Chapter 1892

"Ye boy, we can't go back. Take advantage of the pressure of those source gods, and go quickly."

Water moon mirror heavy sigh, the heart is also relieved why the broken palace to leave.

It turns out that from the very beginning, the eternal ancestor in the rumor has been eyeing the mystic son and using the mystic son as bait to lead the mystic Temple out.

"Are the people in the palace dead?"

The leaf lacks to hang in the air to gaze, the facial expression light wrinkly.

Although he was fooled by the water moon mirror, the same thing is the same thing. When the secret temple came to save him, something happened, which can't be forgotten.

"The people in the temple of mysteries know that they have cheated and come back, which means they are prepared. I don't think the people in the palace are real and can't die."

The water moon mirror looked around, and the sea of dragon wasteland fell into a dead silence, and there was no half figure.

Only on the sky, the figure of Lou, surrounded by all kinds of methods, exudes the atmosphere of rules, which is the ancestor of eternity.

"Let's go."

Ye que sighed, looked up at the sky, and felt a slight shock in his heart. For a moment, he felt that the legendary ancestor of eternity looked at him.


The sky above the head, the sixth sky trace, is more and more concise.

Those who see the ancestor of eternity have great fortune.

His cultivation grew again, but there was no excitement in his heart, only depression.

It's not good to be targeted by an eternal ancestor.

Fortunately, such characters regard him as a chess piece in the game and have no qualification worthy of the eternal ancestor's hand.

The figure left, carrying thousands of dharmas, stepping on the river of time and space, keeping pace with the rules, turned back to the door of eternity.

In an instant, the source god world restored peace, and all life subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

These characters are no longer ordinary lives. They are all regular lives. Every move can affect everything in the source world.

Buzzing -

a corner of the array under the water moon mirror is more concise and exudes the power of teleportation. They are about to be teleported away.


A familiar howl brings back the spirit and the mirror. In a twinkling of an eye, they can see that Shuangyuan bird, which has already grown the spirit feather, is flying with its claws holding the Tianyin ancient eye bird, just like an eagle holding a chicken.

"Get in the car."

Ye que shakes his head, tidies up his good mood and drinks for a long time.

Now that things have come to this point, we can only take one step at a time.

Shuangyuanniao is so excited that it is the only one who dares to break into the Dragon wasteland sea in this dangerous situation.

To outsiders, it's still dangerous here, so at this moment, no one dares to get close to it, so shuangyuanniao comes unimpeded.


The sixth sky mark on the top of Ye Que's head didn't last long and disappeared slowly.

Only a dark sky was left, and black clouds were scattered in the sky like graffiti.

On the calm sea, there was a sea breeze. Wearing ragged clothes after the battle, ye que looked up at the calm sea and yelled: "ancient moon."

The sound echoed over the sea.

Gu Yuexi near Shencheng heard it.

She has been paying attention to the Dragon wasteland sea, and she heard the sound by using the secret method.

"Follow them back."

Ye que called again, and his voice echoed round and round.

In response to him is a holy God.

The God awn rose from the holy city and swayed a rainbow light between heaven and earth.

God is coming.

"Go back together."

The empress in the God awn, light shout a, or as always cold, mixed with habit of not angry from power.

"No, I'm being watched by too many people. Go back to your jiusang mountain. When I find a way to repair my blood, I'll contact you."

Leaf lacks to carry a stick, optimistic smile, show white teeth, erect a thumb, then leave with the water moon mirror.

As soon as he left, Gu Yuexi was in the air, hanging alone on the sea.

At that moment, her mood was as gloomy as the dark sky, the wind blowing, a little desolate.

"From now on, you are the enemy of the whole world."

She murmured.

Sudden farewell, although it seems very common, but she knows the meaning behind it.

The appearance of the mysterious temple in legend leads to the eternal ancestor.

These two things are enough to shake the divine world.

She can expect that from now on, all forces from the divine world will be ready to move.

Whether it's to fight for the physical secrets of the son of mysteries, or to capture the treasure of the son of mysteries.

Many forces will come out.

This is a fight for interests.

The consciousness of hatred and Prejudice has been awakened in all people's hearts since the appearance of the temple of mysteries.No matter where the mystic son goes, he will be targeted, just like the people, race, hatred and racial discrimination that can never be erased.

This is a contradiction left over from the war of ancient times.

Some of the more top forces, for various purposes, such as flattering the eternal ancestors, or retaliating against the temple of mysteries, will definitely chase and intercept the son of mysteries.

The same generation must have the idea of defeating the mystic son. After all, he is the mystic son of the mystic temple, the first generation of a legendary force.

This is the most intuitive expression of the complexity of human nature.


He is really the enemy of the whole world.

I'm afraid I can't even go back to the real world.

Only because the eternal ancestor, has targeted him.

Perhaps, the eternal ancestor will not fight against yeku, but it is impossible to let him go.

As long as you don't run away, you can do anything, but if you run away, the eternal ancestor will do it.

The empress is very clear about ye Que's temper. Even if he has a way to return to the real divine world, he can never go back.

"The true divine world, is you and we save together, you will not take the destruction to go back."

The ancient moon is hanging on the sea, and the wind has disturbed her long hair. Under the dark sky, she suddenly has a sense of separation between life and death.

My heart is empty, as if something important is gone.

The empress, who had been planning for billions of years in the real world, suddenly felt that her fate was unfair.

"Are you the goddess of jiusang?"

Two shadowy figures rose slowly in the sea.

They haven't been suppressed for a long time. They have broken free from the power of suppression. Just as they came out, they noticed that Gu Yuexi had the smell of nine mulberry trees.

Gu Yuexi turned her back to the two figures and didn't speak. She just looked at the desolate and lonely sky and sea.

Hum -

two shadowy figures cast their spells and began to deduce the cause and effect and Qi mechanism in the dark.

In the end, Gu Yuexi's body lights up holy white light, and a goddess figure condenses in the light, which is jiusangyuan God, whose temperament is surprisingly consistent with Gu Yuexi.

"It's the goddess of jiusang. She's really here."

"My nine mulberry mountain has successors."

Two hazy figure trills, voice contains choking.

No loss.

It's not a loss to come here once.

No glory.

But it's worth it to find the goddess of jiusang.

"Goddess, go back with us. After being baptized by the nine mulberry tree, we will take over the position of goddess of the nine mulberry mountain. From then on, the future of the northern earth will respect you."

A hazy figure spits out a mysterious sound, such as the power of heaven, revealing the glorious momentum of the general trend.

When this sound reverberates slowly between the sky and the sea, Gu Yuexi's deep eyes suddenly become clear and dim.

She did not speak, just turned around, with the source of jiusang Mountain God, into the transmission space gate, return to jiusang mountain.

[author's digression]: and