Chapter 1212 Sun Shard III

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
[Desert Sun Pharoah Beetle Sun Core (Broken) Durability has increased to 19%.]

Adrian's hunch turned out to be true as he put two and two together. He then felt something wrong with how the Desert Sun Pharoah Beetle is grouped up with the Desert Sun Beetles. He has thing creping feeling that they did not group up because this is the best spot.

Adrian thought that the Desert Sun Pharoah Beetle is actually attempting to refine the other Desert Sun Beetles that were around it. The sands were actually just a means to absorb their life force as the Desert Sun Pharoah Beetle will have very low efficiency in absorbing the light of the sun by itself.

"If that is actually the reason then what kind of monster will result in a being that basically refines the soul of other beings. A monster's core is where their souls are usually placed which means it would turn into a chimera." Adrian thought as he proceeded to feed the broken sun core with the remaining Sun Shards.

[Desert Sun Pharoah Beetle Sun Core (Broken) Durability has increased to 89%.]

Adrian used all of his fifteen Sun Shards, but it was not enough to fully repair the broken sun core. He could try and find more Desert Sun Beetles, but he cannot see any living being on top of the sand. It seems that searching for the remaining Desert Sun Beetles will take a long time since he already sent the two back home.

"I guess I should check up on the Temple of Bastet. They seem to have gotten in trouble because of us." Adrian thought as he vanished from his location along with his soulbounds.


Adrian appeared on the steps of the Great Gorge and saw that the Golden Warriors stationed there looked so tense. They look like they were shaken by something, and Adrian already knows what because he could sense the four distinct divine energy signatures from the temple.

"I think this is not a great time to be here, Champion Equinox. Other avatars have come to the temple, and they are currently the ones that have yet to leave. Others left earlier to our surprise but there are three that has yet to leave." One of the Golden Warriors stated as she did not want Adrian to get caught in the problem of other temples.

"It is fine. I will leave once my business is finished with the High Priestess Estet." Adrian stated but a powerful gust of wind suddenly is shot towards his location.

The powerful gust of wind blew the golden warrior away from Adrian while he remained unscathed. Kanlaon is currently coiled around Adrian's neck in his smallest form but that does not mean his power is diminished. Kanlaon easily made the wind that hit Adrian become a gentle breeze that cooled his body.

Adrian, on the other hand, did not take this show of force as something respectful. Without even batting an eye, Adrian gave the command to the Cube of Paradox to increase the gravity in the whole temple. The only ones that were not affected were the golden warriors, the priests of Bastet and Sadiki.

The others that were affected are either face planted on the floor or kneeling down due to the increased weight. If Adrian gives control to the Cube of Paradox with his abilities, it could easily fine tune it to make sure that those that Adrian does not want to be affected remain unharmed. Adrian could do it as well, but the Cube of Paradox controls it much better than him.

"Champion Equinox! I hope that you have the heart to forgive him." The High Priestess Estet stated.

"Eh! This is actually not that harsh of a punishment in my opinion." Sadiki stated as he walked around the two avatars kneeling on the ground because of the increased gravity.

The two avatars are shaken by the sudden increase in gravity, but they used their own abilities to soften the effects of the added pull. The two then glared at Adrian as they did not expect to embarrass themselves when they came here.

"Is this how the servants of the gods of the east treat others? What I did was merely a light greeting." The male avatar stated.

"What I also did is just my welcome reply. I just did not expect that you are not that able to respond in kind when I merely brushed off the greeting you made." Adrian stated which Sadiki burst out laughing.

Sadiki always thought that the Avatar of Horus is a bit too arrogant just because his god is the current de facto leader of the western gods. The woman behind her is the Avatar of Hathor which aids the Avatar of Horus when in times of turmoil. The western gods also have a promise towards each other to not fight amongst themselves when the western continent is already unforgiving.

"Avatar Cheops should not have done that to the Champion of the Twin Gods. I apologize for their sudden attack against you. You did nothing wrong by retaliating against such childish behavior." The High Priestess Estet stated as she did not expect such rash counterattack from Adrian.

The High Priestess Estet thought that the Champion of the Twin Gods was rather passive but still powerful being. It seems that she did not think that he also embodies two different selves as champions of gods with twins are usually two faced as they say. They have two different faces they show to enemies and to allies.

The Avatars of Horus and the Avatar of Hathor just blew their luck when they suddenly attacked him. She seems to know that Adrian was not happy with what they did since she already knew that he did not come here just for greetings. The High Priestess Estet knew that Adrian came here because he knows what trouble he caused and wanted to check on the Temple of Bastet.