
At the breakfast table the next morning I looked at my parents, my father reading the morning paper, mom bustling about making sure we all had everything we needed. Clearing my throat loudly to attract their attention, I spoke. “Mother, father. I have... something I need to talk about.”

Beside me my sister was grinning broadly, enjoying my discomfort, while Shaeula was looking on with interest.

“Mother? Why so formal Aki? Hmm, could it be...?” my mom began. Father neatly folded his paper and laid it down, looking at me with his usual stern expression.

“So, what is it, son? We are listening.”

I swallowed nervously, but steeling myself I got out the words. “So... last night at the festival... I decided to go out with Eri. We are together now.”

“Oh, congratulations!” my mother clapped her hands. “I thought it could happen now she has a rival in Shaeula on the scene to force her hand. How was it, was it romantic?” she giggled.

I pondered how to answer, but my Father spoke first. “So, I won’t say this is entirely unexpected, but have you thought this through? Mori-san is still at school, while you live in Tokyo now. It is quite difficult to have a long distance relationship. And as for the future... is your work stable enough to support her too?”

All things I had considered in the past. There was always good reason to not return her feelings, but... I guess that isn’t so important now...

“Ugh, don’t be such a wet blanket, darling.” My mom was saying. “You know she really loves our Aki. And our boy is smart, he’ll make it work. Love conquers all, or we would never have got married, right?”

“I have thought of these things myself in the past.” I admitted to father, face serious. “When I first moved I kept in touch a lot more, scraping up what money I had to make the train fares to come home during breaks at Uni... but as time went on I had less and less time to come home, I was always studying or working... then I decided to remain in Tokyo after graduation...”

“Yeah, you could definitely have stayed in touch more, big bro...” my sister complained. “But... it was pretty cool, the way you made it to the big city. Everyone pretty much just stays here in town all their lives, or a few move to another town or the city nearby, even if its barely more than a big town itself... Eri-chan and I were pretty envious of you... we wanted to follow in your footsteps. And now we will!”

“What I do not-not understand is why you spoke to each other so rarely. These mobile phones, as you call them, are very easy to use. And in all the time I have been with Akio, when we have been idling, he has spoken much about you and Eri. Obviously you both have never left his heart-heart.”

“Aww, you are making me blush Shaeula.” My sister giggled. “Well, Eri-chan... she didn’t want to be a bother. She’s always felt a bit... well, she sees you as something shining, big bro, something she wanted to reach out for, but was afraid she’d get burned. So while she treasured every contact they had, she was afraid of holding my big bro back. Until you came along, and gave her the push she needed. I know I’ve already thanked you for that, but thanks again. Eri-chan is a precious sister to me, so I wanted her to reach for her dreams, even if she failed.”

“Pay it no mind-mind.” Shaeula waved off her thanks. “I found her reluctance rather depressing, a female should reach out for what she wants and take it-it. Besides, I found her rather charming, and you as well, Aiko. She and my master are well suited.”

“Poor Shaeula, looks like you are out of luck then.” My mom teased, but Shaeula merely shrugged.

“A great male attracts the interest of many. Eri shall have many rivals, but a female must be strong to manage such things-things.”

Entering their main room Uncle Mori and Eri were at their table, Eri looking very pretty in her best summer dress. On seeing me her eyes lit up. “Akio! You came!”

“Well of course I came.” I smiled at her, feeling myself flush hot. “I’d be pretty awful not to after... well, you know.”

Auntie Mori joined us at the table, insisting I take some of the mochi sweets they had laid out. Taking a bite of one I chewed it, using a moment to gather my thoughts. As the silence stretched out, I turned to Uncle and Auntie, before bowing low.

“Well... I’m here today to tell you that I’ve started going out with your daughter. Eri and I are together now.”

“About damn time.” Uncle Mori said gruffly, yet his voice was hiding deep emotions. “My little girl has been waiting years for you to say that.”

“Oh come on dear, don’t be mean to little Aki. Eri had to grow up first, didn’t she?” she turned to me. “When I saw our little Eri looking so happy I knew this would be why. For a while when you moved to Tokyo I thought her chance had passed, especially when I heard you brought back another girl with you.” she wiped a tear that was forming away, sniffling a little. “But I had faith Eri would marry her childhood sweetheart, just as her parents did. Oh I’m so happy for her...”

“Mother...” Eri sniffed, and she too was shedding tears as they hugged. I turned away, giving them some privacy, only for Uncle Mori to look at me searchingly.

“So, when will the wedding be? We need time to prepare accordingly, but we shouldn’t leave it too long.”

Wedding? Uh... a bit soon, right?

Eri obviously thought that same, as she choked out a “Dad... stop embarrassing me... we only started going out yesterday...”

“In my eyes you’ve been going out since you were a little girl.” He countered. “Besides, you are old enough to get married with parental consent, and Akio here isn’t going to break up with you, is he? Therefore why not get married sooner? I’ve always dreamed of seeing my little girl in a wedding gown...”

“Uh, well... yes. I have no intention of making Eri unhappy. But I still think it is too soon to think of marriage. She should graduate from high school first and figure out what she wants to do with her life, whether that is University or something else. That gives me time to finish setting up my business and buying a suitable place for us to live...” Thinking about it, this is it, my life is all planned out. I’m a normie now, a girlfriend and a home... if it wasn’t for the fact I was chosen to protect the Earth from dangerous invaders, I’d be living a true riajuu lifestyle right now...

“You hear that, little Eri?” Auntie Mori enthused. “Little Aki has it all worked out. I think your life together is going to be wonderful. And you have the trip abroad to celebrate next week. it’s like a honeymoon.”

“Speaking of that...” Uncle Mori said. “You should be careful. I know you are just recently together, and passions are high... just, be sensible, all right?”

Ugh, now I remember our kisses last night and I can feel myself blushing even harder. Who knew getting a girlfriend would be so... emotional.

We spent the next few hours being embarrassed by Uncle and Auntie as they told tales of our childhood, including some that I had forgotten, and more that I wished I had forgotten. Though somehow during that time Eri had moved next to me and our hands were entangled under the table. Her palm was warm within mine, and as she smiled sweetly at me when our eyes met, I felt peace in my chest. Yeah, I thought too much over the years. This does feel right. Making sure Eri and my sister are safe and happy is all that matters. Shaeula too. Those who I care for need protection, and if the very planet is in danger, then who but I can make sure they are safe?

Clenching my free fist I vowed to myself that I would strive ever harder, grow ever stronger. Invaders? Hah. Try and threaten those I love and I’ll crush you!