Chapter 210 He's short!

Chapter 210

They were under orders that no one was to see what was about to happen and that they must maintain a distance from the playground and park.

Whatever was about to unfold here was beyond anything they were equipped to handle. The officers had felt it in their bones—a primal instinct to retreat, to leave this business to those who could face such horrors.

Even the officers on duty didn't dare linger for too long after ensuring there was no one left in the playground. The unnatural quiet that followed sent a shiver down their spines. They didn't need to be told twice to leave.

This wasn't a horror movie, and they weren't main characters. They were simply ordinary people trying to survive in a world filled with extraordinary threats.

No matter what, they were still ordinary folk and could not withstand demonic beings on their own. They weren't armed with holy relics or mystical abilities—just badges and uniforms. They didn't have the confidence to deal with such supernatural phenomena.

They had seen enough reports to know that when an exorcist was involved, it was best to get as far away as possible. Exorcists didn't just deal with criminals—they dealt with things that could tear your mind apart, or worse, your soul.

Oliver was nowhere to be seen, which led to some confusion. The police chief at the scene couldn't help but call him back, to which he simply replied that they should not bother him anymore and evacuate themselves as well.

The chief was restless, however. His nerves were on edge, a low hum of anxiety vibrating through his body. His hands twitched at his sides, his instincts screaming at him to stay. Being the person with the highest authority in the area, he had the responsibility to stay back and assist if needed.

So, he ordered his subordinates to leave first and maintain a distance from the playground, prohibiting any citizens from wandering close to it. Their hurried footsteps echoed in the empty streets as they rushed to comply, eager to put distance between themselves and whatever was about to happen.

Only he remained near the playground, waiting for the exorcist to appear. He still had to ensure that the caller was authentic by meeting Oliver in person—otherwise, wouldn't they have wasted all their efforts and time?

"Didn't we just talk about it?" His response was flat, emotionless, but carried with it a weight of authority that left no room for doubt.

"Yes, definitely. It's just that there haven't been any exorcists in this city for many years, and I always imagined exorcists to be... erm... nothing, sir." The chief's words fumbled out awkwardly, his mind still grappling with the contradiction before him—this childlike figure, and the immense power he could sense underneath.

The chief's words stumbled out awkwardly, the sight before him clashing with everything he'd ever thought an exorcist would be.

The chief didn't know what to say to him, so he paused hesitantly mid-sentence.

Was it offensive to point out the child-like features? It wasn't just the strangeness of seeing a kid in this role—it was the sheer disconnect between what he expected and what was standing in front of him.

He wasn't sure what the protocol was in this situation, but he sure as hell didn't want to offend the boy standing before him.

He was contemplating if it would be offensive to comment on the child-like features. As an ordinary human, he was not familiar with exorcist customs.

If he mistakenly offended the exorcist, he would only be sowing unnecessary trouble, which he clearly didn't want to do. The tales of those who had insulted or crossed exorcists lingered in the back of his mind—none of them ended well.

Moreover, it could be that the other party was in disguise. With the strange and bizarre methods of the exorcists, he wouldn't be surprised if there was an old man under the child's skin.

Oliver glanced at the restless officer and knew what he was thinking. He was not unfamiliar with such glances; during the auction, there were multiple people who had doubted and tried to confirm his identity.

He was helpless in this matter and could only wait to grow quickly.
