Yuzuru and Arisa were walking together, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder.

There was no conversation between the two.

For some reason, Arisa was embarrassed by Yuzuru’s proximity to her and turned her face down as she walked, while Yuzuru actively closed the distance to Arisa and walked straight ahead, pretending not to notice Arisa’s manner.

“Oh, um, …… Yuzuru-san.”

“What’s wrong, Arisa?”

“Well, where are we headed?”

Unable to stand the silence, Arisa asked Yuzuru.

Of course, Yuzuru didn’t take Arisa out without a reason.

“There’s a shrine nearby. I’ve already paid my first visit with my family… but would you like to go with me to pay your respects?”

“…… Yes. I think that would be great. I hadn’t yet paid a visit.”

Arisa gave a small nod.

Then suddenly, perhaps curious… Arisa asked Yuzuru.

“Well, I heard that ……Yuzuru-san’s family is  Christian.”

“Hm? Yeah…well, they’re Protestants, at least.”

“Is it okay to go to the shrine?”

“Well, it’s kind of a joke.”

Back in the Meiji era, the Takasegawa family accepted the Protestant faith.

However,.. it was not because they were impressed by Protestantism, but for very political reasons.

Therefore, the then head of the Takasegawa family, who agreed to convert, was not a very ardent believer in Protestantism, even though he was favorable to it.

Naturally, his descendant Yuzuru was no different.

“…… political reasons, is it? Is it okay if I ask about it?”

Arisa seemed to be a little interested in the history of the Takasegawa family.

For Yuzuru, it was a great pleasure to know that Arisa had a strong interest in his family.

Besides,… eventually, Arisa would become Yuzuru’s wife.

This has already been decided in Yuzuru’s mind.

(Now, how much should I tell her?…)

If he wanted to talk about it, he would have to talk about the complicated political and economic situation at the time, and even the international situation surrounding Japan at the time. ……

It is not something that Yuzuru would want Arisa to get bored with in the middle of.

“The Takasegawa family …at the time was on the side of pushing for modernization and westernization. This is why they took the initiative and converted to Protestantism.”

“Is there any particular reason why you chose to become a Protestant?”

“The Tachibana family at that time had already converted to Catholicism. The Tachibana family at that time was very pro-French. …… Well, in opposition to that, my family took a pro-German position and chose to become Protestant. …… That’s how it happened.”

In short, the reason for this is a sense of rivalry with Tachibana.

When Yuzuru said that…

“…… Were the Takasegawa family and the Tachibana family not on good terms in the past?”

The way Yuzuru said it, in a manner that made it seem as if Tachibana and Takasegawa were at odds with each other, seemed to have stuck with Arisa a bit.

Arisa asked Yuzuru…with a slightly uneasy expression, but with a strong sense of curiosity.

“Well, not just in the past, but … still is.”

“…… Even now?”

“The Takasegawa family and the Tachibana family basically have an antagonistic relationship. Especially in domestic politics and diplomacy, they often take opposite positions.”

In domestic politics.

Even in diplomatic relations.

It is a kind of tradition that Takasegawa and Tachibana belong to opposite camps.

“… Well, are the two families actually at odds with each other?”

“No way. We’re actually very close, so it’s fine.”

“… Um, what do you mean?”

“In other words… to explain it in simple terms, it’s like pro-wrestling.”

Takasegawa and Tachibana always belong to the opposite camp.

This is an ostensible pose.

In the first place, this world is not so simple that it can be divided into two halves.

There are various interests involved.

“Pro-wrestling….is it? Why would you do that?”

“It’s more profitable that way…I guess. Well, it’s a grown-up thing.”

In fact, Yuzuru didn’t know much about it either.

Although he was their heir, Yuzuru’s father and grandfather were not so reticent as to give information to a mere high school student.

“…Was it okay for you to tell me about that grown-up situation?”

“Takasegawa and Tachibana are at odds with each other, but it’s really just an act of pretense. It’s an open secret, so don’t worry.”

If the two families are at odds with each other, it is an act. And if it was a secret, Yuzuru and Ayaka would not be able to study together at the same school.

“I see….. That’s good to know. I was wondering if I learned something I shouldn’t have.”

“There’s not much that I know that you shouldn’t know.”

When Yuzuru replied that, Arisa gave a small laugh.

Then, with a mischievous smile on her face, she asked Yuzuru.

“So there are things like that?”

“… Well, a little bit.”

‘I would like to convey my feelings to you at the right place and at the right time.’

Yuzuru inwardly muttered.

As they walked along, they came to a shrine.

They put in the five yen coin and bowed with two bows and two claps.

And on the way back.

Arisa asked Yuzuru.

“Did you make any wish?”

“Sort of.”

Yuzuru answered briefly and then told her what he wished for.

“I wished that I could spend another year with Arisa.”

He did not pray that his confession would go well.

He did not pray … that he would be able to marry Arisa.

This was something that Yuzuru felt that he should make happen with his own hands.

He felt that it was he, not God, who would make Arisa happy.

Yuzuru had such an insignificant, possessive desire.

“…… it is the same, huh”

“Same ……?”

“I also prayed…. that I could be with Yuzuru-san again this year.”

Arisa’s cheeks were slightly flushed as she said this.

Yuzuru also felt his own ears getting hot.

The two regripped each other’s hands.

After that… they walked home in silence.

Strangely, the silence was comfortable. 

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