Chapter 61 Massacre

61 Massacre

As Emir surveyed the area, trying to locate the rest of the gang members, he felt a sharp, searing pain in his left shoulder.

It took him a moment to register what had happened, but soon he realized that two more gang members had snuck up on him, catching him off guard, shooting at him from beyond the range of his information gathering device.

Despite the pain, he managed to keep his wits about him and quickly sought cover behind a nearby stack of wooden crates.

The gang members continued their barrage, their bullets whizzing past him and shredding the crates into splinters.

Emir sensed his augmented suit depleting its power, but that was no excuse to give up.

He cautiously emerged from behind cover and quickly identified the two attackers.

They were slowly advancing, guns aimed at him.

With a swift activation of his ability, the world around Emir slowed to a crawl.

The bullets were visible as they flew towards him, giving him enough time to react and dodge.

Without wasting any time, he fired back with precision, taking out the first attacker with a single shot to the head, but the second one was more cautious and had taken cover behind a pile of rubble.

Emir charged towards him while firing his HX-10 assault rifle.

Bullets grazed his arm, but Emir kept moving forward, determined to take him out.

Reaching him after a quick sidestep, he pulled the trigger, ending his life with a lethal shot to the head.

Then suddenly, Emir heard the sound of approaching footsteps, and as he turned around, he spotted three members of the Steel Rats gang flanking him.

Wasting no time, he drew his rifle and fired two shots in quick succession, one hitting the first gang member in the upper chest and the other striking the second in the head.

The world around him seemed to slow down as he focused on his last target.

The third gang member fired a shot in Emir's direction, but he nimbly dodged it and responded with his HX-10 assault rifle, hitting him in the leg.

He fell to the ground, writhing in agony.

Emir moved swiftly, shooting them each a couple more times to ensure they were truly dead.

His adrenaline was pumping, and his body was recharged with energy as he remained alert for any further threats.

Checking his information gathering device through the visor, Emir spotted more signals coming up behind him, so he quickly turned around and aimed at the two incoming gang members.

He swiftly fired two shots, hitting both gang members in the head.

They fell to the ground, lifeless, but the fight was not yet over.

Emir noticed another group of signals some distance away to his right, coming towards him from the warehouse.

He turned to see a group of three gang members charging at him with weapons raised.

The first member swung his bat at him, but Emir ducked under the blow and countered with a swift punch to the gut.

The second member charged at Emir with a knife, but he dodged his attack and kicked him in the chest, sending him flying backwards.

The third member rapidly fired multiple shots with a shotgun right at Emir, but he quickly sidestepped and disarmed him with a swift kick to the hand.

The two of them were now locked in a fierce battle, their weapons blazing as they fought for dominance.

'Why is a small fry like this so skilled?! Goddammit, he isn't even a named character!'

Emir fired again, and the leader grunted as he took a hit to the shoulder, wincing in pain but not slowing down.

The steel rat soon fell to the ground, his weapon clattering beside him.


The fight continued on, with the steel rat and Emir exchanging shots, both of them using every trick in the book to gain an advantage.

The leader was quick and managed to avoid most of Emir's shots, his own return fire was just as accurate, and he had to dodge to avoid getting hit.

The warehouse echoed with the sound of gunfire as they moved around the room, taking cover behind pillars, crates, and rubble.

It was starting to feel like a warzone, it was deafening, and Emir could barely hear his own thoughts.

As he fired his rail gun once again, the leader dodged and returned fire with a burst of rounds from his SMG.

Emir leaped to the side and took cover behind a crate, reloading his rail gun as he did so.

He peeked out and saw the leader moving in for another shot.

Emir seeing his chance fired off a few rounds that grazed the rat's arm, causing him to stagger for a moment.

But he quickly recovered and fired back, forcing Emir to duck behind cover again.

This back-and-forth continued for what felt like hours, though it was only a few minutes.

They continued to exchange fire, each of them trying to gain the upper hand.

Emir was running on pure adrenaline at this point, his body moving on its own as he tried to outmaneuver him.

But despite the chaos, Emir remained focused, he had to be precise with his shots and conserve his ammunition, or he risked running out before he could take him down.

And finally, his opportunity came.

The gang leader made a split-second mistake, leaving himself open for just a fraction of a second longer than he should have, and with Emir's TDS ability, a mistake like that would cost anyone their life.

Emir didn't hesitate to fire a single shot, aiming straight for his head.

The bullet hit its mark with a resounding crack, and he immediately followed up with a couple more shots to ensure his cyborg head was reduced to scrap metal.

The steel rat soon fell to the ground, his weapon clattering beside him.

For a moment, everything was quiet.

The gunfire had stopped, and the only sound was the creaking of the warehouse around him.

Emir approached the gang leader, his weapon still trained on him, just in case.

But he was already dead, his lifeless eyes stuck staring up at the sky.

MC is now officially as strong as an entire low level gang, also I wanted to show how brutal fights can be in my writing, with all the descriptive smashing of skulls and gore, what do you guys think? GoldenStache