Chapter 1974 Battle with the Venti IV

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
Chapter 1974 Battle with the Venti IV

[There is now only one remaining Venti left in the battlefield. Defeat it and all the remaining storm spirits will scatter.]

[The Nubesequus will have all its stats increase by 10%.]

As soon as the notification was given to all the players, a pure violet lightning hit the Nubesequus. The pure violet lightning changed the color of the red Nubesequus to red violet. The aura around it became intense that just one stomp of its hoof can create a sonic boom. Kimat, who was facing it, did not back down but even showed off his prestige.

"Last one!" Adrian stated in a cocky tone which made the Nubesequus furious.

"Die, demon scum!" The Nubesequus stated as its voice was deep.

The Nubesequus charged towards Adrian at incredibly speed which he actually failed to catch with his own eyesight. Kimat had to roar and turn into a bolt of lightning that came down in front of Adrian. The Nubesequus turned into red violet lightning while Kimat turned into silver lightning and clashed with one another.

An incredibly burst of light that blinded everyone could be seen in the area where Adrian has been. Adrian's ears started ringing as it was only the blinding light that he was subjected to but also two loud sounds created by two powerful beasts. Kimat could be seen having a bit of char on his fur while the Nubesequus could be seen having a claw mark on its body.

In that split second, Kimat and the Nubesequus was able to exchange blows, but no one was the winner. They were now at the same power level with one another which actually shocked Adrian. Kimat is a divine beast and is also boosted in power when he is inside of Adrian's territory. This is also the reason why no guild would even be brave enough to challenge Adrian to a defensive war as he is more powerful in Avalon.

"Let us quickly kill him as the storm is starting to consolidate its power." Adrian stated as he can feel that the supernatural storm is now condensing its own power.

"Impossible! There is only one King of the Skies, and it is him that proudly sits on the throne of Olympus!" The Nubesequus shouted as it almost bowed down to Adrian.

"Why is that the god that created this mess? The one that released you from your prisons so that you can run wild once again. Only a foolish god will release all of you Venti as you are forces of nature that were born to just destroy." Adrian stated as the knowledge that Kimat has is also transferred to him.

The knowledge about the Venti was not researched by Kimat but is rather inherited from his bloodline. A divine beast that rules over lightning would definitely have knowledge of beings that use the wind element. Kimat could not easily say this to his master, but he is glad that the knowledge was given when they fused together.

"How do you know the secret of the winds! Did that blasted feline tell you?! Needless to say, you shall die today as commanded by the God of Skies that freed us! Brothers! I shall avenge you with the strength that you have given me!" The Nubesequus shouted as the entire area suddenly had red violet lightning rain down.

"A feeble last cry before your expected demise!" Adrian stated as he just raised his axe upwards to absorb all the red lightning that came surging towards him.

"Star Splitter!" Adrian shouted as all the energy that he has absorbed using the axe is added unto the powerful strike he did which headed towards the Nubesequus. The Nubesequus was hit by the powerful shockwave which even contained its own lightning and it staggered.

"Impossible!" The Nubesequus shouted as it cannot believe that lightning itself would damage it.

"I will end this. Gha Agsheblah Domain!" Adrian stated as the entire area was once again filled with an unknown energy.

[You shall now transform to the Disturber of All Things due to the activation of the Gha Agsheblah Domain.]

Adrian's humanoid form suddenly started to shed as his silver armor suddenly turned darker. The single tiger demon head suddenly multiplied into three heads. The energy in the area all dissipated regardless if it was enemy or ally.