Two Hundred And Forty-Eight

“So, are you ready?” I asked Haru-san, who was looking pale enough to seem a ghost, to an outside observer. We had fetched her, and along with Hyacinth and Shaeula (who was still basking in the amusement of having teased Aliyah rather unmercifully) we had arrived at the rather ominous Tokyo Detention Centre, in Katsushika. It held the majority of the prisoners awaiting execution in Japan, and looked like a series of old-style tower blocks, grey and drab.

“I... well...” she hesitated, before shaking her head. “No. I’ll do it.”

“If it becomes too much at any point, just go.” I said, trying to reassure her. “I’m here, Shaeula and Hyacinth too. There’s no way he can hurt you anymore.”

“Indeed, I have my hand around his heart.” Shaeula quoted from one of her anime. “He can not-not refuse my will and my winds.”

“If this wretch causes yooou any trouble, I will throttle him, dooo not worry.” Hyacinth also chimed in, and Haru-san smiled a little at their support.

“Thank you. Shaeula, Hyacinth. And you too, Akio-san. I don’t feel good about this, not at all, but I know you mean well. We might... might as well get this over with.” She swallowed nervously, before letting out a long sigh, and then gathering her strength. “What’s the worst that can happen, right? After all, I’m already dead...”

I do wish she wouldn’t joke about that so much. “Well, shall we go?” I offered her my arm, and we headed for the entrance, looking very out of place here...


“Well isn’t this a pleasant surprise.” The man in front of us, Kondou Kazuo, spat. His blonde hair had been shaved to a crew-cut, clinging tight to his scalp, and his scarred face and milky-white eye gave him a baleful countenance. One arm was bound to his side, and he looked... smaller somehow, less threatening. Even so, Haru-san was waiting outside with Hyacinth, only Shaeula entering with me to start with.

“Not-not for us.” Shaeula said, sighing, and he turned his attention to her, his one eye gleaming cruelly.

“Well, if it isn’t the bitch who thwarted my plans.” He ran his tongue along his dry lips, the expression disgusting. “Pretty as ever. Fuck, I’d just love to get you bent over and...” his words were cut off by a single blow from my fist. He staggered to his knees, vomiting stomach acids and the remains of his morning meal, splattering the table. I pulled my punch, but I might have gone just a touch too hard. There’s blood in that vomit.

“The fuck are you doing...?” he gasped when he could speak again, looking up at us from where he lay sprawled on the table. “... I may be a prisoner, but I know my fucking rights...”

“Yeah, well sorry to say, you don’t have any.” I declared. “After all, you didn’t contest your trial, did you, so you are just awaiting death.”

“That fucking whore there made m...” he started again, only for me to backhand him across the face. His head struck the table, and only his Candidate strength prevented serious injury. Even so, I caught sight of a tooth flying from his mouth, bouncing off the wall.

“Slow learner, aren’t you?” I said, shaking my fist to clear off the blood. “You don’t get to talk to Shaeula like that. You have a real problem with women, don’t you?”

“Oh come on.” He spat more blood, before wiping at his chin with his hand, his one good eye staring at us balefully, full of hatred. “What man doesn’t want to fuck every pretty woman he sees? You’re doing this one, right? I can tell.”

“Yeah, I am.” I admitted. “So what? There’s a big difference between that and what you do. Rape, torture, murder. It isn’t just about sex is it? It’s about power.”

“It’s about what’s fun, dipshit. You should get a clue. I always knew I was special, ever since I was a kid. I deserve what I want. Don’t tell me you don’t feel the same way? You and her.” He looked at Shaeula, and even with her unruffled personality, she found his gaze disgusting, so she took a step behind me, shielding her from it. “You are just like me, special. Chosen by the very gods. Chosen to be gods.” He let out a bloody sigh. “To think I met my defeat at that hands of a self-righteous pussy like you. Well, Kiku was useless in the end too, the whore. Tricking me, trying to control me...” he paused suddenly. The door opened again, and Hyacinth entered. She was wearing her coat though, I was not giving Kondou Kazuo the satisfaction of seeing her in her skimpy outfit. Even so, his gaze was slimy, as though he was appraising a cut of meat, even now, and I felt what little trepidation I had at the thought of these experiments vanish. Damn, the bastard hasn’t changed at all. Even defeat and his impending death hasn’t made him any less a monster. Shit, whichever god chose him was a moron.

And after her, Haru-san was following, her head down, bangs hiding her eyes. Still, Kondou must have recognised her, as he let out a gasp of shock. “How... you’re dead, bitch! I remember...”

At that Haru-san flinched, and Kondou started smiling, the blood dripping from where I had hit him making him look ghoulish. “Oh, couldn’t get enough of when I tasted you, bitch? See, I knew you were inviting me, shaking that ass, looking like a timid...”

