Chapter 1999 Jumping Through Dimensions III

Name:Omega Summoner Author:
Chapter 1999 Jumping Through Dimensions III

[You have reached Muspelheim.]

Adrian immediately closed the portal as it was taking him more mana than he thought. The world of Muspelheim is what they could see which is fire and lava. Kanlaon has to regulate the temperature here as well because it was the reverse of Niflheim. If Niflheim was extreme cold, then Muspelheim was extreme heat.

As soon as Adrian arrived, he immediately tried to see the connections of this world. He was a bit perplexed because this world is only connected to two other worlds. One of the worlds connected was already Niflheim which meant that they already knew the last destination. He would have created the portal to the next dimension if not for the intricate dimension pathway.

"I can see the next dimension that we need to jump towards to." Adrian stated.

"Great! You can open a portal to it then!" Piggy Bank stated with great excitement as he did not want to stay in Muspelheim any longer. He was sweating buckets in this place and that is his state when Kanlaon is already making sure that the temperature is not that hot.

"Unfortunately, I cannot open a portal at our exact location. It is not stable here which is maybe the reason why I had a hard time stabilizing the portal earlier. We need to get into an area where mana is not this jumbled and even, I am having a difficult time perceiving where that area is." Adrian replied which dampened Piggy Bank's mood.

"At least you are immune to the extreme heat. I might become a roasted piggy if I do not get out of this place." Piggy Bank stated as he can feel his skin tingling from the heat.

"Kanlaon, make sure to just support Piggy Bank with the cold. I can bear the heat on my own from here. Saena and Sirius, scout the area for a place where mana is not in complete disarray." Adrian commanded as he summoned the two of them to look around.

"Be careful!" Adrian added as Saena flew in the skies above and Sirius melted in the shadows in order to make sure that he does not get a case of overheat.

Since staying in the same area was not a good decision, Adrian decided that they should move in the forward direction where Saena and Sirius were searching. This would make it much easier for them to catch up just in case the two soulbounds founds the area that Adrian described. The group could be seen walking slowly and carefully, but Adrian has this weird feeling that he was being watched.

"As expected of the Champion of the Twin Gods, you can easily sense me." A voice that is deep yet fiery in anticipation stated.

"We greet the god of this realm." Adrian stated calmly as he prepared to bow down while also pulling Piggy Bank down for him to show respect as well.

"You have been taught well and showed manners which is why I shall also treat you well." The voice stated as a figure suddenly manifested in flames in front of them.

"I am the Fire Giant Surtr. Welcome to my realm, Muspelheim!" The Fire Giant Surtr stated.

Piggy Bank almost uttered a question that is offensive, but Adrian made sure to tell Kanlaon to tie his friend's mouth up. Kanlaon gagged Piggy Bank's mouth with the tip of his tail which made the latter unable to utter the sentence that might doom him in this fiery inferno. Offending a god is not something a mortal should do as they are incredibly shallow beings that take offense seriously.

"We greet the rule of Muspelheim. We are asking the great fire giant for permission to pass through as we will need to go to another dimension after your fiery realm." Adrian stated.

"I know that you are just passing through." The Fire Giant Surtr stated as Adrian observed him closely.

Unlike the moniker of Fire Giant, the godly being in front of them looked like a well-built, red skinned old man who carries a flaming sword twice the length of his body. He might have the same height that Adrian and Piggy Bank have right now, but Adrian knew that gods could appear any size that they want. Minimizing their body is sometimes a way for gods to limit the energy that they are expending.

The Fire Giant Surtr is also clad in armor made of cooled lava, but Adrian knew that was just an aesthetic. The armor that he was wearing is definitely something in the Divine Tier as it was emanating pure divine energy. The only reason why Adrian and Piggy Bank did not turn to dust right now is the fact that the Fire Giant Surtr was limiting his strength.

"If the Ruler of Muspelheim gives us permission then we would be definitely on our way." Adrian stated but he was actually starting to get nervous.

"Do not worry, Champion Equinox. I am not here because you suddenly entered by domain. I am here to propose a challenge to you. The reward is none other than giving you permission to cross into other dimensions without the interference of my divine energy. Do you wish to accept this challenge? I will not kill you if that is something that you are worried about. I just need to test your mettle." The Fire Giant Surtr stated.