Chapter 1012

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
Awraka got fully healed by Saena while she had a bit of difficulty with the thing afflicting the young boy. She could be seen struggling a bit as the thing affecting him did not want to get eaten. Cersei felt that the thing affecting the boy is a curse which is why she lent her expertise and weakened it. Finally, the boy opened his eyes.

"Hello. What is your name?" Adrian asked as the boy woke up when Saena absorbed the Curse of the Slumbering Light that affected the boy.

The Curse of Slumbering Lights was not an easy curse to absorb because of the immense magic power used to cast it. It only became weakened when Mishiel got killed and Cersei weakened the curse using her mastery of curses and hexes.

"My name is Amun. My father gave me that name. What about yours?" Amun asked.

"My name is Equinox." Adrian replied as he introduced the others.

"Nice to meet you Equinox. Will you send me to my parents?" Amun asked which slightly shocked Adrian as the boy could more or less judge a character.

Adrian then activated his evil eyes and saw a blinding golden light present inside the boy. It seems that the boy has a shard of a god in his body. He does not know if he was born with it or was put inside of him. With the way the divine soul shard is not getting rejected by his body, Adrian assumes that he was born with it which means he is special.

"No wonder he got taken away instead of being held captive inside the Church of Light." Adrian thought as he called Kanlaon down.

"I think I am needed by my guild as the battle has become much more troublesome. There were monsters that are filled with curses. Can you send me to Neo Alfheim?" Cersei asked as the messages in the guild channels are flooded with monsters like that.

"Sure. My Teleportation spell should send you there. We can just ride Kanlaon to the Kingdom of the Sun." Adrian replied as he used Teleportation on Cersei which led to the center of Neo Alfheim.

"Cool! Can we do that?" Amun stated with eyes full of curiosity and wonder.

"We will do something better and ride him there." Adrian replied as he pointed towards Kanlaon which elicited an even bigger reaction from Amun.

Adrian and the others then rode Kanlaon with Amun being in the front. Adrian is just at the back of Amun in case something happens. They rode towards the Kingdom of the Sun with a blatant attitude because Kanlaon is now in his true size which is about a hundred meters long.

He suddenly had a growth spurt when he entered the level 200 range. Even Adrian is shocked at the sheer size, but he expected that of a dragon said to be the first created. The guards of the Kingdom of the Sun are alarmed of a sudden gigantic golden dragon coming down towards their kingdom.

They did not fire the ballista and arrows because they saw the prince riding on the dragon's back. They also received commands to not be hostile as the other party is not even hostile. If the other party would be hostile, then they would have used their prince as a bargaining chip.

Kanlaon perched on the castle walls and peered his head on the veranda atop the castle. The others got off there as well while Kanlaon got unsummoned by Adrian. Creepysoo could be seen relaxing outside while disguised as a human. It seems that he is enjoying his time as a guest in the kingdom.

"Mommy!" Amun shouted as he ran towards his mother and began telling the things that he experienced.

"Thank goodness you are alright my dear prince. Why don't you tell me about it in full detail? You must first get cleaned." Esett stated as she looked at the servant and the knight to escort the prince away.

"We held up our end of the bargain. Although there were some sacrifices, we managed to get the prince back safely." Awraka stated as Lycan and Solstice are currently logged off the game.

"I will adhere to my word. My kingdom shall become allied with the Avalon starting today." Amon announced as a system notification is received by every player that are in the kingdom.

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[The Kingdom of the Sun ruled by King Amon has allied with Avalon.]

[Any hostie relations with Avalon will be seen as challenging the King Amon's authority.]

"Thank you. The food price will be discussed by someone from my side. You can be rest assured that we will not let the people in your kingdom starve. We will continue to provide it at a low price until the Four Horsemen are dealt with." Adrian stated.

"Thank you. This kingdom is eternally grateful for your kindness. If you want, I think I know of one of the Four Horsemen. Do you wish to hear what the story my mother has told of the Mage of Scales?" King Amon stated.

The moment the group heard the term Mage of Scales, they immediately thought that it might be related to the Four Horsemen. Just as they thought that they will get the first trace, a world message is suddenly sent to every player in the region.

[The player, Amelia, has found one of the Traces of the story of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.]

"If you can tell us about the Mage of Scales then we will be grateful as it might provide us clues of about the Four Horsemen." Adrian replied.

"I see. Even the demons are not fond of them right now, but they were once the savior of humanity. The Four Chosen Riders to lead the cavalry of mankind against the dark gods. I do not know of the other three but one of the riders was called the Mage of Scales.

She originated from the nomad tribe that my mother came from in the western continent. All I know is that she was a famed user of earth magic that rocks and sands bend to her will. You must search for the nomad tribe that flows with the sands and could weave rocks.

They must know of more her story if you go there. I am sorry that is all the information that I could give you." King Amon stated.

"No worries. Giving us hints is already a great blessing to us." Adrian stated as they returned back to Avalon since that is where Solstice and Lycan will resurrect.

"This really sucks!" Solstice stated as she revived in Avalon.

"I do not think that dying like that suck. You did protect the boy from harm, and we delivered him to his parents without an injury to his body." Adrian stated.

"Maybe if you arrived sooner then it would not have sucked." Solstice stated.

"Someone sent messages in the group chat that you guys could handle it. We arrived a bit late because we needed to fly there. Going against a mage that could trap you eternally in a barrier is not as easy as it looks." Adrian replied but Solstice' eyes blazed as she looked at Creepysoo.

"Still, we have a big problem. The angels are becoming more and more troublesome. It seems that they are abducting people in the name of the Goddess of Light Luminaria. Well, the term abducting might be a bit much for some because they were enticed rather than taken forcefully.

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It seems that they are planning to replenish their force as many of the angels left. You did say that the other angels are looking for the other sealed gods and goddesses of light. We also have to deal with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." Lycan stated.

"Maybe do not think of the angels at the moment because they are difficult to track. We should focus on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse right now as the remaining time is ticking while only one trace has been found.

The streamer Amelia is also not streaming for a couple of days now which means she must have gotten something good from the chest or she found other leads on the traces. So, how do we go about this?" Adrian asked but a hand suddenly came dragging him away. That hand came from Ascalor.

"You will be coming with me because of the troubles that you have caused. Let your friends go along their way for the time being. I am pretty sure that they will survive without you." Ascalor stated as he dragged Adrian to the Paradox Planes.

"Well, there goes out method of transportation." Solstice stated.

"Actually! There is one more mage that can help us. Rather, it is a wraith. Du'an could probably send us to the western continent as he was the one that fetched me there when I accidentally got sent there." Creepysoo stated as he wanted to steer clear of Solstice' anger for assuming everything is fine.