Chapter 1675

That unfortunate child is naturally Zhu Ming's bodyguard That's the sniper who led Qin Fang to Xu's forbidden area. My thoughts ♥ road ♣ As a matter of principle, Qin should express his thanks to Ke Fei It's just that Qin's way of thanking is a little too special. It's a bit of revenge.

However, Qin did not feel embarrassed at all.

Like his Master Zhu Ming, he was a master who wanted Qin Fang to be torn apart As for what he did for Qin by mistake, it was not what he really wanted to do, so Qin didn't have to thank him.

Now that Zhu Ming, his master, has come to the end of being completely disabled, it would be more kind of him to accompany him Strictly speaking, Qin Fang helped him to be loyal to his master.

Xu Zizhen and Qin Fang went back to the other side of the room together. There was a lot of time here. Liang Ru ordered some simple dishes and sat down to drink and chat They also talked about some chaotic things in the South and the north, or some strange stories from all over the world, or some famous and interesting things All in all, it's a mess. There's no point in it.

However, these three glasses of wine and two glasses of wine make the relationship between the two members a little better.

Qin still calls Xu Zizhen Xu Shao and Lao Xu, but Xu Zizhen is also called Qin Fang or Lao Qin In such a situation, the two entrants can also be regarded as ordinary friends. At least in terms of interests, the two entrants are on the same line.

"I don't know why. I always think that guy was cheated by you..."

Xu Zizhen said with a smile while drinking. He didn't know whether he was intentional or unintentional.


However, Qin was not moved, just a very flat response.

Although the relationship between the two entrants is closer than before, generally speaking, they really don't want to be close friends. It's impossible for them to talk too much if they can click on some content.

"By the way, my second uncle entered You don't have a big heart. You should be a little more careful these two days! "

However, since he began to talk about some things tonight, Xu Zizhen's face was a little more serious. When he said this, his face also showed some concern.

"It's natural!"

Qin Fang laughed and waved his hand.

As for Xu Shaofeng, the second uncle of Xu Zizhen, who is the best of the second generation of the Xu family's sword repair masters, although Qin Fang has let him down for a while, he will never underestimate his existence The strength of the master level sword repair master is not much weaker than him.

If at some specific moment, Qin Fang might be severely shriveled on his hand Not to mention, this is the Xujia Island, the Xujia territory It is impossible for Qin to go too far.

Although Xu Zizhen should be on his own side, if it comes to the interests of the Xu family, Xu Zizhen may not be in the same heart as Qin Fang This is the reason why Qin Fang cut off Zhu Ming's limbs and made a hole in Zhu Ming's bodyguard, but only humiliated Xu Shaofeng, but did not fight him.

"It's getting late. It's time for me to go back!"

At this point, Xu Zizhen has nothing to say. He has drunk almost all the wine. There is no need for him to stay.

In this way, he said hello to Qin Fang and left here.

And Qin Fang didn't go to see him off. He just nodded his head and accepted this sentence. Then he didn't care about anything After a night of silence, Qin Fang had a very stable and beautiful sleep.

It's just that whether the Xu family is peaceful this evening is not what he needs to know When Qin Fang got up in the morning for morning exercise, the blood stains on the ground last night had been cleaned up, and Zhu Ming's severed limbs had been taken away. Everything seemed so calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Are you Qin Fang?"

However, when Qin Fang was jogging along the path of the manor, a pretty figure came up from behind, deliberately suppressing the speed. After jogging with Qin Fang for several hundred meters, Qin Fang ignored her all the time, so he could not help asking curiously.


Qin Fang continued to jog, but responded politely.

Lairu is a young girl about 20 years old. Her pretty face, perfect figure and beautiful black hair are floating with the breeze in the early morning. Her pure and clear eyes make her feel that she is a perfect goddess Such a perfect girl, any man can't help looking at her However, Qin Fang didn't seem to notice it at all. He just ran and walked, but didn't look at it one more time To be exact, he didn't even look in the eye.

"I heard that you are very good Why can't my second uncle get off the stage? "However, the girl didn't seem to care about Qin Fang's "impolite" behavior. Instead, her face was filled with a bright smile. She asked happily, as if she was very happy to see Xu Shaofeng's throwing behavior.

