Aware that Ji Dabao was too quiet, Ji Lian Huo didn’t have time to sort out his embarrassment. He took an orange from the fruit cart, carefully peeled off the peel, and handed a piece of orange to the cub on his back.

Ji Dabao held the piece of orange in both hands and took a bite to suck the juice inside. Because of the lack of nutrition, Ji Dabao only had two teeth. His body was smaller than children of the same age. He didn’t look like a year-old child at all.

Ji Lian Huo pulled the fruit cart away and handed the rest of the orange to the brat on his back. 

When Ji Dabao finished eating a whole orange, the two had already gone to the place where the stall was set up.

“Xiao Ji, why are you here to sell fruits again!” Ji Lian Huo pushed the cart to the position, and the old man who was selling candied chestnuts immediately walked over with a nervous face to ask while looking at the street 

“They still collect the protection fees, have you forgotten about your previous injury??”

“No.” Ji Lian Huo looked at the fruit on the cart and shook his head, his lips looked paler than before.

The old man followed Ji Lian Huo’s gaze and found a huge durian placed beside the cheap fruit on the fruit cart.

The old man instantly understood, and his eyes turned helpless.

When Ji Lian Huo set up a stall here before, some regular customers often greeted Ji Lian Huo and reminded him to buy durian.

Su City was in the north, it took a long time for durians to arrive in the market. At this time, Ji Lian Huo went to the wholesale market to purchase fruits and saw durians unexpectedly.

But he shouldn’t come here to sell it??

“You’re going to die?” The old man lowered his voice and looked at Ji Lian Huo’s shoulder subconsciously.

The picture of Ji Lian Huo’s shoulder being chopped by the gangster was still vivid in his mind. The old man’s brain felt numb when he thought of the blood, but the child didn’t say a word. 

He stared darkly at the gangster and held the blood-stained wooden stick tightly with one hand, and slashed it straight on the opponent’s head, making people tremble. 

“Dabao cried all night…” Ji Lian Huo picked out a few good-looking fruits, displayed them on the top, and said, “If I sell it, then I can take Dabao to the clinic to have a look…”

A fluffy little black head protruded from Ji Lian Huo’s shoulder and his big black eyes looked at the old man in front of him.

“Yoo, Dabao!” The old man kindly touched Ji Dabao’s head, took out a few fried chestnuts from his pocket, and stuffed it into Ji Dabao’s clothes.

Ji Dabao hurriedly raised his small hand to catch two fried chestnuts, but a plump chestnut rolled down, scratching his calf.

“What’s the matter??” The old man took a serious look at the wound, but luckily there was no bleeding.

“The stray dogs…” Ji Lian Huo put out the fruit, took out a gaping porcelain bowl from the cloth bag hanging on the fruit cart, and said, “Uncle Yu, can I borrow some hot water from you?”

“Ohh, boy, what are you borrowing?” The old man quickly took down a small teapot from his booth and poured half a bowl of steaming water into Ji Lian Huo’s bowl.

Ji Lian Huo took out a medium-sized gray plastic jar from the cloth bag, poured some rice flour into the bowl, and stirred the paste with the chopsticks.

Leng Ye, who had eaten countless delicacies in his last life, faced the bowl of rice paste, his eyes straightened, his saliva dropped, and his stomach growled.

After confirming the paste wasn’t hot, Ji Lian Huo took out a small iron spoon and slowly fed it to Ji Dabao’s mouth.

Ji Lian Huo lowered his head and carefully scraped the wall of the bowl with an iron spoon, and fed the last half spoon of rice paste into Ji Dabao’s mouth. 

After eating Ji Dabao touched his stomach and had a long-lost satisfaction.

“Xiao Ji, haven’t you eaten yet?” The old man took out a steel lunch box and handed it to Ji Lian Huo.

“My daughter-in-law made it for me. I can’t finish eating it. You can help me eat the rest. It would be a pity if it is wasted.”

“Thank you, uncle.” Taking the lunch box, Ji Lian Huo seriously bowed to the old man, and said, “I will definitely pay you back in the future.”

“Look at you, it is just some leftovers, child.” The old man smiled and went to his stall and started shouting at passers-by, “Sweet and hot fried chestnuts!”