Chapter 1795 The Six Virtues I

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
Chapter 1795 The Six Virtues I

1795 The Six Virtues I

"You are permitted to use all of your powers to drive away the overgrown lizards. Kill them if you can but we must defend the honor of the angels first that we cannot be looked down upon." Mikhail stated as he cannot stand still anymore since no angels can get out of the Silver City.

"There are six dragon kings present. We just need to heavily damage all of them and the dragons would back off. If they are not stopping even if we scare them off, then I also permit to you in massacring all of the kingdoms that we have occupied." Gabriel stated as he believed that they could push all the attackers back by killing the lowly beings.

"Since we are all going to go full power, let me be the one that starts us off. We must prepare just in case that they are planning a surprise attack since that kind of attack is not beneath the lower beings. I will release deadliness of light that has never been seen before." Uriel stated as she is the most powerful when it comes to pure elemental power in the Seven Virtues.

"I shall permit that. All of you will be wary as there might be some filthy beings that infiltrate the city. The Daemos are also participating this time as they are no longer implementing the hands-off approach." Mikhail stated as he knew what had happened since he sensed that the dragons suddenly appeared as if they were transported from another space.

"I shall command a platoon." Camael stated as she headed to seize commands over the angels.

"I shall make sure to sweep the city to make sure that we do not have vermin in our holy sanctuary." Zadkiel stated as she was the perfect one to deal with intruders.

"I shall help all of those that are injured on our end. I will show them the fear of an immortal angelic army." Raphael stated as he also went out of the room.

"The plan is starting to create holes! We did not intend to have the Daemos participate in the war. You know that they are a major variable that we cannot predict. They also have the Champion of the Twin Gods in their ranks. The plan started to fail the moment those gods of light killed members of their race." Gabriel stated in a bit of a panic since the plan was not being done to what he expected.

"I know that, Gabriel. I even gave clear instructions that they should not bother the Daemos should they come to fix the unstable rifts. It was not among the angels that pulled that trigger but the gods of light which some of the angels just listened to.

Create another contingency that we can use with the Daemos in the mix for the war. Our plans to occupy every city in the central continent without their interference is no longer an option. We must plan ahead so that we can counter whatever the Daemos are up to." Mikhail stated.

"You cannot counter what they are up to because all of them are beings of chaos! Even the gods that weave fate cannot accurately determine when they die. Now, those freaks of nature are seeing us as targets of destruction." Gabriel stated as he is afraid of the Daemos.

"Stop, heathens!" Zadkiel shouted as she released her limiter.

A powerful bright light suddenly exploded and numerous magical writings appeared in the area. A staff made of light and wood materialized in her hand. Zadkiel's six wings expanded to a great wingspan of three meters which made her look large and powerful akin to a god.

"Light Scripture: Blast!" Zadkiel stated as light magic letters materialized from her staff to create a magic circle.

The magic circle was large, and a powerful blast of light was released from it. Bronx saw the magic circle but did not bother to dodge as a powerful burst of light enveloped his body. Zadkiel smiled as her spells are not normal because she can seal any defensive spells that they use when they are hit by her magic spells.

"Die!" Zadkiel thought but she suddenly saw a silhouette of a being inside her magic spell attack radius.

Zadkiel's spell ended and Bronx was able to tank it like nothing happened. Parts of his body was not even damaged as his clothes are still undamaged. There were not even signs of him being burned by the magic spell even if he was blasted by concentrated light.

"Is that all, angel?" Bronx stated as his large body suddenly vanished from his spot.

Zadkiel looked around as he did not expect that a large body like Bronx could move faster than what she can perceive. Before Zadkiel could sense Bronx, her whole body that was flying in the air is suddenly sent crashing down to the floor of the Silver City. She was able to get a glimpse of what happened and saw two huge knuckles pound her straight without even her noticing.

"Impossible! His movement should have been sealed as well!" Zadkiel thought as she released another spell.

"Light Scripture: Law Reversal!" Zadkiel stated as she suddenly became weightless and stopped before her whole body reached the ground.

"Light Scripture: A..." Zadkiel stated as she was prepared to cast another spell when she was suddenly grabbed by the wings.

Bronx then proceeded to use all his arm strength and slam Zadkiel to the floor even though he felt that she was weightless. A weird energy enveloped Zadkiel which suddenly made her incredibly heavy which is why she felt the damage when her face met the floor. The Angel of Righteousness could not believe that she was eating floor when it was her that often did it to others.