However, Qin Fang didn't answer her question, just ran silently "My name is Xu Jiao. Xu Zi is really my third brother..."

The girl is quite persistent, see Qin Fang did not answer, she not only did not shrink back, but also very enthusiastic initiative to introduce themselves.

"Oh ~ ~"

it's a pity that only Qin Fang responded with a dull nasal voice.

Although Qin Fang saw this girl for the first time, Xu Zizhen mentioned her sister Xu Jiao when she was drinking with Xu Zizhen last night Although the girl seems to be only 20 years old, she is actually the most evil person in the Xu family.

If Xu Zi really didn't practice martial arts, he was doomed to manage the Xu family's property all his life, then this girl It is the most ideal inheritance of the Xu family in the future.

It's almost unimaginable In the Wulin family, men are always superior to women, and there are even many rules that men should not be passed on to women, and children should not be passed on to sons in law. They are afraid that the secret of the family will spread out And the Xu family actually wants to let Xu Jiao, the girl who is destined to marry out, become the future home owner, which is obviously very wonderful.

However, Qin Fang learned some reasons from Xu Zizhen.

This girl, from the moment she showed off her outstanding performance in martial arts, was hidden by the Xu family. Besides practicing martial arts, she seldom touched anything else and never left the xujiadao island.

Maybe it's because of her concentrated cultivation, her terrible cultivation and the unique resources of the forbidden area of the Xu family, so her attainments in kendo have already surpassed her peers There is a very small gap with her father's generation.

The reason why it is said that it is very small, rather than surpassing in an all-round way, is mainly because of the existence of Xu Shaofeng Xu Shaofeng is now a master of sword repair. He is also the first master of his generation. He can almost match the master of the previous generation The whole Xu family, able to beat him steadily, is no more than one hand in total.

It is for this reason that Xu Shaofeng's status in the Xu family is so high, and his behavior is so carefree However, the girl of the Xu family is now at the peak of her master level. As long as she takes another crucial step, she can reach the level of Xu Shaofeng Xu Jiao has spent a lot of time practicing in the sword grave since she was young. Therefore, her understanding of the meaning of the sword is much deeper than Xu Shaofeng's. If the two enter a unified realm, Xu Jiao's absolutely cruel Xu Shaofeng can't find Beier.

It's just that it's very difficult for a master to step into the master level Xu Jiao's advance is too fast. She's stuck here. It's hard to break through in a short time. Bi Jing is only about 20 years old.

Rao is so. Xu Jiao also regards Xu Shaofeng as her main rival at present And have been working hard.

Unexpectedly, she learned from her third brother Xu Zizhen that Qin Fang, even a little younger than her, could easily humiliate second Uncle Xu Shaofeng and cut off Zhu Ming's limbs in front of Xu Shaofeng Aiming at this point, she immediately became very interested in Qin Fang, so she came to the manor where Qin Fang lived early in the morning Xu Jiaocai doesn't care how shameful Xu Shaofeng is. Even she once fantasized about how to make fun of him when she beat Xu Shaofeng However, she has not yet made a breakthrough and advanced, but someone has helped her fulfill such a wish ahead of time.

If this is a "bad old man" who is similar to the second uncle's Criminal Court, Xu Jiao's heart is a little better. I didn't expect that Qin Fang Much younger than she thought.

Thinking of this, Xu Jiao couldn't help feeling a little angry So she also accompanied Qin Fang for a jog, trying to find some flaws in him But soon she was disappointed to find that Although Qin Fang seems relaxed and comfortable jogging, every movement, every gesture, even the swing of arms and legs, seems to contain some very strange rhythm.

This is a very mysterious and strange "rhythm", which seems to have some special magic When Xu Jiao is also slowly and Qin Fang's pace synchronization, she immediately found that the flow of her body's breath more stable, quiet, smooth!

The more wonderful and magical Xu Jiao is, the more interested she is in this young girl named Qin Fang. She even forgets that she has been reserved for 20 years and takes the initiative to talk to Qin Fang It's a pity that Qin Fang is like a wood who doesn't understand the customs, which makes the Xu family very depressed