Chapter 1021

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
"I do not know him nor have met him. Excuse us." Adrian stated which stunned the man.

The man in front of him is called Julius and he is the guild master of the Roma Guild. They managed to get a great territory from conquering one of the lesser level cities. He also pumped lots of money in order to develop the territory.

What made their guild notorious is the overcharging of the dungeons in the area of their territory. Since they are located in one of the most prominent low leveled cities, they made sure to greatly tax the players that dive the dungeons in the area. Some members of his guild also participated in PK when some players openly show contempt towards their guild.

In the end, the low leveled players could only succumb as the dungeons in the territory of the Roma guild is extremely lucrative when it comes to experience points. They only had to endure one month of paying heavy entrance fees so some did not pay heed to it.

"Please excuse us. It seems that you are wrong in assuming that you know our esteemed guest." Joanne stated as she emitted her sword aura to push back the ones blocking the way.

"You disrespectful!" Julius stated as he tried to grab Adrian's shoulder but a being hiding from the latter's shadow suddenly scratched the former's hand.

"That should be enough for a warning." Adrian stated while he glared at Julius.

Sirius is currently hiding in Adrian's shadow while Kanlaon is currently invisible around his neck. If Sirius did not scratch Julius' hand, then Kanlaon would have blasted it with different elements. He is quite lucky that the mild one was the one that attacked him instead of Kanlaon.

"I will remember this!" Julius stated but his words fell on deaf ears.

Adrian did not even bother to entertain him and just proceeded inside the establishment. He has met pretentious people like that, and he hates them to a certain degree. To actually say that they know each other is greatly reaching. He might have at least introduced himself if Julius greeted him first.

"Do you know that guy?" Onyx asked.

"Nope. There are a lot of people claiming to know me. The Champion of the Twin Gods title is something that gets unwanted attention." Adrian replied as Onyx barely interacted with other people.

They two of them are escorted into a luxurious room filled with all kinds of delights. It seems that the room is reserved for the two of them which made Adrian somewhat wary. They will not treat them like this if they only want their cooperation. One hour later, Joanne came back to escort them to the location of the council.

The stadium where the council meeting is held is grand and the area is already filtered from the start. Those that represent kingdoms are in the lower seat while those in upper seats are small town lords. Adrian is currently seated at the third row near the front, so it means that he is somewhat important.

The people are all looking at the two of them as demons are famed to be beings of destruction. It could be clearly felt that some people are still afraid of them as those seated near him avoided looking at him directly. He did feel this uncomfortable feeling of bloodlust and saw the representative of the Church of Light in that direction.

Adrian could clearly see that the representative and her two guards are angels. They are directing hostility at him because his Angel Slayer title is affecting them. It is actually a bit admirable that they did not charge towards Adrian despite their open hostility.

Adrian, being somewhat of a troll himself when he feels like it, suddenly wave towards the angels with a beaming smile. The representative of the Church of Light suddenly stood up but one of the guards brought her down. With that interaction, Adrian could now determine who is really in-charge among the three of them.

"Why did you provoke them?" Onyx asked as even he felt the bloodlust that the angels were sending towards their location.


"You are clearly your father's son." Adrian commented.

"It seems that Elder Ascalor and Elder Koronn's influence on you is strong. Maybe you should avoid hanging out with them too much." Onyx stated.

"Touché" Adrian replied.

With the stadium starting to get full, someone from the merchant guild stood in the middle. She looked like a pirate rather than a merchant from the way she dressed but she is one of the heads of the merchant guild. The one known as the Marine Shark, Elizabeth Shark.

"I thank all of you for attending this gathering that our merchant guild arranged. I will not make it long and get straight to the point. We have invited you because of the threat of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

They are not good for trade nor good for the people. We, the merchant guild, empathize with the majority of all life and want to bring them down. This has also been discussed with the prominent kingdoms of all the four continents.

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We implore you to join our cause in getting rid of the world threat. We are not doing this for free as we understand that the life of your armies is not free as well. The merchant guild will supply the allied army with the food to move all the fighters. We shall also provide adequate weapons that will be returned to us after the defeat of the four." Elizabeth Shark stated.

The whole stadium suddenly burst into discussion as they already expected that an allied army will be formed. What they did not expect is that the Merchant Guild will supply all the food necessary to move the allied army. To provide icing to the cake, they will also supply weapons and armors even if they will only lend it. Just as everyone is discussing the benefits, a hand suddenly rose from the third row.