Wang Zhao Mou’s eyes moved slightly, and he slowly stretched out his hand toward the child.

One of his fingers was immediately grasped by the child as if he was grasping a life-saving straw.

“Boss?” Old Qi softly reminded his boss.

Boss was still not sober yet, so he should stop him from getting excited and taking away the child in drunkness.

Wang Zhao Mou stared at the child in the teenager’s arms, and faintly noticed something strange.

A young child knew how to please him, is it normal?!

“Dabao seems to like you very much.” Ji Lian Huo mustered up his courage to say this weakly.

His phoenix eyes hardly dared to meet the man in front of him, and his ears were so red that they were about to bleed.

Hearing this, Wang Zhao Mou came back to his senses and smiled at the young man.

“Your child is very cute.”

And your child will be a big fool in the future.

Hearing the praise, Ji Lian Huo blushed even more. He tried to straighten his waist in front of Wang Zhao Mou.

“Reverse the car.” Wang Zhao Mou told Old Qi.

Looking casually at the youth’s fruit stand, he said, “Buy some fruit back.”

The boss had never done these things before.

Seeing the excitement was over, the peddlers who were watching the scene also returned to their stalls one after another. 

Uncle Yu stood behind his stall and from time to time he glanced to the side.

The young master of the Wang family was holding the plastic bag, and Ji Lian Huo carried Ji Dabao on his back again.

Looking flushed, he picked apples into the young master’s plastic bag with bright eyes.

He picked the best one, which was big and round.

When Master Wang said “some oranges”, Ji Lian Huo immediately took out a new plastic bag and picked out the best oranges in the basket.

He was simply the most conscientious vendor on this street.

After picking out two big plastic bags, Wang Zhao Mou took out his wallet, only to see that the teenager didn’t weigh the fruit.

He directly handed the fruit bags to Old Qi.

“No money.” Ji Lian Huo shook his head and said in a stuttering voice, “You… you are my benefactor.”

After saying those words, the teenager’s face turned red again. His eyes inadvertently dodged, and his toes curled up secretly.

Hearing this, Wang Zhao Mou smiled. He raised his hand to tease Ji Dabao a few times, said goodbye to Ji Lian Huo, and finally turned to get in the car.

Watching the black car drive away, Ji Lian Huo didn’t regain his senses for a long time. 

Uncle Yu came over and smiled “hehe”. 

Hearing the small laugh, Ji Lian Huo immediately turned his head and looked at Uncle Yu. His ears were still red.

“Today you are lucky and you met a noble person, but you have to listen…” 

Uncle Yu glanced at the half durian left on Ji Lian Huo’s cart, and said, “Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, don’t come here to set up a stall again.”

“I still have to sell this half.” Ji Lian Huo said with firm eyes.

“Do you want to sell durians, or do you want to see that young master Wang again??” 

Uncle Yu was a man, and he could clearly see through Ji Lian Huo’s mind.

Ji Lian Huo involuntarily looked in the direction the car had left and turned his head without saying a word.

“Listen to the old man’s words, today’s incident is just a coincidence, that young master Wang can’t always protect you…”

“And those gangsters won’t let it go, do you understand?” 

Uncle Yu earnestly added, “If the young master Wang comes later today, your leg would have been broken, who will take care of Dabao??”

Hearing this, Ji Lian Huo said nothing.

He looked down at the cardboard box with small fruits left, took the small blackboard with the price of the fruit, and adjusted the price down.

Seeing this, Uncle Yu took out a crumpled ten-dollar note from his arms, and slowly handed it to Ji Lian Huo.

“Xiao Ji, the uncle won’t harm you. Take this money and go to see a doctor for Dabao, and let him look at you too…”

“After bearing so many sticks, at least you have to buy some safflower oil to apply it, so as not to cause root disease in the future.”

“I can’t take your money.” Ji Lian Huo shook his head and pushed the money to Uncle Yu.

(Translated by Beauty Brute.)