Chapter 1847 Interrupted Too Early

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
Chapter 1847 Interrupted Too Early

Ark felt the connection between him, and the Goddess of Light Luminaria shake aggressively. Even the light chain momentarily faded out which also made Ark's presence in the divine realm almost get cut off. Seeing that this might be his chance, Ark sent supercharged energy into the chain to try and cut his connection with the Goddess of Light Luminaria.

Ark did not know what would happen if he cut it abruptly since even the small Samael just told him that it would be enough for him to return. What he did not know if he would die in the process or would just be ejected out of the divine realm. He felt that the connection started to slowly unravel but it suddenly solidified once again. The fading chain made of light suddenly solidified as same as before which also sent Ark flying back.

"Ouch!" Ark stated as he was sent crashing towards his cage of light that also became solidified.

"You were too impatient. Also, the Goddess of Light Luminaria might not be injured enough down there for her to lose focus on her grip on you." The small Samael stated.

"I guess I did it too early, but the connection is getting more muddled as I can feel the Goddess of Light Luminaria getting tired. It is a weird sensation that I cannot describe as if I can feel what she is feeling. Tell me that she is not feeling the same things that I am feeling as well?!" Ark stated.

"She might be, but she is choosing to not acknowledge it which is why she might not know what you are doing. Make sure to focus and wait for the next opportunity. There might not be a third time as she might notice what you are planning. Make the next opportunity count." The small Samael stated.


The Goddess of Light Luminaria suddenly felt that her anchor to the mortal realm loosen as her body almost ascended to her divine realm. She immediately put all concentration back to her connection with Ark and stabilized it. This also meant that she lost the counter offensive on the enemies that wounded her greatly.

The Goddess of Light Luminaria could still feel the sting from the attack that the Darkness Dragon King. She can also feel the scorch of the dark light that the Fallen hit her with. She was incredibly injured, but she made sure to hide it as she was still above 70% in health. She was also healing her health gradually as well by drawing out energy from the light cocoon that has Raphael inside.

"I have no choice as my other Neo Angels cannot yet awaken. I should draw power from the sun itself even though it is not entirely my domain, and that revived Sun God might interfere with me." The Goddess of Light Luminaria stated as she reached out to the sun.

"Power of a star! Come to the aid of the Goddess of Light!" The Goddess of Light Luminaria stated as the sun crystal pendant that is hanging on her neck suddenly glowed in orange flames.

All the beings there witnessed the Goddess of Light Luminaria reach out to the sun as if calling upon it. They thought that she lost her mind, but she actually summoned a being from the sun. A powerful sunspot suddenly exploded which released a wave of heat towards the world.

The beings witnessed the large sun in the sky give birth to three smaller suns that started to descend. Madness would have started to spread if a being clad in dark golden armor did not manifest above the skies and blast two of the smaller suns from the sky. The sun crystal pendant that the Goddess of Light Luminaria has on her neck suddenly shattered as if it has done its job.

The being clad in dark golden armor tried to destroy the last sun but it was able to descend faster than the other two by using them as sacrifices. A powerful voice suddenly echoed from the skies and declared hostility towards the Goddess of Light Luminaria. The voice came from none other than the Sun God Ra.

"You dare call upon the Primordial Beings locked inside the sun! Should you step foot in the Western Continent Goddess of Light Luminaria, I shall sever your divine body into dust! I have been quiet of your arrival because it is not the land that I dwell, but this offense must be paid." The voice of the powerful Sun God Ra stated as he can actually exert the might of a High God in the western continent freely unlike the Goddess of Light Luminaria that needed to use an ancient spell.

"I am not afraid of you, bird god! I got what I want from the sun. You will eventually bow down before me as I am not afraid to seal you once again." The Goddess of Light Luminaria stated as the being she called upon finally descended on the battlefield.

[The Goddess of Light Luminaria has summoned the Three-

Legged Golden Crow.]