“Enough!” Shaeula declared, the winds surging around her, the room filled with flecks of jade. “Be silent and do not-not speak unless spoken to, and cease such foul words.”

Kondou nearly bit his tongue as his jaw slammed shut, the energies absorbed into him. I took the opportunity to unveil my Eye, watching the process, and I could see his astral body, the capillaries and chakras shining dully, though his clothing made it harder to see precise details, blocking my view. Though what I could see was the nail Shaeula had repurposed from Kiku, that was still lodged within his subtle body, and the winds were being sucked inside and amplified, dramatically strengthening the effect.

“Haru, dooo you wish me to squeeze him to death?” Hyacinth giggled. “If you feel sad, seeing him hurt might make yooou feel better?”

“That would be wasteful. We came here to learn, did we not-not?” Shaeula disagreed, having controlled him. Even so, Kondou Kazuo was still struggling, his face red, the effort to resist bursting some of his blood vessels, bruises starting to form on his skin. “Though I do understand. His very existence is an affront to us all-all.”

“See?” I said softly to the shaking Haru-san. I was careful not to move towards her or touch her, waiting for her to calm down, speaking in a gentle, soothing tone. “Sorry if that brought back bad memories, but... see? He’s helpless now.”

As if to emphasise the point, Shaeula struck him with her small fist, rather hard, and he was slammed into the table yet again. His expression was murderous, but he could do nothing against the lingering binding of her winds, centred on the dagger.

“Yes.” Haru-san whispered, before repeating it, her voice a little stronger. “Yes. He... oh I feel sick. But...” she shook her head. “Just seeing him again, my heart races faster, my breath burns, I feel faint. I...” wisps of light were rising from her, indigo sparks. “... I hate this. Hate you. Why?” she asked, tears in her eyes. “Why? Fun?” her tone was shrill, she had been listening in before she entered. “What about that is fun? Answer me!”

As he had been asked a question he was able to speak. “What wasn’t fun about it? Are you stupid? Oh, I guess you are, psycho girl.” He scoffed. “Look, I was frustrated. Me, Kondou Kazuo, I was still denied entry to the Three-Hundred, despite my successes. My hotels... you took then, you...” he tried to curse at me, but Shaeula’s earlier order still bound him, to cease the foul words, so his mouth merely flapped open, droplets of blood falling. “... why can’t I speak? You...” he then tried to insult Shaeula again, with an equal lack of success. “Fine.” His expression changed, becoming more relaxed. “I saw some beautiful girls at the party. That Nichibotsu girl, she would have been good, or...” his head bounced off the table once more as I slammed his head down. You think the bastard would learn to stop provoking me. The table is pretty battered...

“Don’t speak about Hinata that way, or else.” I warned him. “She’s worth a billion of you... well, no, that’s wrong. You’re worth nothing.”

As he stared up at us, he realised he had touched a nerve. “I see. Hinata huh? Well, you should get it. Have you done her yet? She’s cute and young and rich. A girl like that, it’s almost too wasteful to torment her, she’d be a good wife. Though... discipline would be needed to...” The warped table finally shattered as I slammed my foot down on him, and he rolled on the ground, wheezing, the impact enough to kill an ordinary person.

“Don’t push your luck. Haru-san asked you a question, answer it. Before I get angry.”

“You weren’t now?” he wheezed a giggle, spitting more bile and blood, before answering Haru-san. “Well, I was frustrated when I couldn’t touch her, or the girl from Takatsukasa house. Too much trouble. Then I saw you with your pills and thought there’s a girl who won’t be missed.”

“I see.” Haru-san whispered. “So it was just that. Bad timing and a coincidence. And my life was over. So meaningless.”

“Hardly meaningless. You meant something to me.” He grinned savagely, despite the pain, leveraging all he could to hurt her. “You were one of the best I ever had. Daddy, save me, oh daddy... I was surprised you were a virgin, from the sounds of it, I thought you and daddy would have been enjoying a...”

Light flashed, vivid and bright, azure afterimages left on our vision, and Kondou Kazuo squealed, the noise of a tortured pig. He writhed around, his one hand clutching at the blood splattering from his groin. “My dick, what did you do, you... ugh... ahh.. I can’t even curse you. I’m not done... I’ll get out...” another beam of light flashed, the shattered table melting and Kondou writhed, his thigh pierced, the foul smell of burning flesh rising.

“Fun, huh? Is this fun?” she cried, the dam on her emotions breaking, glittering tears running down her face. “I’m not finding it fun! Hurting you...” another flash of light, another scream. Shit, good job we’ve got dispensation for him to die. Though that was achieved by very special channels.

