Chapter 1071

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
"The other Horsemen of the Apocalypse are after us though. We cannot use the method that we got to kill the others. We no longer have a dark idol that can boost our power by triple." A female high ranking follower of the dark god stated as she could be seen licking a lollipop.

"The other guilds will surely want to kill the Horsemen of the Apocalypse now that it is proven that they could be killed without the useless quests of finding traces. They would not like their thunder be stolen as their egos are high. There is a reason why we published our achievement." Eldritch replied.

"Fine. Some rats have already appeared. I will have my fun then." The female high ranking follower of the dark god stated as she took out a huge scissor and left.


Just as Eldritch predicted, the top guilds focused on raiding the Horsemen of the Apocalypse rather than aim for the Heart of War that he has. The ones that aimed for the Heart of War are mostly small groups or solo players that are strong.

Some players even manage to reach Eldritch despite the numerous followers of the dark gods that they fought. In the end though, Eldritch still killed them all without mercy and flaunted his supremacy even more. The Horsemen of the Apocalypse that wanted to kill Eldritch became sidetracked by the numerous guilds that attacked them.

Meanwhile, a three guild masters came to Adrian to ask for an alliance. There were others that came to him for an alliance, but they did not like Adrian's demands. They agreed that they would pay ten thousand gold per teleportation of their army, but some did not like that Adrian will take first loot.

The appearance of the Heart of War in the loot made many of them turn away even more. In the end, the talks about the alliance became a means to measure one's greed. Adrian just wanted to get first loot because the vague quest items must come to their group.

The three guild masters that visited him in Avalon are none other than Anastacia, Siegfried and Ain. It seems that three have a good relationship that could be described as somewhat friendly. It seems that they also know each other from past video games as they were once part of the same guild when they were newbies.

"I can agree with his terms." Anastacia stated as she knows that Adrian keeps to his word.

"I want to agree but can you lower the bar if we fail to kill the Horsemen of the Apocalypse that we are aiming for?" Ain stated as he is not sure that they will be able to kill the Horsemen of the Apocalypse in one try.

"I agree with Ain. Although ten thousand gold is not much to top guilds like ours, it is still the blood sweat and tears of our allies. We need to be flexible at the very least." Siegfried stated.

"I think I get your points of view. How about this? The first and second portals will be ten thousand gold each and the third will be free. If we cannot kill it on two attempts, then the last transport will be free since even I want to get revenge on losing for three times." Adrian stated.

Ain and Siegfried looked at Adrian and they can tell that he is hiding something, but they do not need to pry. Sources tell them that they were the ones that found the second trace that was announced earlier. There was even a video of the golden chest descending towards Avalon.

"I think I am fine with that offer. Since we are also fighting with you, I am assured. I am sure that the Daemos also wants to kill the Horsemen of the Apocalypse." Siegfried stated but Adrian burst his bubble.

"Oh! The Daemos will not be participating on the battle with us. When I said 'we', I actually meant me and my friends. The Daemos could care less about the Horsemen of the Apocalypse running about. It was a problem made by the humans after all that was orchestrated by the Church of Light." Adrian stated which shocked the three.

They did not expect the Daemos will not move for a threat like the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They moved back then when the dark god descended so they thought that they will do so as well. What perked their interest even more is that it was the Church of Light that created the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Adrian told them how the Horsemen of the Apocalypse were created but not their powers. He told them that it was the Church of Light that really betrayed them back then. The three guild masters did not easily believe the claim, but they pieced together information to point that Adrian is indeed telling the truth.

"Our first objective would be the Horseman of Death. We shall move in ten days as we also need to prepare for battle. We have already given you the coordinates and we also have a chat so inform us if you are ready." Anastacia stated.


"Ten days huh. That is more than enough time to hunt down a follower of the dark god." Adrian stated.

"Do not tell me that you will actually hunt down Eldritch and try to get that Heart of War?" Ain asked.

"I will. I need to pay him back for last time." Adrian replied.

"I suggest that you change your mind. He is not an easy foe because all three of us have suffered defeat from him." Siegfried added.

"I know that because I fought with him before to a tie. I will call it a tie since I did not really die." Adrian stated as he remembered that he did die but he got revived by his skill. He believes that fight is a tie since his character did not get logged out.