Chapter 1946 100 Years Ago I

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
Chapter 1946 100 Years Ago I

[You have arrived a hundred years into the past.]

[You have arrived at a point in time where a great change occurred.]

[Be careful in what you do as you might change the flow of events.]

Adrian appeared in what one can call a small kingdom like territory. He appeared above the skies which is why he can see everything clearly, but he immediately used his spirit form. He could alter the present if he carelessly encounters any beings that have already died in the present. Thankfully for him, Adrian arrived during the daybreak which means that he will encounter less people.

Upon seeing the field in the distance where wheat was growing, Adrian immediately flew towards that direction. He needed to harvest a stalk of Golden Wheat during the first sunlight. He unfurled his wings and slowly fell towards the field. He thought that no one was there during that early morning where some stars could still be seen but he was wrong.

A small kid that should be the at least fifteen or sixteen years old was casually hanging out on the field. The kid was chewing on a wheat stalk while waiting for his morning hot beverage to boil. Adrian did not know who this kid was, but he was exuding a powerful aura of life that is on par with a weak Faekin.

"He is not an elf or even half elven blood. Is he the Legendary Farmer that became a Saint?" Adrian thought as he tried to use Inspect on the kid, but a loud noise suddenly prevented him from doing so.

"Is that knight your spokesperson, Lord Wheatica? I can easily move away from the farm and go somewhere else. I can farm on other territories if that is what you think. I have generous arrangements prepared by the lords of other territories." Farmer Vincent stated.

" that is not my own words, young farmer. My servant has been rude which is why I apologize on his stead. I am grateful that you have chosen to stick with the place you were born at. Truly a model citizen of Wheatville!" Lord Wheatica stated with conviction.

"My answer is still the same even if you present me with riches. All I want is to farm and feed the people that are hungry. My crops are for all and is sold for the correct market value." Farmer Vincent stated with conviction as well which even made the knights back down from his tone and aura.

"I am merely reminding you of the opportunities. The Church of Light has already reached out to us when it comes to your crops. They believe that you should present them to the altar as your crops are only growing because of the Goddess of Light." Lord Wheatville stated.

"I told you before and I will say it again. My crops grow because I pour my entire effort into all of them. A random goddess is not the one to thank for my perseverance. You are all eating because of my efforts even though all of you thought of me as a fool back then." Farmer Vincent stated.

"Our lord! He has committed blasphemy! If the Church of Light hears about this then they might send their Inquisitors and kill us all. We must present his head to appease the church!" One of the knights stated.

"Present my head and all of these crops will wilt without me. I bet you would become the scorn of the territory if you do so. You killed the only farmer that cared for them." Farmer Vincent stated.