Chapter 1645 Core of the Behemoth I

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
Chapter 1645 Core of the Behemoth I

The World Eater Parasite was no more as it went straight inside of Dodu's belly. There was not even a residual matter like a sludge or pool of blood. The World Eater Parasite died just like that, but Dodu was extremely satisfied.

The human army that tried their hardest could not believe that the battle would end in a moment. They all looked at Pristina with judging eyes as they could have taken more materials from the Behemoth if they just let the demon do his thing. Even the angels that are hiding with the crowd could not believe that they were incredibly useless against a being that came from another universe.

"Now, that finishes it. My soulbound is completely full and this world is safe thanks to yours truly. I would also like to thank the Church of Light for their ability to look pass differences for the good of humanity. I shall now take my leave." Adrian stated.

Adrian's sentence was an obvious attack on the state of Church of Light against other races. It might sound like he is praising them, but he is actually mocking them. Adrian basically said that this would have been finished if you sucked your pride earlier. The other angels noticed this blatant disrespect, but Pristina stopped them as there are many eyes watching.

"Wait! Did the beast... not spit out anything?!" Pristina asked as she was curious about the World Eater Parasite if it ate the Behemoth Core. n).o.)V/(e/(l(-B-/1.-n

"If you are wondering if there are anything inside of the World Eater Parasite then that would have already melted the moment it ate anything. They are known for their voracious appetite that will devour everything until they eat a planet. It would only then they would go to sleep for a millennium or two and repeat the process again." Adrian stated which crushed the hopes of Pristina obtaining the Core of the Behemoth.

"Thank you very much." The players stated towards Adrian, but he just smiled and waved at them since he only did what his job was.

"I know that me being here makes you uncomfortable which is why I am going away now. Peace out!" Adrian stated as he gathered his soulbounds that were hiding.

Sirius came out from one of the general's shadows in a majestic but fierce way. Sirius looked at the generals in a manner of looking down on them as they were busy commanding their army when they were more powerful than a hundred individuals. Sirius looked at them as if they have failed their instincts as warriors as they were washed up and almost useless.

Charon was the next to come out as he revealed his powerful form to those that have not seen it yet. The chains produced an eerie sound that made anyone that was in his way as they feared the aura around him. Charon's aura made it look like the world itself was slowing down as he looked like he was moving slowly.

The players, especially the summoners, looked with awe and envy as they have seen three of Adrian's soulbounds in their full forms. Sirius, Charon and Dodu looked like boss monsters that spawned with a Demon King in the middle. The human army now knew why their intelligence reports regarding the fourth Arch Demon was that he is a master of legendary beasts.

"It has been a pleasure, but I believe that all of you still have some dissecting to do. Goodbye." Adrian stated as he snapped his fingers and teleported away.

"As the demon said, he had left without touching the Behemoth's corpse. We still have the Heart of the Behemoth even if it is in pieces. I can feel the mana from it as it is still fresh which is why it is not turning to stone." One of the generals silently stated to the other generals and Pristina.

"I am glad that you are happy to have the heart, but we will now be withdrawing as the battle is done. The Church of Light no longer cares for the Heart of the Behemoth. I am willing to give you my part as a token of apology for not letting the demon handle the World Eater Parasite earlier. We would have extracted more from the dead behemoth if not for my hard headedness." Pristina stated but she does not care for heart meat as it would not help her.

"We do not dare. All of you have helped us and it was only a decision based on the glorious doctrine of the church. You are not at fault, Pope Pristina." One of the generals stated in a sad tone but he was actually very happy inside.

"You only made that decision due to us being weak which we understand." Another general chimed in but he was also silently smiling on the inside.

"I insist that we no longer have our part for the heart as compensation. My other priests should have their spoils on the rewards, but you can also have my reward as well." Pristina stated as she left along with her paladin guards.

"Such greedy pigs. I only used you to get what I want but what I want is no longer there. No wonder a mountain that I guarded suddenly woke up. It was due to that annoying extradimensional monster." Pristina muttered to herself.

Pristina was already aware of the Behemoth as she has marked it back then. She was just waiting for it to wake up to harvest its valuable core, but all that waiting was not rewarded. She also had to bow down to a demon of all beings which made her incredibly angry.

"I shall kill you one day, Champion Equinox!" Pristina thought.


"Achoo!" Adrian stated as he carried a glowing orb that is the size of a baseball.

"Who would have thought that the Core of a Behemoth would be this size compared to its original size. Even my core is about the size of my heart, but this is just a pebble on the road when compared to a Behemoth's size." Adrian stated as he held the Core of the Behemoth.