Chapter 855

With such advanced props on their side, Qin Fang could see clearly what they were busy doing in front of them, but the people nearby could only rely on their own eyes to see all this.


Sure enough, this don't see don't know, a look to startle, smell Yan see clearly what happened in front of, immediately couldn't help but issued such a exclamation.

Only half of her exclamation came out. Before even telling Qin what happened in front of her, she heard the high priest Darren yell, "sacrifice to the gods"

even when she saw the strong men carrying the platform, he suddenly threw the platform down to the cliff... "

In the wind, you can see the platform, and you can also see a human like object. With the blood rain all over the sky, they quickly fall towards the cliff.

"God is supreme!"

"God is supreme..."

High priest Darren first fell to the ground and cried out, and all the people around him also fell to the ground. Then the Qin people who didn't know the truth around them also instinctively followed, all fell to the ground and cried out, just like the believers of the evil cult.

The blood sacrifice has been completed, and now the sacrifice has also been completed, which means that the sacrifice will be a success. The mountain people also ask for a better future for the whole tribe, showing their sincerity and piety. They dare not be disrespectful

Seeing such a scene, although Wen Yan wanted to say something, she didn't open her mouth in the end, mainly because she didn't want to break the dream of these mountain people.

This process lasted about ten minutes. With the high priest Darren's voice below zero, the ceremony was officially concluded.

The head of the tribe asked high priest Darren to stay and enjoy the most abundant food of the tribe This can be said to be the most luxurious meal of the whole tribe.

However, high priest Darren seems to be quite dignified, very severely refused the invitation of the tribal patriarch, but symbolically left one or two subordinates, the rest were carrying his big sedan chair, and soon left the tribe and returned to his residence.

"Qin Fang, that man is a cheat..."

All the people in the tribe They are all happy to return to the tribal village, but Wen Yan catches Qin Fang and wants to tell him the news.


however, Qin Fang hissed at her and motioned to those mountain people who passed by. Maybe few of them could understand Chinese, but it's hard to guarantee that there were not one or two of them.

After all, they are in the front row, and there are not many people around

Until then, he said in a low voice, "I already know. You go back with Tang Xin, and I'll go to see the situation

From the first sight of high priest Darren, Qin Fang knew that this guy was a liar The reason why he hasn't been exposed is that he doesn't want to disillusion the dreams of these mountain people, and he also wants to see what medicine this guy sells in gourd

Just now, Qin Fang saw the process of sacrifice. Although he didn't use a telescope to observe the details carefully, when the platform and the sacrificial girl left the cliff together Qin Fang specially lost a detection skill to the corpse.

The feedback results also confirmed Qin Fang's previous conjecture that the girl was not dead, nor was she thrown off the cliff. She should still be in the hands of high priest Darren.

After the sacrifice, high priest Darren left in a hurry. He was in a hurry. There was no problem. Qin didn't believe it.

What's more, although high priest Darren's position was extraordinary, he had to use such a large sedan chair to get in and out There was nothing wrong with this, but the sedan chair was covered with curtains, and all the people around were subordinates of high priest Darren himself

The important steps of sacrifice were either completed by high priest Darren himself or by his subordinates. The tribe did not participate in them at all.

Sure enough, high priest Darren's people are all holy messengers. For the sake of the sanctity of the ceremony, it makes sense not to let the mountain people touch them. However, they are not allowed to get close to each other. This is a problem

Although Qin Fang didn't see the specific situation, he could guess it. The girl was not thrown off the cliff at all, but in the sedan chair of high priest Darren.

"Well, you must get her back..."

Wen Yan sees the truth with her telescope. High priest Darren replaces the so-called corpse. The real girl is still alive

Don't know the truth, maybe don't worry But knowing the truth, Wen Yan, as a girl, is also inevitably worried. After all, the high priest Darren doesn't look like a good man. A pure girl who doesn't hang up with her falls into his hands. This end It's scary to think about it."I try to..."

