Chapter 1930 Storm Chasm

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
Chapter 1930 Storm Chasm

Adrian and Piggy Bank were moving at a great speed down the Storm Chasm. This was a dungeon with ten floors which meant that a lot of fighting was involved. It is not filled with monsters but is incredibly spacious. There are no monsters that ae alive in this dungeon as all of the enemies here are golems.

"Money Punch!" Piggy Bank shouted as he now moved in a more refined manner.

The technique that Piggy Bank uses is now something that he can use against more powerful enemies as long as he can charge it up. He can now use his own skill while moving which is a great increase in combat prowess. Before, he just stood still to charge the skill, but he now moves like a boxer. He can feel the great happiness of taking down his enemies by himself which prompted Adrian to support him less.

"He is getting much better now. This is good as I do not know when an unexpected enemy will suddenly surface. I need to train him well should that day come." Adrian thought as Piggy Bank felt the powerful gaze directed at him but did not mind it.

In fact, Piggy Bank was feeling elated and happy now that he was actively doing a dungeon. He did dungeons before when he was lower level but being a merchant meant that he can only do low difficulty ones. This time, he might enter medium difficulty dungeons as he now found the thrill of defeating enemies. He felt that he could defeat a mid boss by himself as long as he was well protected.

"We are now going to lower floor five where the mid boss is. Be ready as it will be an Elite Storm Guard." Adrian stated as he descended to the next floor along with Piggy Bank.

Adrian felt a strange feeling when he descended as if the entire area was suddenly tampered with using spatial magic, but he was not sure if that is the case. The only ones that could modify dungeons are gods but instantly modifying one is not possible unless they are a God of Space. The Gods of Space are all entirely sealed or dead which meant that modifying the dungeon now should be impossible.

"Wait? I must trust my instincts more as there are other ways in making a change in the dungeon using spatial magic. If a powerful relic from a dead Spatial God is used, then it might be possible." Adrian thought as he was about to pull out Piggy Bank from descending, but the way back was suddenly sealed.

"Huh? What happened? I heard a loud thud." Piggy Bank stated as he looked back only to see the entrance they came inside with closing.

"It seems that the dungeon has become much more difficult than I thought. You will need to prepare yourself fully because I have been told not to interfere as much." Adrian stated as numerous system notifications are suddenly presented to him and Piggy Bank.

[You have entered the Mid Boss Room of the Grand Storm Guard.]

[The Player Piggy Bank is the only one that can deal damage directly to the Mid Boss.]

Piggy Bank pointed out ten Elite Storm Guards and the Mid Boss Grand Storm Guard. The Elite Storm Guards are still golems, but they look like actual golems that have refined features. They are still made of rocks but the rocks that they have are polished.

The Mid Boss Grand Storm Guard is more humanoid in appearance, but they do not have facial features. They just have a more humanoid shape which now granted them the ability to release powerful electric shocks that can paralyze their enemies. Piggy Bank gulp as his way of attacking is also via melee battle.

"More than that! Why is the previous boss of the dungeon, the Grand Storm Guard, suddenly the mid boss? Is this some kind of bug?" Piggy Bank stated.

"I do not know if it is related but the best guess is that the dungeon changed because of the Stigma. Things that are related to divinity are a great pain to deal with after all." Adrian stated as he is also pausing some divinity related missions that he got. He remembered the God of the Deep Ones that asked him for help, but he has yet to do due to the no time limit function.

"Can I return my Stigma then? I do not want to be in greater hardships. I just want to be a normal merchant and make sure to eat well along with my family." Piggy Bank stated.

"Your success as a merchant might have been slightly influenced by that Stigma and removing it might curse you. Accepting it would be the best option for you. Anyways, get ready as they are starting to move." Adrian stated as he saw all the enemies along with the mid boss moving towards Piggy Bank.

"Protect me well... thank you!" Piggy Bank shouted as he charged his fist at full power.

"Well, it only says that I cannot damage the mid boss. The mobs around it does not count which is why I said that the god that modified this dungeon was an idiot." Adrian stated with his signature demonic smile but returned back to his nonchalant face.

Paradox flew above the mid boss room and went directly on top of all the Elite Storm Guards. With a snap of Adrian's finger, Paradox exploded and created a powerful black hole that swallowed all of the Elite Storm Guards. All the mobs that might have made it difficult for Piggy Bank to deal with the mid boss has vanished. The only monster remaining was the Grand Storm Guard when the black hole vanished as all of the Elite Storm Guards were disintegrated to nothing.

"Also, the rules only said that I cannot damage the mid boss. It does not mean that I cannot restrain it." Adrian stated with a smile before commanding Wisteria to bound the mid boss.


On top of a mountain that is up and above the clouds, a god with luscious cloud like beard could be seen looking down on Storm Chasm. The arm rest on his throne shattered upon his anger when he heard what Adrian was saying. He can only control his own anger because he was not the only god watching over them right now. If the angered god moves, then its existence would be known, and it would be called an idiot by other gods. Since the Champion of the Twin Gods called the god that modified the dungeon an idiot, any movement to punish him would reveal the identity of the god he called an idiot.