Chapter 1219

Chu Yunxuan's work efficiency is still very high. In less than a morning, Ninghai has collected all the materials that can be collected, and has sent a special person to Jiangzhou to send them.

The rest of the materials need to be configured separately. Chu Yunxuan borrowed a laboratory from Jiangzhou university through the relationship between Wu Jian's father and Wuling. She even asked the university to borrow some researchers to help Chu Yunxuan.

Chu Yunxuan has a doctor's degree in medicine and medicine from Harvard Medical School. Even if she teaches in Jiangzhou University, she can start from an associate professor. There is no problem borrowing a few researchers. Some people even know that Chu Yunxuan is coming and ask for help.

Of course, on the one hand, it is because of Chu Yunxuan's academic achievements, on the other hand, some people know that Chu Yunxuan is a rare beauty.

The process of configuration is not very complicated, but some of the drugs in China are obviously inferior to those in foreign countries. Chu Yunxuan has been abroad for quite a long time, and she has always been in contact with the most advanced technology. Even though she has been back home for more than a year, she has not lagged far behind

These researchers come here to help. At the same time, they can learn from Chu Yunxuan, which is enough for them to have a good time.

Maybe there will be some people who will immediately write a long paper on what they have learned and list it in national journals, which will immediately lay a good foundation for their professional title evaluation in the future.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Chu Yunxuan. She just borrows the facilities and conditions here!

"Hard work..."

When Chu Yunxuan comes back to the hotel with all the materials she needs to configure the crazy potion, her whole body seems to be haggard. It can be seen that this is not too easy.

Qin Fang comforts Chu Yunxuan uneasily, and checks her body.

Compared with traditional Chinese medicine, these chemical reagents are much more dangerous. If one can't do it well, one can be poisoned. Sometimes one can't even find out for himself.

Of course, many traditional Chinese medicines are toxic, but if you don't take them, you won't get poisoned. However, some of the chemical reagents are directly toxic gases, which makes it impossible to prevent.

Qin Fang was also afraid that Chu Yunxuan was in a hurry and ignored her own defense, leaving her body with any hidden danger.

Fortunately, Chu Yunxuan didn't have any problems. It's just that time is too tight and she's a little tired. Then she looks tired. She's in good health. There's no sign of poisoning and there's no discomfort. Qin Fang is relieved.

"I'll leave the rest to you. I'll have a rest first..."

Chu Yunxuan knew that the pharmaceutical industry still needed Qin Fang to handle it. Although she had seen the formula, and even tried to configure it, she was disappointed.

After testing, she found that there was great harm in the madness potion she prepared. Even the potion developed by her tutors was slightly inferior.

Chu Yunxuan doesn't know if there is something wrong with this prescription, or if there is something wrong with her own configuration, or if her tutor exaggerates her achievements Anyway, the result disappointed Chu Yunxuan.

In desperation, Chu Yunxuan gave up and left the matter to Qin Fang.

Chu Yunxuan knew that Qin Fang was good at making medicine from the last time's pills for invigorating the heart and nourishing the blood. It's a pity that only Qin Fang could use that kind of medicine. Other people couldn't do it. She couldn't even learn it, so she had no choice but to give up

"Go and have a rest. Leave the rest to me..."

Qin Fang nodded, then sent Chu Yunxuan to her room to have a rest. She even pricked her black sweet acupoint with acupuncture. She would have a very comfortable sleep and would not wake up until she was full of energy.

After Chu Yunxuan is settled, Qin conveniently goes back to his side and is ready to start refining the crazy medicine

Kuanghua potion is a liquid, which is definitely different from the pill like solid of buxindan and buxuedan before. However, the operation process of Qin Fang's experiment is almost the same. First of all,

first refines the essence of drugs, and extracts all these materials in advance, distilling the essence that is really needed. As for those useless wastes, it is lost directly.

The reason why Chu Yunxuan failed in her own refining was that she ignored this problem

Qin Fang's prescription, which is from Bill's body, is the product of the system. It is absolutely guaranteed in quality.