Qin Fang nodded, but he didn't say too much.

By this time, he had started a little slower. Who knows if the impatient high priest Darren could not wait long ago and started on his way back.

What's more, the girl has been thrown into the cliff and dedicated to the Supreme God in the hearts of the mountain people. If she suddenly comes back alive, it will undoubtedly mean that the sacrifice has failed, and the beautiful dream in their hearts will be shattered in an instant

Maybe they can also know that high priest Darren is actually a liar, but compared with the fact of this liar and their beautiful dream, it is obvious that these mountain people prefer the fact of the latter... " As for a girl's life, they don't care about it.

For the future of the tribe, it's worth sacrificing one's life, otherwise Girls will not volunteer blood sacrifice, even from the beginning to the end are full of infinite excitement and excitement.

Tang Xin returns to the tribe with Wen Yan, while Qin Fang hides easily with the help of the surrounding dark environment and the cover up of the mountains and forests, and then quickly pursues the direction where high priest Darren disappeared.

Qin's speed was fast enough, but the mountain road was rough, and high priest Darren left a little earlier. Qin needed to track down all the way, and it took a little time to catch up.

However, before Qin had time to start, high priest Darren had already arrived at his residence.

The place where high priest Darren lived was a special place in the mountain. It was like a small mountain stronghold, but the scale was relatively small, but the fortifications were much stronger than those of the mountain families.

It seems that the defense is very strict. Strong fences have been built around, and a gate has been specially set up. It looks like an ancient garrison camp. There are always people patrolling around from time to time. Although these people are only ordinary people in the mountains, they seem to be much better than the mob of mountain people.

By this time, it's very late. It's like those stockaded villages outside, if they don't have any activities, they will be ready to rest early.

And here it looks like the lights are bright, it's so busy,... "

The palanquin of high priest Darren stopped in the gate. High priest Darren came down from above, but he was not a I still have a young girl in my hand.

Obviously, the girl was the one who was sacrificed by the tribe.

It's a pity that the tribe thought she had died, but in fact she was still alive, and she was brought to the high priest Darren.

Not only that, the high priest Darren was in a hurry, as if he could not wait. Holding the girl, he hurried into the biggest stone house in the middle of the stockade.

All the people around were looking at the high priest Darren with envy. Their eyes crossed the perfect body of the young girl, and their eyes were full of desire.

Although the defense here is very strict, much stronger than that of Hanzi outside, it is difficult for Qin Fang to easily sneak into the stockade and go directly to the most important stone house in the stockade.

When you come to the stone house gate, you can clearly find that the defense here seems to be more strict, and there are people around all the time.

"Tut Tut, there's a new girl That's a good look! If we can get a shot, it's really cool... "

One of the guards was still very anxious as he spoke, and wanted to have a look inside the stone house.


but his companion slapped him immediately and scolded him What are you looking at? Do you want to die? I don't know that this soup is enjoyed by the high priest himself "

" I just want to have a look. Anyway, the high priest is tired of playing. Isn't this woman giving it to us? "

The guard said with indifference, it's obvious that all kinds of things have not been done once or twice for a long time.

"It's going to wait until the high priest gets tired of playing. Now he just brought it back, but it's still fresh.

the companion also smashed his mouth and said, obviously he was very envious of the high priest who would enjoy it.

"Well, it's too much to eat. I'll go to a woman first to get rid of the fire." the one the high priest was tired of last time is good. I'll go to her today... "

The guard seemed to feel that he couldn't stand it and couldn't watch the door, so he quickly slipped away.

"Bai Chi, you've become a fool. How dare you..."

His companion, on the other hand, gave him a smack of disdain, which was obviously quite disdainful to him.

"but then again, that girl is really good-looking. Although she has become a fool, it's really cool to cry! Tut Tut, I can't do it. I can't let him alone. I'll do it too... " (to be continued
