Chapter 67 Old-World

Chapter 67 Old-World

Upon bidding farewell to Mariana, Emir hastened his steps towards the delivery garage, eager to retrieve his newly acquired motorcycle.

Once he arrived, a security guard conducted a brief identification process before granting him access.

With the gate now open, he walked inside to find an impressive bike with a stunning black and red design that immediately captured his attention.

The mere sight of it sent a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, compelling him to hop onto the seat.

With a smooth connection to his neural network, Emir accessed the bike's systems and received instant instructions on how to operate it.

After completing the process, he commanded the bike to turn on, and the engine roared to life as he revved the handles.

The sound was music to his ears and confirmed that everything was working perfectly.

[Lyra, you can control the bike too, right?]

[Yes, anything connected to your neural network is something that I can control, with the same limitations as before.]

[Good to know, and thanks for the clarification my dear jailer.]

[Of course.]

With their brief exchange over, spanning only a few hundred milliseconds, Emir tightened his grip on the handles and issued a command for the bike to start moving.

And like a loyal steed, the bike obeyed, slowly making its way towards the exit of the garage.

After confirming his purchase with the security guards, he expressed his gratitude and exited the giant warehouse.

Emir set his course towards the wasteland, skillfully maneuvering his way through the moderate traffic, never exceeding the speed limit of 60 km/h set by the UEF.

The UEF had installed drones and sensors to monitor all vehicles on the road.

If someone was caught speeding for an extended period of time, the drones would be alerted, and the UEF would send a squad to apprehend them.

So he knew better than to show up on their radar.


As Emir reached the eastern border of the sector, he entered a shop to purchase some hunter rations, ensuring that he was fully prepared for any potential emergencies that might arise.

The rations cost him a few thousand UC, but it was a small price to pay for his safety.

With everything in order, Emir continued on his way, exiting the sector and venturing towards 'Arcadia's Bazaar,' a well-known ruin for hunters ranked 20 and above.

Emir activated his augmented suit's combat mode and replaced his potential hostile spotting radar with a GPS map that displayed multiple paths towards the bazaar.

The old-world maps were readily available on the network due to the hunter association.

Their daily patrols in the wasteland were driven not solely by the need to protect the sector but also by their need for revenue.

They were no charity after all.

So, during these patrols, the association collected data on the monsters, terrain, likelihood of acid rain, and other factors, which were then utilized to update the pre-existing maps, selling them at a price.

Many hunters who specialized in information gathering also sold their knowledge on routes and ruins, including details on monster numbers, rank, risk assessment, and interior terrain.

"Well, that's daylight robbery. What do you think this is—a five-star hotel? Man, with prices like that, you must be a millionaire by now, guarding this place like it's the academy."

The cyborg guard scanned his ID and handed it back to Emir, unfazed by his comments.

"This is a UEF-owned ruin, and they set the prices, buddy. The rules are the rules. Don't like it? Tough luck."

'Well, aren't you the friendliest piece of cybernetic hardware?'

Emir was not able to resist the opportunity to make a snarky comeback:

"Oh, I see... So how about I sell you one of my kidneys to park here for today? It looks like you already sold yours; I bet you got connections."

The guard chuckled, his metallic voice echoing in the cubicle.

"Hey, hey, don't give me any ideas, not that I have any. But seriously, be careful down there, and don't forget to get out before twenty four hours are up."

"Sure thing, Tin boy." He quipped.

The cyborg shook his head and snickered: "Ah, the joys of dealing with hunters."

Emir flipped him off as he drove into the parking lot while shouting:

"And thanks for the warm welcome, you lanky piece of metal scrap!"

Bootleg R*bocop didn't even react.

'What a guy.'

Descending from the bike, Emir slung his rucksack over his shoulder, strapped it on his back, and proceeded towards the entrance.

It resembled the bunker from the sectors, with a grand staircase leading downward and a separate section complete with a ramp for vehicles to descend.

The exterior was teeming with shops peddling all kinds of equipment, restaurants serving takeout, and insurance agencies staffed with the customary shady individuals one would encounter in any realm.

Arcadia's Bazaar was a remnant of the old world—a once grand shopping mall now buried deep underground.

According to the information package Emir received, the mall's floors had been swallowed by the earth due to the passage of time, creating a labyrinthine underground.

The mall tried to repair itself, and as a result, it had transformed into a vast underground district with interconnected walkways leading from shop to shop.

Quite unlike the traditional floors expected from shopping complexes.

But one shouldn't let the term 'district' fool them; this subterranean world was anything but flat.

Some of the shops were stacked on top of each other, forming multi-level structures, and with multiple entry and exit points leading to vast open areas.

Exploring Arcadia's Bazaar was like embarking on a treasure hunt through a maze.

'Now then...'

Descending down the stairs, Emir braced himself for the unknown dangers lurking in the depths of the ruin.

It had only been discovered a year ago, which meant there were likely still countless relics and treasures hidden away, waiting for the right hunter to uncover them.

With his rail gun and minigun securely fastened to his augmented suit and his trusty assault rifle at the ready...

Emir ventured forth into his first ever dive.