Chapter 998

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
"That is actually a Tiny Titan. An offshoot of the titan race that should be hundreds of meters tall. It is said that the Tiny Titans are a result of using titan blood on a homunculus. To think that one is still alive to this date." Vepar replied.

"What are the things that we need to be wary off when fighting one?" Cersei asked.

"That is just it. You do not fight one. Even if it is a watered down version of a titan, it is still a titan. It has the strength of a thousand men, but you could probably just focus on rescuing the half elemental. It is currently chained up and is being slowed down by heavy shackles." Vepar replied.

"What should we do next?" Soleil asked.

"Someone needs to distract the Tiny Titan while we free Vayu." Cersei stated.

"I can be the distraction, but I will need support since my abilities are restricted in this human form." Kanlaon stated.

"I shall support you then. Soleil and the Shade will be enough to find a way to free Vayu." Cersei stated.

With the roles now defined, the group immediately leap into action. While the Tiny Titan is busy with giving out food, Kanlaon used his frost dragon ball to blast the Tiny Titan into an ice sculpture. Soleil and the Shade immediately went to Vayu's location while hidden by the Dark Veil.

"He actually blasted it into an ice sculpture with just that one attack." Cersei muttered as he is in clear shock.

"He is still a dragon, my darling Cersei. Even if he uses human form that is still a Genesis Dragon. That attack will also not stop something like a Tiny Titan that easily." Vepar stated as the ice began to crack.

The Tiny Titan then emitted a loud grunt as it shattered the ice that froze its body. It only took three seconds for it to break through. If it did not have inhibiting shackles on its body, then it would have taken less than one second to do just that.

"Darkness!" Kanlaon stated as a wave of darkness swallowed the Tiny Titan.

The wave of darkness that swallowed the Tiny Titan would then be ripped to shreds by the enemy as if it is paper. Kanlaon did not expect something like that would happen as darkness is intangible. He even got tips from Sirius to use the darkness element.

"How is that possible?" Cersei asked as she started to use hexes and curses on the Tiny Titan.

"That should be the innate ability of the Titan Race called Indomitable. It makes them unaffected by elemental restraints which is also the reason they are feared back in the day. They make the world bend to them due to their sheer size and might. It seems that the Tiny Titan has that ability despite not being a proper Titan." Vepar stated.

"You could have started with that. I already used binding curses against it." Cersei stated as she also informed Kanlaon of the ability of the Tiny Titan.

'This chapter is updated by N(o)V(e)lB(i)n.',

"You should not worry about curses because it is the bending of natural elemental order. It should be effective against the Tiny Titan, but you will not be able to damage it as they are also thick skinned as a result of that ability." Vepar stated.

"That should be enough!" Cersei stated as she completed the hex.

A black rope made of devil energy then wrapped around the feet of the Tiny Titan. Due to this, the Tiny Titan dropped to the floor face down because it tripped. Kanlaon then utilized his earth dragon ball to create earth spikes to keep the Tiny Titan pinned to the ground. He then followed it up with more elemental attacks to make sure that it stays down.

"Lady Soleil! This is the prison." The Shade reported as they could see Vayu chained up.

"Papa!" Soleil stated which made Vayu look at the direction of the voice to make sure that he is hearing correctly. He might be chained but he could still wiggle his way to the direction of the voice.

"How did you get here?" Vayu asked as he has been trapped here for quite some time.

"Big Brother Equinox helped us get here when we finished dealing with the angels. We hurried here after the Shade reported that you were captured. Do you know how to get out of this prison barrier?" Soleil stated.

"I could have gotten out if I could exert strength, but these chains are restricting it. The barrier is also sapping my mana which is why I cannot muster any elemental magic. You can break the barrier using Regulus' full attack power." Vayu stated as he knew that only pure physical power could break the barrier.

Regulus might be an elemental animal that Soleil summons, but it is also of the fire element. The fire element is versatile as they could either turn themselves into fire or into physical force. Only those that can control the fire element perfectly are able to this which Soleil has already mastered. She could make any fire mage cry for their lack of talent in this field.

'This chapter is updated by N(o)V(e)lB(i)n.',

"Go! Regulus!" Soleil stated as Regulus opted for a three meter tall appearance this time.

Regulus filled itself with so much fire elemental energy that its crimson fire mane became physical in nature. Its body is also starting to turn into a physical manifestation while Soleil collected a lot of mana from the surroundings to create this feat.

When Regulus' appearance became solid enough, Soleil casted support magic on Regulus to boost his physical defense and attack even further. With just one slam of its gigantic red body, Regulus shattered the barrier that imprisoned Vayu and also cracked some of the barriers next to him.

Soleil touched the chains that bound Vayu, but her strength is also restrained as a result. It seems that the chains are something that affects everything it touches. They would need to cut or destroy it using a weapon.