Chapter 1503 The Power Of Demigods I

Name:Omega Summoner Author:

Grandmaster Lason revealed the body under the cloak which is very rugged which is a complete opposite of his very old looking face. The rugged body is not the only thing under the cloak as there were actually magic circles inscribed on Grandmaster Lason's body. The magic circles were not usual ones as the runes written were most likely alchemy formulas.

"I shall show you what a demigod is really capable of! Peak of Alchemy: Body Regression!" Grandmaster Lason stated as all the magic circles on his body suddenly started to grow.

Grandmaster Lason's face that was old suddenly started to reverse as if time itself was de-aging him. The old face of Grandmaster Lason suddenly transformed into that of a man his thirties. Even the hair on his head became full and a new set of clothes manifested on his body.

Grandmaster Lason's body was reversed back to his prime, but he still retained the power of the demigod that he has gotten from all the years that he has lived. He wore clothes made of a synthetic material that he crafted, and it covered his whole body. He now looked like a steampunk gentleman that is of the highest peerage.

"This is the peak of Alchemy! The ability to rewind time on the body itself without sacrificing power!" Grandmaster Lason stated as he laughed.

Levin Cloud and the others might not want to agree but that is very cool indeed. One usually needs sacrifice to obtain the peak body, but Grandmaster Lason achieved that with just his mastery of alchemy. Being the most renowned and sinister Grandmaster Alchemist is not a title that is given to anyone after all.

"We should attack." Levin Cloud stated as he buffed his friends.

Peridot already stealthily prepared spells beforehand as well and is just waiting to launch them. Creepysoo, on the otherhand, started to chant his hexes and curses towards the demigod. Vayu and Soleil were the ones in the front line, and they did not waste time as they used the upgraded version of their strongest skill.

"Elemental King Transformation!" Vayu and Soleil shouted as they knew that a demigod is not someone that they should be underestimating.

"Why are you letting them gain power, Grandmaster Lason? Kill them before they can even attack us." The leader of the Followers of Apophis stated as she thought that they could have killed the others easily as she was with a demigod.

"You think that it would be easy going against the Envoy of the Twin Gods? Do you know what they call the Envoy of the Twin Gods?" Grandmaster Lason stated.

"What do they call him?" The leader of the Followers of Apophis asked.

"In the olden times that have been forgotten, the Envoy of the Twin Gods is known as the Elixir of Life as they were beings that could overturn life and death of their allies. One could even say that no one is at death's door as long as the Envoy of the Twin Gods is standing tall." Grandmaster Lason stated.

"If that is the case then why are you not killing him?!" The leader of the Followers of Apophis stated.

"That is only the case for the Envoy of the Twin Gods that has reached the status of a demigod. This one has yet to even evolve into the third Persona but that does not mean that they will not be easy to handle. We are against a dragon, the Prince of the Undead and two elementals. It would be fun to see their faces get crushed in the face of absolute power." Grandmaster Lason stated as his face suddenly grinned.

The leader of the Followers of Apophis then remembered that the two demigods that they were escorted with are not normal. The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora was a full-on narcissistic freak that is a cannibal. Grandmaster Lason is a sadistic freak that loves to see the reaction of others under his poisons.

"Do make haste though as we would like to return to the master as soon as possible." The leader of the Followers of Apophis stated as she already resigned to the whims of the demigods that were escorting her.

"Good. At least, you know where you stand. Do not worry because I will protect you. Here take this!" Grandmaster Lason stated as he gave the leader of the Followers of Apophis a pink stone.

"This is!" The leader of the Followers of Apophis exclaimed in shock.

"That is a Pseudo Philosopher's Stone that I have created. It might not be as powerful as the real one, but it can create powerful barriers that can expel any attack under Mythical Tier. Use that while I torture these young brats." Grandmaster Lason stated as he now looked at Levin Cloud's group.


"My hexes and curses that are of epic tier are not even working at him. It seems that the synthetic thing that is now his clothes have a special property that could wave any low rank curses." Creepysoo stated.

"Change of plans then. Defeat him with all we got but make sure to get the vessel when you see the chance." Levin Cloud stated in their group chat.

Vayu and Soleil have finished absorbing the essences of the elements that they need as they already prepared beforehand. They made sure that they are ready even before the battle as Levin Cloud did tell them that they might be facing demigods. Vayu and Soleil only needed a minute in order to fully transform into their Elemental King forms even if it was still the lowest of mastery.

Vayu's whole body changed as his hair flowed freely into the wind and seems to have started to become one with the wind itself. His body fades in and out of existence as if he is a ghost while his clothes looked like they were made from clouds as they also vanish at the tips. The most noticeable change is that his katana is now made of pure energy.

Soleil, on the other hand, also changed as her hair is now glistening like flowing lava. Her goth like red dress also has this shine to them as if they are made of rubies while her skin tone has a tinge of red. The most noticeable change is that she now has Regulus beside her as he circled around her like a protector.

"Have you finished children? I do not want this to be boring after all." Grandmaster Lason stated as he could see that the two half elementals are now true elementals. He could even feel that they have the same aura and strength as a newly born Elemental King.

"Elemental Apocalypse!" Peridot shouted as six spheres of different elements suddenly descended towards Grandmaster Lason and exploded in six elemental bursts at the same time.

The group watched as the six elemental attacks swallowed Grandmaster Lason and the leader of the Followers of Apophis. They knew that this attack will not be enough against a demigod even if it is a surprise attack, but they believed that he should be damaged. When the smoke cleared, a powerful barrier was invoked by Grandmaster Lason and the Pseudo Philosopher's Stone that he made to protect both of them.

"Tch! Not even a scratch." Levin Cloud stated as he could see that the health bar of Grandmaster Lason was not even decreased.

Vayu did not waste anytime as he performed a slash that created three small twisters that headed towards Grandmaster Lason. The three small twisters also released wind blades that also dealt additional damage to barriers. The three small twisters clashed with Grandmaster Lason's barrier, but the latter did not even feel the need to strengthen it.

Soleil waved her hand and created fifty fireballs that have the shape of lion cubs. All these fifty lion cub flames charged towards Grandmaster Lason as well. It was only this time that Grandmaster Lason actually felt pressure as he took out a bottle of clear liquid.

Grandmaster Lason threw the bottle with clear liquid upwards as it broke. The broken bottle suddenly released the clear liquid which was actually created a raging river that swept across the flaming cubs. Vayu and Soleil were disappointed that their joint attack did not work as they have always done.

"Amazing! As expected of elementals! The two of you understand the natural process of the world like us alchemists! If those two attacks actually combined, then it would be powerful enough to destroy my barrier and that one! I shall enjoy this thoroughly as it has been a long time since durable people actually angered me!" Grandmaster Lason stated as he suddenly held out his hands.

On the palm of Grandmaster Lason's hands were two different magic circles. He then slapped these two hands together which automatically created a magic circle out of nowhere. He then slammed his hands onto the air as if it was solid. It even created a loud slapping sound as if he slapped the earth itself.