Chapter 201 Arriving at the park! Now where's the artifact?

Chapter 201 Arriving at the park! Now where's the artifact?

Chapter 201

She could only give up and look for other arrangements for the proud exorcist sitting inside the car. Her fingers trembled slightly as she scrolled through her phone, feeling the weight of her unusual responsibility.

Sigh, why do I have to do this? The thought echoed in her mind, a mix of frustration and resignation settling in.

In the end, she found a relatively good-looking hotel with a lot of reviews and booked a room for him. As for the duration of the stay, she put that on hold and let the exorcist inside decide it there.

"Not bad."

Oliver looked at the average hotel of this world, which was just like any normal hotel.

His eyes scanned the building, noting the modest architecture and the simple yet functional design. It wasn't luxurious, but it would do.

He glanced at the driver, and she shrank slightly. Her posture instinctively shifted, as if anticipating either praise or critique. He added, "Good job."

He opened his smartphone and paid her the money and the tip he had mentioned earlier.

"Many thanks! Great exorcist! Please use my services again in the future!" Her voice was now lighter, filled with excitement at the generous payment. The tension she had been holding melted away with the promise of future work.

She bowed excitedly as she saw the handsome tip in her account and quickly escorted him inside the hotel to the reception before leaving. Her footsteps were quick, almost skipping, as she hurried to exit after ensuring everything was in order.

Her earlier nervousness melted away, replaced by the thrill of having served such a prestigious client.

The staff inside was also extremely respectful, either already informed by the guards or the driver.

Their eyes widened slightly at his presence, whispering amongst themselves as they recognized the emblem of the Mystic Purge Clan.

He skipped all formalities and went directly to his room.

The hushed voices behind him faded as he made his way down the dimly lit corridor, his focus already shifting to more pressing matters.

With his speed, it didn't take him long before he reached the playground.

It was a huge park, of sorts, in reality.

He noticed some people taking a stroll or just sitting while watching children play.

Laughter and conversation filled the air, but none of it registered in Oliver's mind as he remained laser-focused on his surroundings.

He walked around the park, and under the guise of his cloak, no one could see his hair or face, which helped him a bit.

And with the [Cloak of Darkness] in effect, ordinary people had an even harder time spotting him, much less noticing him. The cloak seemed to absorb the light around him, rendering him almost invisible to the casual observer.

So despite looking shady with a cloak covering him, he was still able to inspect calmly.

It took him half an hour as he toured every corner of the playground, trying to sense any abnormalities in anything around the park. But despite being vigilant and careful, he found nothing.

Each sweep of his senses returned empty, the playground appearing frustratingly ordinary.

Of course, it wouldn't be in the Black Codex Federation if it was so easy.

Oliver had expected this outcome already. He was in the city mainly to fulfill the mission from Jenna to determine his rank in the organization.

As for the clan mission? He could delay it; there was still plenty of time before the deadline approached.

The weight of the mission wasn't pressing, allowing him to explore the city at his own pace.

It was enough that he could roam freely around for a good amount of time.

Oliver shook his head. His lips pressed into a thin line as the familiar feeling of dissatisfaction crept in.

It was indeed difficult...

...for a normal exorcist.