Chapter 912

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
The hidden islands of Mahar Lika are a special place as it is different from any other continent in the main world. It is located in the southeast part of the world, but it is protected by a layer of cloud formation. It is mostly unknown to the world and even its inhabitants are said to be unknown.

Only a merchants of Mahar Lika know of the way towards this island nation. This is also one of the reasons why the people of the eastern continent view the hidden islands as dangerous. They do not know of the abilities of the inhabitants there, but they know that even a merchant can go toe to toe with an immortal.

The reason that this island nation is hidden to the world is due to it being a real land of the divine. Gods and goddesses that are worshipped here sometimes come down from their divine realms. The gods and goddesses follow the strongest god in their group which is Bathala.

The only way inside the island nation is through special items that are blessed by these gods and goddesses themselves. Although not all of the gods and goddesses are able to descend since there are still restrictions since not all of the island nation could be fully transformed into a divine realm.

Kabrakan, Levin Cloud, and Peridot are currently facing inhabitants of the hidden islands right now. The inhabitants of the island nation are different from those of the central continent as they have tattoos on their bodies that are different per person.

"We came using an item that an old hermit gave us. It is this gourd." Kabrakan stated as he showed the item.

The inhabitants could not easily believe that an outsider managed to get permission from one of the blessed items. Since the blessed item has given them permission, they cannot necessarily attack them. Although, they still do not know why they were sent to the southernmost region of the island nation.

"If they came here using that then we must welcome them." One of the warriors that gathered whispered to the others.

"What do you think, Apolaki?" Another warrior asked as it seems that Apolaki has great influence over the inhabitants since they are waiting for his judgement.

A pillar of light suddenly shot down from the skies and a small figure suddenly appeared before them. The small figure is a two feet tall small chubby cute bipedal cow. The inhabitants of the island nation suddenly bowed towards the small figure as if they are afraid to meets its eye.

"A Ryujin, the Envoy of the Twin Gods, and a bull beastkin that has been given permission by one of the gods. I know your purpose here. Follow me." The small chubby cute bipedal cow stated as it used its cute hoof to gesture the three to follow it.


"May we know what to call you?" Levin Cloud asked while holding back Peridot that wanted to pinch the cheeks of the being that filled with divine power.

Levin Cloud could clearly feel that the small being is not something that they could handle if they were to anger it. It is bursting with divine energy to the point that one sneeze from it might kill them. It also managed to know of their real identities which is usually hidden from normal people.

"You can call be Bao. Welcome to the Island Nation of Mahar Lika." Bao stated as it proceeded to walk towards the inhabitants.

"You can also come, Warrior of the Supreme God." Bao stated as he looked at Apolaki.

"Thank you, Blessed One." Apolaki stated as he stood up and walked beside the group.

The inhabitants that gathered dispersed since a Blessed One is already present. The outsiders will not be able to defile the land if they ever came to harm it. They will only gain divine punishment if they make a mistake in front of a blessed one.

"Can you tell us why they call you the Blessed One? I know that you are made of divine power, but you are not necessarily a living being. From what I can see, you are a being that is a fragment of divine power which means you are part of a god." Levin Cloud stated.

Apolaki could not believe that someone immediately noticed the real identity of the Blessed One. He only learned of it when he became the Champion of Bathala. It seems that the elf looking player in front of him is not an ordinary player. The fact that they reached the southernmost region of the island nation is already a testament that they are not ordinary.

"As expected from the Envoy of the Twin Gods, you are able to discern my real identity immediately. I am part of a God, but I am but a wisp in the mortal realm since there are still restrictions. What I am surprised about is that two of the descendants of the Asmodian Races is forming a group.

From what I remember, the five races that hailed from the Asmodians are not necessarily great friends with one another. To think that they are already working together, it seems that the world has already started to fall into chaos once again. That is the only time that all of you gather anyway." Bao stated.

"The world outside is already different as a dark god managed to descend to the mortal plane. The barrier that keeps the divine realms away has already started to falter. It will not take much force to destroy it completely.

The Asmodian races are already finding the lost divine items needed to restore their strength. This is the reason why we are here in Mahar Lika." Levin Cloud replied.

"I know because I can feel the divine item pulsing from that beastkin over there. I am also here to propose a deal because I also need your help. Rather, I need your help in maintaining the health of all the Carabao clan." Bao stated.

"They are dying out. Am I correct?" Kabrakan stated.

"A bit blunt but you are correct. The rate at which an offspring is born is much longer compared to their lifespans. They are an important citizen of this island nation as they are great farmers that provide food to majority of the inhabitants of Mahar Lika." Bao replied.

"Is it alright to say important matters like that, Blessed One?" Apolaki interjected as Bao is basically saying secrets that only important people in the island nation should know.

"They will know sooner or later. The very Envoy of Life and Death is here which means he can detect the problem." Bao stated as he pointed to Levin Cloud.

Apolaki did not easily believe that an elf will be able to discern the life and death of NPCs, but his mind is not close to the option. He also wanted to help the Carabao Clan to regain their numbers, but he could not easily do so. The island nation might be controlled by the gods and goddesses but that also means that the monsters here are also very strong.

"The elements are also plentiful here. No wonder the people here are blessed with mana. If the Carabao Clan is indeed dying out like the other beastkins then we must make sure that we complete the quest at all cost." Peridot stated as she could not restrain herself anymore and rubbed the belly of the Blessed One.

"Your friend is being a bit disrespectful." Apolaki stated.

"It matters not. She will be a great help for you as Ryujins have tendency to be curious of things." Bao stated.

"Uhm…I wanted to ask you this, Blessed One. From what I can tell, she is just an ordinary human, and the elf is still a normal elf, but I could feel divine energy from him. Will they be able to handle the task that needs to be done?" Apolaki finally let out what he is thinking.

"Hmm…it seems that you need more training in terms of perception, Champion of Bathala. He is not a normal elf but a Leshy. He only looks like an elf because his real form is being sealed. The woman is a Ryujin and is considered nobility of the eastern continent.

They rarely interact with the outside world which is why even you might not have seen what they look like. She might look human but if you look at her closely then you will feel the breath of a dragon. Dragons are very rare in the island nation after all." Bao stated which greatly shocked Apolaki.

He suddenly had the urge to battle all three of them when he heard that they are not normal players. In fact, he is a bit skeptical why they did not participate in Pandelympics. They might have gained numerous fans and exposure to their nation.

"I know that it might be a bit rude, but can I know which country you guys live?" Apolaki asked as they might be new rivals for the next Pandelympics.