Chapter 52

Second, we need to recommend tickets and collect them

Qin Fang was really a bit surprised that Ning Yumo's level was so high, much higher than several people who showed his level.

Looking at the perfect figure of Ning Yumo, Qin Fang can't see where she is better than others. Is it because she is more violent?

No one can give Qin Fang the answer to this question.

Qin Fang didn't have so much thought to think about it. With his feet constantly pedaling, his strength is growing, and his speed is also improving rapidly.

"Speed + 3..."

"Speed + 4..."

"Speed + 8..."

In addition to constantly stepping on his feet, Qin Fang also lost his detection skills to the bicycle in his crotch from time to time. He watched the speed increase from 0 at the beginning. In just two or three minutes, the speed was + 8, and it was still improving.

The scenery on both sides of the road retreated behind him, and a gust of breeze swept across his cheek, which eased the sweat and physical consumption of Qin Fang.

"Where have you been?"

Ning Yumo didn't care about this at first. His eyes kept looking at both sides of the road. He was obviously searching for the tracks of the two fugitives, but he didn't notice that the speed was getting faster and faster!

Just when the speed is faster and faster, Ning Yumo's skirt corner, which is held by her hand, floats in the wind. In such hot weather, she actually feels the cool wind whizzing in the soft part of the body, which makes her realize that something is wrong!

"Ah ~ ~ so fast!"

Ning Yumo's attention shifts from looking for the trace of the escaped criminal to Qin Fang. She finds that the bicycle under her seat is driving at a super high speed. According to her personal feeling, the speed of the bicycle may have exceeded 80 mph, and it is still rising.

"This Is this still a bike? "

Ning Yumo is really flustered at this time. If she drives a sports car herself, she has tried it at a speed of more than 300 per hour, and she also has strong confidence in her own technology, and she won't be afraid at all.

But now she has a way of riding in a boat in the rolling sea. Generally, any wave can easily sink the boat.

It's just that what she's riding now is not a boat, but a bicycle, which has a speed of more than 100 miles. If Qin Fang makes a little mistake in his hand, they will fly out at a super high speed, and the result will be the same as a car accident.

With the cool wind blowing, the clothes on Ning Yumo's body are quite thin, which should be a little cool. But Ning Yumo, who has always been fearless, is cold on his back this time, as if he is fighting with death at this time.

She's scared, really scared!

His body was slightly close to Qin Fang, and one hand was subconsciously pulling Qin Fang's clothes. It seemed that the cloth of Qin Fang's clothes was not strong enough, so he turned to encircle Qin Fang's waist.

This kind of change made Qin Fang feel a little surprised. In addition to being surprised, he could feel Ning Yumo's proud fullness. He could not help but work harder and faster.

Ning Yumo's face is also a little scarlet. This is the first time that she has been so close to a man in more than 20 years. Without saying it, she has to rub her chest with his descendants from time to time.

"That Qin Fang, can you slow down? "

Hesitating again and again, Ning Yumo still can't help asking.

"Sister Xiaoning, I'm afraid not This speed is too fast. I can't slow down for a while and a half. Let me slow down! " At a speed of more than 100 miles, if they dare to brake, they will definitely fly out.


"Uncle Liu, have we offended anyone? On a hot day, we are sent to this kind of place where there is no shit. You can see that there are no more than ten cars in an hour. Who are we going to catch! The broken air conditioner is broken. It's so hot... "

Two traffic policemen are sitting in the roadside car with sweat on their faces. The windows are open and an electronic speedometer is still in their hands. This is to catch speeding. A younger traffic policeman said to the older one.

"You don't understand. The more this road is, the easier it is to grasp it!"

The senior traffic policeman was very experienced and said, "the speed limit of this road is 60. How much do you think you would drive?"

"Oh, I see! Ginger is still old and spicy... "

The young traffic police thought that on the road with few people, the road condition is good. If you don't drive a hundred and eighty, you are sorry for this road, but this road is speed limited, and you can't exceed the speed limit for ten minutes!

Brush ~ ~

and just then, a dark shadow rushed past their car, and the electronic speedometer immediately began to beep.

"Hey, hey, it's business..."The young traffic policeman immediately cried with a smile, but when he was about to chase him, he was stunned Subconsciously, he looked at the electronic speedometer in his hand. The speed displayed on it reached 110 mph. It was obvious that he was speeding a lot. However, he slapped the machine, as if it was broken.

"That Uncle Liu! You are very knowledgeable. Have you ever seen anyone riding a bicycle more than 100 times? " The young traffic policeman hesitated for a moment and asked.

"Watch it, you son. What the hell are you talking about?" The traffic policeman surnamed Liu was reading the newspaper, but he didn't pay attention to the situation outside and immediately laughed and scolded.

"No, I'm serious. You can see for yourself..."

The young traffic policeman was stunned, then pointed to Qin Fang and Ning Yumo with a wry smile, and then pointed to the electronic speedometer on his hand.

"Well, what kind of monster is this guy?"

The traffic policeman surnamed Liu was also very surprised. The speed of the bicycle in front of him was really very fast, even compared with the car, it might not be slow.

"Probably a professional cyclist..." However, as soon as I thought about it, most of the speed was trained here by the people of the South Soviet cycling team, so I didn't care. I continued to look down at the newspaper.


"Qin Fang, I'd better stop. I feel a little dizzy..."

Qin Fang's speed really slowed down, but it was reduced from more than 100 miles, and the buffer distance was very long. With Qin Fang's deliberate delay, Ning Yumo could not bear it any more, just gripping his silver teeth.

"Well, ok..."

Qin Fang had no choice but to nod and promise. He took advantage of it and could not play like this any more. "Sister Xiaoning, look ahead, it seems that they are the two fugitives..."

At this time, Qin Fang noticed that at the pass in front of him, two figures were ready to drill into the mountain. He immediately pointed to the two men and said to Ning Yumo.

"Yes, it's them. Hurry up and catch up..."

Ning Yumo was really the two men he wanted to track. At this time, he couldn't bear the speed of Qin Fang's bicycle, so he immediately chased them.