Although there are side effects, they are recognized by the system. Maybe this is the best effect that this kind of drug can achieve. The prescription produced by the

system is naturally aimed at the Qin Fang people, because Qin Fang can extract the essence of these ingredients, which is the key to refining


Chu Yunxuan had all the materials, but they had to be prepared according to the prescription without being refined. Naturally, they would not succeed.Even if it is true that the configuration out of the drug, it is not to eat, it is estimated that who eat who crazy!

Chu Yunxuan forgot to tell Qin Fang that she did a simple experiment with a mouse over there in the laboratory. As a result, she ate the "failed manic potion" she managed to make. Manic is really manic. That mouse easily killed a cage of its own kind, and then Tear yourself up!

It's just that Qin conveniently knows this and won't care too much, because his method of preparation is totally different from that of Chu Yunxuan.

The crazy potion he configured either fails, leaving no residue directly, or succeeds. The attribute is just like the basic attribute given to crazy potion.

Of course, the quality of good or bad, will have a little bit of impact, but not very much!

Qin Fang is now devoted to the work of refining crazy medicine.

refining the essence of drugs is boring, but Ding has had many experiences, but a little bit angry, and slowly refining all the materials, then began the real refining madness.

"Refining Refining failure, proficiency + 1. "

"Refining Refining failure, proficiency + 1. "

"Refining Refining failure, proficiency + 1. "

"Refining Refining failure, proficiency + 1.

At the beginning of refining, Qin side met with continuous failures, which almost made Qin side think that there was something wrong with its refining method.

He had guessed that the success rate of this crazy drug could not be very high, otherwise if it was mass produced, the destructive power would be absolutely amazing.

It can even catalyze a group of ordinary people into a group of terrible thugs. The instant destructive power is absolutely enough to destroy many buildings and even cities

And spread this medicine to the army, it is equivalent to let ordinary soldiers become special forces, special forces are turned into Superman underwear!

Although the effect is only one minute, sometimes one minute is enough to determine the outcome of an event or a war!

Therefore, before refining, Qin had already made psychological preparations.

The successive failures did shake Qin's confidence a little, but it didn't make him give up. Anyway, Chu Yunxuan prepared hundreds of doses for him, and Qin didn't believe it. In the end, he couldn't even refine a crazy potion!

"Refining Refining failure, proficiency + 1. "

"Refining Refining failure, proficiency + 1. "

"Refining Refining failure, proficiency + 1. "

"Refining Qin Fang didn't know how long he had been refining, such as failure, refining failure, refining failure, finally waiting for such a successful voice, he was almost stunned on the spot. He stopped for a long time to react, and then waved his fist fiercely The suffocation that has been accumulated in the chest for a long time.

"Refining Refining failure, proficiency + 1. "

"Refining Refining failure, proficiency + 1. "

"Refining Refining failure, proficiency + 1. "

On the one hand, he continued to refine the crazy potion with the remaining materials, and on the other hand, he went to see the crazy potion that had been stored in the prop box.

This is the first bottle of crazy potion that he got. He really doesn't know if he can refine it later. Then this bottle of crazy potion in his hand is the best weapon for him to fight against the bloody hand demon TU-3!

The quality of this bottle of crazy medicine is pretty good, reaching 86 points, which is the best choice. A bottle of absolute high quality can basically release all the efficacy of this crazy medicine, and Qin Fang is more confident about it!

Although the later refining of Qin Fang is still going on, it's not bad luck. When there are only the last two materials left, Qin Fang finally made another bottle of crazy medicine.

It's just that the quality of this bottle of crazy medicine is a little worse, only 76 points. There will be a little discount on the medicine, but it's still good.

But comparatively speaking, Qin Fang's real use at that time must be that bottle of 86 quality crazy medicine

As for the bottle of manic potion in his hand, Qin Fang still wondered if he could test it first, and weigh how much the manic potion could increase his strength, or lay the foundation for the battle against the bloody hand demon. At least when the war was over, he would not shrink his hands or be restrained by the opponent, That's not good

(to be continued)