Chapter 1432 Another Matter Entirely II

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
"Are you done with your little meeting? I am quite excited… I mean I cannot maintain this form for too long which is why we need to start." The God of Fire Agni stated.

"We are ready as we can be." Adrian replied and the others nodded.

"In that case, we should move a bit since I do not want my own city getting razed by my own fire." The God of Fire Agni stated as he slammed his two hands.

When the God of Fire Agni slammed his two hands, all of the people participating suddenly got swallowed up in flames and vanished from their position. The next thing that they knew is that they were transported to a special plane of existence that is filled with the divine energy of the God of Fire Agni.

"Where are we?" Frey asked.

"We are transferred to a pocket dimension that the God of Fire Agni created. It is like a special place connected to the city of Aggi Siam. They are still located in the mortal realm which means this is the place where the God of Fire Agni hangs out when he does not need to intervene in the world." Adrian explained.

"Champion Equinox is correct about this place, and it means that I can freely wield power equivalent to a lesser god in this dimension as well. Entertain me, mortals of the world for I am the Great God of Fire Agni!" The God of Fire Agni stated as he started the fight.

The God of Fire Agni released a powerful wave of fire like a tsunami to test out the waters. The test is actually such a high bar already because the players from the Briar Rose guild tried to defend them. The water mage in their guild created a blast of water called Water Cannon but she was not able to make the flame tsunami die down.

"I will handle this. Kanlaon!" Adrian stated as he summoned Kanlaon.

Kanlaon immediately knew what to do as he released a powerful blizzard to meet the flame tsunami. The blizzard negated the flame tsunami, but the area is suddenly flooded with water. The water mage then used the newly created water and manipulated it to strike towards the God of Fire Agni.

The God of Fire Agni did not even flinch as a powerful blast of water is headed towards him. He just created a powerful flame shield that covered his body and the water evaporated into steam immediately. The people below were not idle as they started blasting him with all skills that they can.

The archers and mages in the group released spells that perfectly hit the God of Fire Agni, but the flame shield just burned them all up. The God of Fire Agni then started to move slightly as an attack from behind was about to hit him. The attack came from Sirius that suddenly jumped up from below the God of Fire Agni's shadow.

Sirius is about to be blasted with a powerful fire attack when Adrian sealed him back into his Soul Chamber. Adrian already has max mastery when it comes to sealing and summoning which means he could abuse it if he times it perfectly. After Sirius was sealed, Kanlaon released his Genesis Dragon Breath.

The God of Fire Agni used his flame shield to block it, but the dragon breath of the Genesis Dragon contains pure water element and also the other elements. The flame shield managed to crack which made the God of Fire Agni vulnerable. Seeing their chance, all of them released powerful attacks and Adrian even teleported Frey next to the God of Fire Agni.

"Sirius!" Adrian commanded as Sirius is once again summoned.

Sirius' fangs and Frey's spear is about to land directly on the God of Fire Agni's body when the latter suddenly released a new form. The skin of the God of Fire Agni suddenly became redder than it was, and he grew two extra arms. The God of Fire Agni's strength also increased because he caught Sirius' mouth and Frey's spear with an arm each.

"Very good! Entertain me more!" The God of Fire Agni stated as he released a powerful punch which sent Sirius and Frey flying away.

Adrian commanded Kanlaon to Sirius while he summoned Saena to catch Frey. The God of Fire Agni's body started to burst into flames as he laughed wildly. The God of Fire Agni's body reacted the same way he is feeling and right now he is very excited. He thought that he needed to take it slow, but his guinea pigs actually have some fight to them.

"Rain of Fire!" The God of Fire Agni stated as his burning body suddenly sent something flying into the sky.

The next thing that they knew is that a large flaming meteor is now descending towards them. The scariest thing is that it covered a lot of area as the shadow that the meteor casted grew bigger and bigger.

"How are we going to defend against that?" One of the Briar Rose players stated.

"I am on it but do well for my sake." The water mage stated as she suddenly took off her water droplet necklace and swallowed the magic stone.

As soon as she swallowed the stone, the water mage's body suddenly turned into water, and she grew to such a large size. She looked like a gigantic water elemental that descended into the world. She looked at the gigantic flaming meteor and met it with her body.

She did not even scream as she hugged the gigantic flaming meteor to make sure that she douses the fire. The flaming meteor contains the pure fire element that the God of Fire Agni casted which means the water mage turned to steam within seconds. Her whole watery body vanished into steam as she died with the satisfaction that she was able to help her team members.

The flaming meteor just became solid rock that the remaining players managed to break into thousands of pieces before it descended. The God of Fire Agni is satisfied as he was able to at least create a powerful attack like that when he could not do it in his demigod body. The God of Fire Agni then burst into flames as he instinctively felt bloodlust at the very last second.

Adrian suddenly appeared behind the God of Fire Agni with the attempt to maim him using his twin daggers. He was immediately repelled though as he could not hide his bloodlust at the very last second. He was this close in an attack connecting which is why he is a bit regretful.

The God of Fire Agni was about to retaliate when the players below released a flurry of attacks to cover for him. They managed to cover for Adrian as he managed to vanish into nothingness before a powerful flame wave engulfed all of his body. In just a span of two minutes, one of them is already dead while the others are barely doing anything and none of them managed to touch the God of Fire Agni.

"Very good but not good enough! Let me see on how you deal with this!" The God of Fire Agni stated as he combusted his whole body and released four flaming cyclones.

The flaming cyclones were not slow by any means, and they could be controlled by the God of Fire Agni with ease. He managed to slam one of the cyclones to one of the grouped individuals. The God of Fire Agni managed to corner four people inside three of his flaming cyclones as a result.

The four individuals needed to use their life saving skills in order to keep their lives but that also meant that they knew where they are headed. Seeing that they can no longer preserve their lives in the worst situations, they dedicated everything to offense, but the God of Fire Agni conjured another flaming shield to protect him.

"Gungnir!" Frey shouted as she tossed her spear towards the sky.

The God of Fire Agni heard the words Gungnir and immediately froze because he knows what that word is. The God of Fire Agni looked at the sky and saw hundreds of gigantic spears made of light which are all aimed towards him. The God of Fire Agni burned in even more intense flames as his whole armor became flame itself.

The God of Fire Agni held out his hands towards the air and created a large flaming dome that covered the sky itself. All the descending spears of light could not pierce through the flaming shield as they vanished when the energy behind them disappeared. With that display of power, they were able to buy another two minutes.

"Six minutes left." All of them thought but they heard the boisterous laugh of a god that was enjoying himself too much.

"As expected, all of you are indeed different!" I shall no longer hold back!" The God of Fire Agni stated.