“... it just makes me feel worse. But don’t talk about daddy like that! He loved me. You don’t know what love is!” She cried out, tormented.

“I love me. Everybody is the same.” He gurgled, once he could finally speak again, his high stats keeping him from passing out. Turning to me, he scowled. “You think this guy is any better? Tell me he doesn’t look at you and wonder what it’d be like to ... gah, can’t even say the f word, or the s one. I’m Kondou Kazuo, not some slave.” my Eye detected a surge of aether within him, fighting the winds, but Shaeula’s hold was too strong.

“Nothing. I see.” I said, having watched the destruction of the second Anchor. Shaeula had absorbed some of the fragments, and more damage had been caused to Kondou’s water cord, but Shaeula had not gained the class. The process had otherwise been similar though, the only difference... “There’s nowhere for the power to go, to bed in. Your body simply treated it like any other.” I mused.

“I think that may-may well be the case.” Shaeula shrugged, ignoring Kondou, who was panting heavily, his whole subtle body also showing signs of wear and tear. “Perhaps without the blessing of these so-called gods, you can not-not earn this class?”

“Yeah, so now... my turn again.” I tossed over more Etherites.

“Have mercy...” he moaned, but Haru-san smiled at him maliciously. There was still fear in her movements when she looked at him, but she was making an effort.

“No, Akio-san needs to have his fun. You were just unlucky.” She taunted him, working out some of her rage and grief.

“Nothing fun about this I’m afraid. But the data could be priceless.” Once the Anchor was up again, I retrieved my sword, and in one slash, I severed it diagonally. It exploded into a cloud of ether, and as I started to absorb it my Eye observed a strange phenomenon, moments before Kondou Kazuo collapsed, screaming and convulsing. Huge chunks of the water rope, probably around eighty percent of it, were torn free and sucked into me, and amber letters flared, numerous and important, as fresh insight sparked my abilities to new heights.

Your skill, Mystic Eye Of The Tree Of Knowledge, has increased from Rank 2 to Rank 3. Class: [Legendary]. Type: [Law]. Your Eye can now peer more deeply into the workings of the world, drawing on multiversal knowledge the Tree guards. Mundane barriers cannot block your sight, and adherence can also be observed, if in sufficient quantities. Your ability to discern the quality of ether has significantly increased.

You have destroyed the Anchor of a hostile Territory. Your class, Conqueror is sufficient to claim and extract the divine favour within this Territory and its owner. Your adherence is sufficient to utilise Mujihimuchi’s Blessing Of Salt That Brings Pain, but you are incompatible with this divine favour. You may consume it to significantly increase your strength and adherence, or find a suitable vessel.

Mujihimuchi’s Blessing Of Salt That Brings Pain: Class: [Legendary] Type: [Principle]. This divine favour is made of concentrated adherence, refined ether and ??????????. The wielder gains the ability to inflict pain merely by word, gaze or touch. As did the Hare of Inaba suffer, when tricked into the burning salt sea, so shall the enemies of Mujihimuchi, cruel trickster and kami of pain, face their just punishment.

So, my first Legendary ability, to match my own Legendary item, well, divine favour, I guess. Sweet. It’s just a shame I now effectively have x-ray vision. I could be the ultimate peeping tom. Obviously I won’t do that, but... damn, all that info. I wonder...

Ortlinde’s Wolf-Hair Bracelet Of Silver Wisdom – Item Class: [Legendary], Item Type: [Principle] - ??????????????

Why did I expect anything else? Still no description of it, although... with my Eye now noticeably keener, I could see the cords streaming into the upper astral, and there seemed to be two different styles of them, unlike what Kondou displayed. Still, there was no time for investigation, as he was writhing in agony, his voice dimmed from screaming so loudly.

“I believe something happened, did it not-not?” Shaeula said impassively, not caring for his torment. “I observed you take something in.”

Haru-san was biting her lip, looking conflicted, but she made no move to help him either.

“Yeah, no time for that now. I’ll explain later. I need to see this through.” I’m glad I didn’t try this on Miyu. As I suspected, I’d have removed her ability from her, but she’s pretty fragile, her chance of surviving unscathed would be minimal. Rushing over to Kondou, my Eye told me he was compatible with the blessing, so I returned it to him, to see what would happen. Immediately the blessing merged with the remnants within him, starting to reintegrate, but even so, most of the damage to his subtle body wasn’t repairing itself, so I had to work significantly complicated Ether Healing, which was only possible due to my vision which could now see ever-smaller capillaries and minor nodes and chakras. I’m pretty certain my physical stats have gone up a bit too, my fine control and perception seem better... Even so, if I’d have tried to remove the gift from Miyu with Chirurgery, I’d have just ruined her. I wouldn’t even be able to manage it now I know what happens, never mind then... The gift was thoroughly entwined with his subtle body and silver cord, and with my Eye I could estimate that he would direct most of his power on levelling up into his gift, strengthening it. Sure, I think his stats will go up a bit, and he undoubtedly got quite the starting boost, but over time he’ll fall behind...

