he explained. "It's your thoughts, feelings, and the core of your being that make you unique. While we often hide our true selves from others, spirits can see this inner self clearly. They understand your true nature, your strengths, weaknesses, and even your hidden desires."

"Damn! That's a breach of my privacy!" Daniel exclaimed in shock.

The room erupted in laughter, the tension easing slightly.


"Anyways, as I was saying, spirits are very picky beings, so match your pace to them while interacting if you happen to find an intelligent spirit, which is very rare," he said simply.

"Elder, I can't wait anymore. Can we start already?" Daniel groaned and asked.

"Be patient, brat. We are going to start." Sigfor's stern look made Daniel shrink back, muttering under his breath.

Sigfor frowned and berated him sternly, making the latter shrink in his seat.

"Follow me," he said, leading the group of children behind him to the entrance of the old mountain hall, the very place where they were when they had just arrived.

Sigfor bent down and stretched out his finger towards the ground, specifically towards a runic array drawn with blank ink on the floor.Ne/w novel chapters are published at