Chapter 1389 Collect Sun Stones II

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
"How should we distribute the teams?" Anastacia asked Frey and Adrian as they were the ones calling the shots.

The total members that accepted the mission is about three hundred. Since three guilds are sharing the mission and Evergreen has the most number, the Evergreen Guild will handle four location. Three locations will be under Briar Rose and Pantheon.

The distribution is not permanent though as each group can assist the other once they get the Sun Stone in their side. The two Sun Stones that are not in the western continent will be handled by a special team that will be determined by the difficulty of each. The Sun Stone distribution is still tentative as the moment as they need to scout it first.

With all of the scouting teams done, all of the guilds started to go to their respective locations. Adrian cannot teleport them to the locations as he does not have access to all parts of the western continent. He could teleport them to three locations though which he did for the teams that are assigned there.

For the scouting of the two Sun Stones that are not in the western continent, one is under the Briar Rose guild while the other is handled by the Pantheon guild. One of the Sun Stones is located at the eastern continent which will be handled by the Pantheon guild.

The other one is located at the unexplored and incredibly volcanic part of the southern continent. This one will be handled by the Briar Rose guild with the help of Frey. All of the respective teams agreed without much debate as they know that it was distributed fairly.


"We will have great trouble going to that location." Peridot stated as she knew the general area where the Sun Stone was located.

"Why?" Adrian asked as the members for his group are Levin Cloud, Peridot and Kabrakan.

It was quite a long time since the four best of friends were in a party with just themselves. They also sent the others to other parties as the ones in the western continents have demigods. They were not yet sure of the ones outside the western continent.

"The location of the Sun Stone is where the Imperial Family of the Eastern Continent resides. It is not an exaggeration to say that the location is the most heavily guarded area of the eastern continent. The whole Imperial City is under the imperial family. Even stores need to be vetted by the imperial family in order to sell goods there." Peridot stated.

"Are you not also considered royalty in the eastern continent?" Levin Cloud asked.

"I may be considered royalty but the members of the Imperial Family are real royalty. They are also descendant from a Ryujin that broke away from the clan. The imperial family members do not possess the same ability as the Ryujin, but they were gifted with the blessings of the four cardinal divine beasts." Peridot stated.

"Basically, they are a family that has Ryujin blood flowing in their system which makes them different from normal humans. They are also blessed by the Four Cardinal Divine Beasts of the Eastern Continent which means offending them is equivalent to offending the four beasts. They are basically untouchable in the eastern continent then." Kabrakan added in a tone of disbelief.

"There are also some rumors that the current emperor is a reincarnation of a god." Peridot added which made them open their mouths.

"I think we would have a better chance at getting the Sun Stone in the western continent that that solid fortress. Can you not use your connections to get us access in the Imperial City?" Levin Cloud asked.

"I can but the Ryujin are in a peculiar situation right now. There is a shadow organization in the eastern continent that is greatly restricting our influence as if they want to cut us off. It has come to a point that a Ryujin cannot travel by themselves as they will be targeted." Peridot stated as she had to move cautiously whenever she is in the eastern continent.

"Could it be related to those players that attacked Eldritch in the eastern continent? You know, the ones that stole the essence of a Knight of Apocalypse?" Levin Cloud added as that was the most likely conclusion.

"If they are involved then a fight with them will not end easily. The leader of that group is basically like our guild master here." Kabrakan added.

"We do not need to fight them if we encounter those people. We just need to scout for the Sun Stone and return it back to the Sun God Ra. I am quite the expert in sneaking things away as I got some good items from the Tower of Babel when I snuck inside the Silver City." Adrian stated as he was confident of not getting caught.

"It is good to be confident, but the females of Imperial Family have an ability to see through falsehoods. Just like Adrian, the females of the Imperial Family are often born with an evil eye. The only known ability of that evil eye is that of clairvoyance but the Ryujins suspect that there are also other abilities." Peridot stated.

"Can we just give up on this mission then?" Kabrakan stated in a depressed tone as his big body is not necessarily equipped for stealth missions.

Levin Cloud is about to raise his hand to second Kabrakan's motion but Adrian held it down. Adrian then took out the special trinket that was given to him by the Heihudie clan. He also has another trinket he could use but he does not know the influence of this one.

Adrian then looked towards the name of the Imperial city as it was named as Hinomoto. The place was a few kilometers away from Kunlun which means immortals could also be employed in that place. Even Adrian thinks that the Imperial City of Hinomoto is a fortified fortress that contain the powerhouses of the eastern continent.