Chapter 1360 Temple Of Horus I

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
The Shadow of Apophis immediately went towards the most important part of its body that it seeks. It wants to get he Venom Gland of Apophis as it already has the Fang of Apophis. The Shadow of Apophis can do physical damage but it does not have any magical damage which is why the physical tankers can easily ward its attacks off.

The western continent players have very built bodies that are durable to physical attacks. What the western continent players lack is the defense against magical damage. If the Shadow of Apophis wants to get the western continent under its feet then it should get the Venom Gland of Apophis first.

"The Temple of Horus should be my first attempt." The Shadow of Apophis thought as it already forgot the Sun God Ra since the other body is the one dealing with it.

The Shadow of Apophis has its connection to its body restored but they cannot go back to each other since the divinity is not enough. In order for the Shadow of Apophis to reach the main body, it needs to gather the other fragments and devour some beings with divinity.

The Shadow of Apophis already got some divinity from devouring the vessel of Ammit. It is now moving to the Temple of Horus to devour the Venom Gland of Apophis and the vessel of Horus. If it is the vessel of Horus, then it could gain powerful divine energy.

The Shadow of Apophis has already felt the other smaller beings looking at it as prey. It knows that the world has labeled it as an extreme threat. This world is sentient which is not known to the mortal beings as that would scare them.

The world itself is a living being that decides what it needs and what it does not. The only difference is that the world cannot move by itself to remove the threats in its life but make the beings that live in it to destroy its dangers. The gods also know of this which is why they thread carefully to not offend the world but the distorted gods do not care.

The distorted gods are beings that change the very nature of their surroundings since their energy can terraform anything with ease. It is also the reason why even a much more higher conscious called Pandemonium (the universe) rejects them since they are harmful to the fabric of reality. The world does not care of good or evil though as it only cares if it well taken care off.

"This world has already taken action but you are far too late. You should have done something when I was still gathering my power. This world shall be mine as I will become its new consciousness once I devour it." The Shadow of Apophis stated as devouring the world does not mean eating it physically.

The devouring of the world is a figure of speech that the distorted gods or any greedy god uses to describe them replacing the world's consciousness. In order for them to do so, the gods must be able to descend into the world physically. Although the consciousness of the world will be stronger the more mana is present.

The Distorted God Apophis will make sure that it succeeds as it already has a metaphysical body in the mortal realm. All it needs to do is destroy the divine realm of the Sun God Ra to make sure that its body can descend fully.

"Monsters under my command! Destroy these inferior creatures!" The Shadow of Apophis commanded the monsters in the vicinity that is under its control to attack all the players.

The players that were unfamiliar with the western continent were taken aback by the sudden appearance of numerous monsters. Some players even died already from the surprise attacks that came from underground. The western continent players had to pull their weight since the players that came from other continents became a liability.

Western continent monsters have one similar ability that is present in all of them. They have the ability to become stronger with the number of beings that they kill. With the number of players skyrocketing in the western continent, the monsters will definitely become stronger the more they die.

The Shadow of Apophis dove into the sand but it cannot fully submerge as part of its head is still peeking out. The Shadow of Apophis did not even bat an eye and went straight to the direction of the Furious Sand Cyclones where the Temple of Horus is located. The players cannot follow up to it easily because of the monsters stalling them.

Since a lot of powerful guilds are present in the western continent, they made sure to always stream what they are doing. It also means that the entire player base knows that the western continent might be doomed. They are also leaving comments as if they know what to do but that is what bystanders usually do.

The top guilds that have other teams made sure to follow the Shadow of Apophis. They left most of their people to chase the Shadow of Apophis which is a good and a bad decision. It is a good decision because they can reach the Shadow of Apophis but it is bad because most of those that were left are not their peak members.

Within a few hours, the Shadow of Apophis managed to reach the Furious Sand Cyclones. The Temple of Horus could be seen or at least a silhouette of it is. When the Shadow of Apophis has reached the temple, it was already being attacked by another temple. The Shadow of Apophis smiled as it knew who was attacking the Temple of Horus.

The Temple of Shesmu is the one attacking the Temple of Horus and the Shadow of Apophis is the reason. The God Shesmu has already been inflicted by the Distorted God Apophis back then. The Distorted God Apophis has tainted the God Shesmu back when the God Seth needed the other gods to attack it along with him.

The Distorted God Apophis made sure to not immediately infect all of the God Shesmu but do it slowly and methodically. The Distorted God Apophis did not want mindless beings like his current evil beings in Duat but a functioning pawn that can think for itself. It wanted a slave that can think for itself and that is what the Distorted God Apophis will do to the other western continent gods.

The Distorted God Apophis might be powerful, but it knows that there are other gods in other continents. If it wants to take over the world then it needs other gods to fight with other continent gods. It also knows that it will not go back to peak power when it becomes whole which is why it thought of this.


Inside the Temple of Horus, the Vessel of Shesmu is fighting against the Vessel of Horus. The vessel of Shesmu is named Lebou while the Vessel of Horus is named Har. The Vessel of Shesmu uses two scimitars as his weapon while the vessel of Horus uses wind magic as his main way of attacking.

One might think that the Vessel of Horus will win since he uses wind magic that is known for its piercing properties and long distance but reality is different. The God Shesmu is also known as the Demon God of Slaughter or Blood which is contrary to its other title which is the God of Oils and Perfume. The vessels of Shesmu are known for their incredible battle prowess.

The Vessel of Shesmu is even famed to be the most powerful vessel when it comes to fighting as Lebou defeated Sadiki when they sparred. The other vessels do not even dream of defeating Sadiki as he was the perfect vessel for the God Seth, but he was defeated by Lebou.

Har knew that he cannot defeat Lebou, but he is confident that he can make him retreat as they are in the Temple of Horus. The vessels of the western gods are more powerful when they fight in their sacred sanctuary. Har is confident that he can drive away Lebou but he suddenly felt the powerful negative energy coming from outside the temple.

"The Shadow of Apophis has reached the temple grounds! High Priest Har! You must escape while we deal with him." A few of the golden warriors of Horus stated as they surrounded Lebou.

"Do not tell me that the God Shesmu allied with the Distorted God Apophis!" Har stated in a shocked tone.

"My patron god did not ally with the Distorted God Apophis but serves the great one willingly! Only the Distorted God Apophis can restore the western continent to its peak glory! Your god should also submit to the Distorted God Apophis while there is still time." Lebou stated.

"The Sun God Ra has already resurrected! Even the Distorted God Apophis will perish under the true great god! You can still change and let us attack the Shadow of Apophis together." Har stated but Lebou did not care.