Chapter 1001

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
Kanlaon persevered in trying to trap the Tiny Titan using darkness, ice and earth elemental magic. Cersei is supporting him in reducing the magic resistance of the Tiny Titan but even an opponent that powerful would gain resistance to the spells. They could clearly see that the enemy is becoming less and less held down by the spells.

Kanlaon tried to freeze the Tiny Titan once more, but it escaped immediately as its body is now covered in a burning red aura. The markings on its body became even more crimson as if it is reacting to the feelings of the Tiny Titan. The physical power of the Tiny Titan is rapidly increasing and the restraints that kept it from going berserk could be seen cracking.

Cersei is trying to complete her curse when the tray that brought the food to the prisoners is sent flying to her location. Kanlaon immediately used the wind, fire and light dragon balls to block the flying metal cart. The speed of flight of the metal cart shocked Cersei which made her stutter in conjuring the curse which cancelled it.

She is actually inches away of getting slammed against a metallic cart if not for Kanlaon's saving grace. Kanlaon saving her did create an opening for the Tiny Titan to charge towards Kanlaon as it managed to shorten the distance. The Tiny Titan tried to grab Kanlaon, but he used the remaining dragon balls to launch a quick attack.

The Tiny Titan just easily blocked the dragon balls with its two arms that were not bound. The Tiny Titan hit the dragon balls with such force that they wind, fire, and light dragon balls got stuck on the walls. Kanlaon could not pull the dragon balls back to his general area due to this, so he suddenly sprouted his tail.

Just as the Tiny Titan is about to make a crushing grip towards the small Kanlaon, a large dragon tail slammed it away from the side. The strength of the Tiny Titan is apparent but the sudden strike from the side made it trip. With the sudden respite, Kanlaon made his dragon balls that were stuck emit intense energies which loosened the grip of the walls.

The Tiny Titan stood up once more and the chains holding it down started to get looser as it started to crack. The pillory, where the tiny titan'shead and two arms are constrained, could be seen to also start breaking apart as the rage of the Tiny Titan is getting to the extreme. Its health is also in the 60% range which means its berserk state is almost upon then.

"We have rescued Papa." Soleil stated as she brought Vayu that is still bound by the chains that prevents him from using his strength.


"Good! We just need to get out of here." Cersei stated as she knew that fighting the Tiny Titan should no longer be their priority.

The group decided that escaping is now the priority, but the Tiny Titan is blocking their exit. They could try the other door from where the Tiny Titan entered but they do not know where it leads to. Just as they thought that all they need to do is escape, a warning from Vepar suddenly alerted Cersei.

"My darling Cersei, a powerful mage is coming to this area." Vepar stated which made Cersei frown.

"The royal mage is coming." Cersei told the group which meant that something happened to Equinox, but they know that he is not dead because no notification about his death arrived.

Just as Cersei told the news of the royal mage coming to them, the chains and the pillory of the Tiny Titan suddenly started to emit a creaking sound. They all looked at the direction of the sound to see that the chains slowing the Tiny Titan broke and the pillory unlocked.

The Tiny Titan emitted a loud roar and charged towards the group with all its might. They tried firing spells at it, but it seemed to have created some sort of shield or barrier that deflected incoming projectiles. The force barrier only blocked the front of the Tiny Titan as the spells released by Kanlaon that hit the back of the enemy still damaged it.

"Regulus!" Soleil commanded as the three meter tall flaming lion met the charge of the Tiny Titan.

They expected that the two will make each other get knocked back but Regulus actually got sent flying. Regulus crashed to the wall as its flames flickered. If Regulus was a normal beast, then it might be dead or unconscious already just from that attack.

Regulus might have been heavily damaged, but a six-layer combined magic circle suddenly appeared in mid-air as a golden smoke is scattered in the room. Kanlaon reverted to his original form albeit in a smaller form to fit inside the prison and blasted the Tiny Titan with its dragon breath.

Numerous elements affected the Tiny Titan, but it did not get any status ailments due to its tenacity. The dragon breath did push back the Tiny Titan, but they could not go to the exit as of yet. Cersei decided to place curses on the Tiny Titan as it is being blasted by the dragon breath.

Soleil collected more fire elemental energy in the surrounding as she tried to make Regulus recover. The amount of energy needed to make Regulus recover is much more that she anticipated. If they were actually hit by the tackle of the Tiny Titan, then they would have been dead because Regulus is resistant to physical attacks.

"Hold onto me!" Kanlaon commanded as his dragon breath ended but the Tiny Titan could still move.

The others immediately did as they are told as Kanlaon fired his dragon breath on the roof of the prison. The Tiny Titan knew that the intruders are going to escape which is why it forced its body to jump high. Kanlaon did not even bother hitting the Tiny Titan as he just flew while biting the enemy.