Chapter 1958 Temporary Bifrost II

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
Chapter 1958 Temporary Bifrost II

Adrian and Frey headed towards the direction of the newly constructed Temporary Bifrost. Just as they are about to cross the walls of the kingdom, they suddenly heard the bells of danger being rung. There was a sudden attack on the kingdom of the ice queen, but the attack was on the other side, and they cannot participate.

"Let us go and close the Temporary Bifrost to help them. The attackers might be doing this to buy enough time for the newly constructed one to activate. If more of them arrive then the kingdom of the Ice Queen would be swarmed by enemies." Adrian stated as he could see that Frey wanted to turn back and help them.

"You are right. Let us go and with great haste." Frey stated as she rode her mount towards the area where she can detect the energy of the Temporary Bifrost.

"I should make it faster. Can you handle going at twice the speed?" Adrian asked.

"I think I should be able to." Frey replied to which Adrian nodded.

"Chrono Shift Maximum Output!" Adrian stated as a powerful energy covered both him, Frey, and her mount.

[Your speed will double for five minutes.]

Adrian unfurled all of his wings and hurried to the location that Frey pointed. Frey is surprised that Adrian's flight speed was incredibly fast as he rarely used his own wings to fly. She often saw videos of him flying on his dragon soulbound and she already thought that was fast. The way that Adrian flew also astounded her as he basically defied gravity or any other force which made it easier for him to fly in a straight line.

"Wait for me!" Frey stated as she used her mana to diffuse the air pressure coming at her from the front in order to ensure that her mount would be able to handle it.

A Pegasus has already incredible power when it comes to the skies as it has an innate ability to manipulate air currents. Still, the speed at which Frey's mount is flying is not something a Pegasus can handle as the air pressure was increased when their speed doubled. Frey needed to use her mana to increase her mount's ability, but it was bearable as the mana used was not large.

The two of them arrived in the location at an incredibly fast speed as it was still inside the borders of the kingdom. A battle could be seen occurring at the area as there were people attacking the walls of the fortress at the border. Adrian suddenly appeared in the midst of the chaos and tossed Paradox towards the center of the fight.

All of the enemies that Adrian and Paradox tagged suddenly flew towards the latter. Adrian used Quantum Cascade and then snapped his hand. Paradox suddenly exploded and turned into a large black hole that sucked in all of the beings that were tagged earlier. The soldiers of the Ice Queen cheered as they were getting outnumbered, but they suddenly saw a demon helping them.

"Okay. Make all of them faint." Adrian commanded as Kanlaon suddenly roared near all of the captured enemies which made all of them faint.

"Dragon Roar! Nice touch." Frey stated as she complimented Kanlaon and patted his head.

"Deal with the prisoners as we will need to deal with the Temporary Bifrost." Frey stated to the guards as they know of her since the cooperation with the Valkyries have been happening for some time already.

"As you will!" The soldiers of the ice queen's kingdom stated as they caught all of them.

Adrian and Frey flew fast towards the location of the pulsing energy wave and saw a large magic circle engraved fully into the icy ground. Adrian suddenly felt sick as he can now detect clearly what made such ominous magic. Powerful life energy was used in order to etch the ground with the magic circle but that was not the only thing.

"They used soil mixed with elements of a tree of life and a tree of death. Are those guys crazy?!" Adrian stated as he can clearly sense it.

Adrian can see that this is considered sacrilege as they basically dismantled divine trees in order to create such a thing. It would have been good if such a thing did not have disastrous consequence. The power of life and the power of death should not be mixed callously, or else disasters will occur. He even saw the magic circle and it was barely holding on which meant that another disaster could occur.

"I have looked around the perimeter but there was no one. No one alive as I have seen bodies of slaves that seemed to have their blood drained. Can you destroy this magic circle?" Frey stated as she could not believe what she saw.

"This might take an hour as this magic circle is unstable. Any wrong move and a powerful explosion will occur." Adrian stated.

Just as Adrian was explaining the details of the magic circle to Frey, arrows made of pure mana suddenly flew towards him again. Frey was unable to react, but Adrian has already sensed the killing intent as Sirius was in his shadow. Adrian's shadow reacted and blocked all of the arrows that were supposed to hit him.

"As expected of the Demon, such prey would not be easy to deal with." A female voice came from their left.

"I see. So that is why they were able to create it without the guards of the border fortress noticing." Adrian stated as he can see two beings hidden by magic.