When I was done, Kondou Kazuo finally opened his eyes, spitting silver, his astral body barely stabilised. Shaeula raised one quizzical eyebrow. “So, why did you give-give it back to him? It was quite important, was it not-not?”

“Shut... up...” he grated, still lying there, limp and broken. “The pain... you don’t... know...”

“I do though.” Haru-san said softly. ”How was it? Was it fun for you? Are you sorry for all those you hurt? For me?”

“Don’t... make... me laugh. I’ll survive... and... one day...”

“He appears to lack remorse.” Shaeula noted. “A fool. Even an Unseelie would beg-beg for clemency in these circumstances.”

“I have... my pride. I ... can...”

I looked at Haru-san then. “If this is too hard to watch, feel free to return. Hyacinth will look after you.”

“No.” she shook her head. “I need to see the ending. If only he showed a speck of remorse, a little guilt... though maybe that would just hurt me more. I don’t know.”

“What are... you... no! NO!” he tried to shout as I produced another Etherite.

“Go again. You don’t deserve that gift...” I declared, as Shaeula summoned her winds, and painful cries for me to cease and pitiful screams rang out, until there was silence...


“She’s all tired out, emotionally anyway.” I watched the sleeping Haru-san, using Hyacinth as a lap-pillow, as the expensive car drove us back to her father’s home to drop her off. “It’s for the best. She’s been strong today. It’s been hard emotionally.”

Shaeula nodded. “If... just if such happened to me, or Eri, or Hinata, or the others, what would-would...” she stopped her words as I sealed her mouth with a kiss, before stroking her hair gently.

“I’d never abandon you. You wouldn’t be at fault. And whoever hurt you would find the fate Kondou Kazuo suffered merciful indeed. Still, we won’t let it happen to anyone we love, will we?” We had removed Mujihimuchi’s blessing once more, noticing it looked even more tattered and battered, more shards scattered within his body, but even so, apparently it was still functional. Though I have to keep spending ether and adherence to keep it in a useable state and repair it slowly, apparently. It’s tempting to break it down for the power my Eye promised, but then... if I can find someone who is compatible with it, we’d have a new Candidate...

“I doubt he will ever wake again. You did-did your best.” Shaeula shrugged, pleased at my resolve. “Your Chirurgery was complicated, your Ether Healing impressive. I fear I must-must improve or I shall be left behind.” She grinned. “Still, the damage to both his subtle bodies, and his silver cord... such are not-not easily cured.”

“Yeah. I agree. He’ll go to his execution asleep, which might be kinder than he deserves, but...” No, his suffering was immense, having the divine favour torn from him twice in quick succession. I doubt it’ll bring Haru-san any peace, but it does bring closure.

“So, you have concluded what I have, have you not-not?” Shaeula sighed. “From what you have told me... it is a competition to make a single, strong hero, is it not-not? Hence why you gain so much from destroying other Territories.”

“Yeah. It’s a damn Gu Vessel. I remember seeing that in a few anime. Us Candidates are the insects, scorpions, toads and other venomous beings. The Earth and the Boundary is the Vessel. We are all trapped here, encouraged to eat each other, until only one strong one remains, with truly deadly venom.”

“But you can not-not do nothing, lest the world be destroyed, like your Valkyrie warned you of. Unless you think that-that is a lie?” Shaeula asked.

“No. At least she believed it, I think. And I believe she wants me to grow strong. Perhaps whatever is outside the Boundary and the lower Astral is so terrible a planet without such a hero is worthless? I did feel she was sincere when she asked me to join her faction when I become an Astral Emperor.”

“So what will you dooo?” Hyacinth asked, stroking the sleeping Haru-san’s head gently. “Akio, I knooow you do not care fooor such cruelty.”

“Hyacinth speaks the truth. I know you must have your own-own idea.” Shaeula agreed.

“I do. I’m not going to play that game. Yes I’ll get strong, strong enough to shatter the Gu Vessel. But it won’t be just me. We’ll all reach the peak, together.” My gaze was hard as I thought about it. A world where hundreds of thousands of Candidates perish, all to feed a few... that’s not a world I want. No, I’ll grow strong on my own terms, and defend the Earth together with humanity as a whole. Not one lone hero, but every brave soul their own hero, led by me...