Three Hundred And Eighty-Nine *contains status – Asha 1, Rhyming Tree 1*

Three Hundred And Eighty-Nine *contains status – Asha 1, Rhyming Tree 1*

After calming down Shiro’s mock-outrage, I turned my attention to the hillside. It was a bit of a wreck, with the Rhyming Tree having expanded and grown massively. Fortunately, the hillside itself had also spread somewhat, a feat that would surely be impossible in the Material, so the Ring Gate that was close to the Tree, while now right next to the Tree, had largely escaped damage. It was a similar story for the various Spires and the White Snake Earth Altar. I never thought the growth would be so... destructive. Even so, losing the Ether Spires and Altar temporarily while we rebuilt them would still be totally worth it.

I joined Hyacinth and Asha, whose dress was still rumpled and stained, her body still smelling faintly of our passion. They were looking up that the towering Tree, Asha softly running her hands over the now smooth and lustrous bark. “It’s certainly impressive.” I said, an understatement. “Even the tallest ever Material tree was a little under half this height, and was never so massive.” Some tree in Australia, I think? I remember seeing a documentary on it when I was a kid. Of course, that’s not the most important point...

“I can hardly believe it.” Hyacinth giggled happily. “Such a huge Tree. Hyacinth thinks it is impressive. Are yooou happy, Asha?”

Asha nodded, her face flushed, her yellow eyes tender. All around the Tree, ether was shimmering into existence, being drawn from the Boundary around us, and likely even from the lower Astral that was congruent with it, both above us and not, beautiful rainbow sparks like multicoloured fireflies forming a great aurora, many times more intense than anything we had managed before. Just watching it accumulate ether at a visible rate, I held my breath. “Are you happy?” Asha asked me, seeing my expression. “Have I done well?”

I pulled her into a hug once more, no more hesitation in our closeness. Just... Daiyu and Hinata to worry about now. As for Kana, we can take that in our own time, just like she and I want. But... “It’s not about doing well or not, is it? I don’t like you because you can do things for me. However... yes, you have done well. Look around us.” I glanced at Shiro then, as the face she was making was just begging for more praise. “Shiro too. Together you’ve created this miracle.” Even just looking at the Silos, more than a thousand ether a minute was accumulating. With this, we can advance our plans significantly, and even get some luxuries in without slowing our pace...

My Eye glowed amber, and I inspected the Rhyming Tree, feeling a deep connection to it and Asha, a rather unique feeling. The Tree has Lovers’ Link... how does that even make sense? And there’s a lot of gaps and nonsense information my Eye presents. Oh well...

Asha's Great Rhyming Tree Of Wood, Water And EarthNoble Fae PlantEarth, Water And Wood Aspect[Material Statistics] [Intangible Statistics] Might Fortune Fortitude2308Majesty Intellect Charm Resilience League18Alacrity Determination28Precision Foresight Aether11087Fate10[Material Skills]RankClassType[Aetheric Skills] Drawing Wood Chakra NetworkRank 6Imperious (6)Rule (5)Roots Drinking Earth, Water and Wood, Branches Drinking and Growing The MoonRank 6Imperious (6)Artifice (6)[Elemental Skills] Trunk And Roots Chakra Of WoodRank 6Noble (5)Foundation (4)Trunk Chakra Of WaterRank 2Powerful (4)Foundation (4)Roots Chakra Of EarthRank 2Powerful (4)Foundation (4)Lunar Chakra Of Wood, Water And EarthRank 4Noble (5)Rule (5)[Intangible Skills] [Unique Skills] Lovers' LinkRank 4Noble (5)Artifice (6)Branches That Spread Nature Under The MoonRank 1Noble (5)Artifice (6)Dryad BoundRank 6Noble (5)Principle (7)[Level] 0/56[Class]

Great Rhyming Tree Of Wood, Water and Earth 14/20

[Mastered Classes]Rhyming Tree Of Earth 10/10

“I see. I can’t determine the Might, Intellect or much else of the Tree, if it even has them.” I said, and the girls looked at me curiously, especially Asha, who was hearing about her other half. “The Tree is massively durable though, and has a huge amount of Aether circulating within, even without Shiro’s buffs. It’s got a powerful League too.” I wonder if the high Determination comes from Asha’s will to survive at any cost, it’s clearly abnormally high...

“My Tree... it no longer merely radiates and thrives on the rich element of earth.” Asha said tenderly. “Much as I, it has changed. Such should be impossible, but...”

“Nooot impossible.” Hyacinth disagreed, before her expression turned to one of pain. I pulled her into the hug too, and her contorted expression relaxed, and she continued. “Sooo much is not as it was. Hyacinth remembers before. Not well, it all seems like a bad dream nooowdays.” She sniffed, her eyes damp. “Besides, I dooo not care to remember. The past is dead, Hyacinth is here nooow. Not who I used to be. But before... before the foolish, sad little daughter of the King and Queen threw her tantrum and broooke the Seelie, all had the potential to grooow. Many more transcended their elements, even such as yooou, Asha. The Great Dryads. Though nooow...”

Asha blinked, shocked to hear Hyacinth speak that way about the Dark Queen of the Unseelie, and so familiarly about the oldest of days. “Just... Hyacinth, who are you?” she managed, almost afraid of the answer.

“Me?” Hyacinth cocked her head. “I am Hyacinth. That is all I knooow. Before... I dooo not remember, nor do I wish too, nooot anymore. Is this not a happier place to dwell, a life tooo live? Are you nooot happy here, Asha?”

“I am.” Asha agreed. “How could I not be. So, a Great Dryad. Yes... our essences are not merely our own, but shared with our Tree, so the change is many times more difficult. But...”

“But the proof is in the pudding, as they say. I don’t know who says it, it’s a stupid saying I picked up from you, Aki. But from where Tan and I stand, you’ve definitely changed.” Shiro said. “Hyacinth, I agree. If the past is worthless, toss it in the trash. You’re here and now.”

She nodded vigorously. “Yes. Thooough one day... the Dark Maidens... Akio prooomised Hyacinth she will have her justice. Until then... I made a box in my head, I think, and I dooo not have the key. All Hyacinth knows is... I must try harder. I dooo not want to be left behind!”

“Little chance of that.” I shook my head. “You helped too, Hyacinth. This was our great work. Even those that aren’t here did their part. We all pulled together, and now it’s time to truly stake our claim as a prospective Astral Emperor.” I looked at Shiro. “Sorry Tan, looks like I have a head start. But I’m not heartless. Your Territory, I’ll obviously protect it.”

Shiro’s eyes flashed red, her hair bursting into flame, her beautiful face twisting into a slightly bitter frown. “Do not grow arrogant. I would hate you to drag the princess into your troubles. And troubles will come. The Tree alone is powerful and belongs in a Territory of the lower Astral. When stoked to heights like this...” she shrugged. “... it will shine like a beacon. It might draw trouble you are not prepared for, so do not grow careless and neglect your defences.”

“I won’t. We’ve already made that mistake.” I promised.

“Good.” Tan nodded, her ruby flames fading. “As for my assistance, I will expect payment. In due course...”

“She’s such a tsundere.” Shiro sniggered. “You know, she can feel everything I do and hear my thoughts. I can’t do the same to her, she’s far stronger than I am, but I do understand more of how she feels each day. Maybe things here on Earth didn’t go the way she thought, but she’s still opti...”

Her words were cut off by Tan. “Silence. Do not speak of matters they have no need to know.”

There was laughter, and I shook my head. “All right. The warning was received though. But before that...” my gaze turned to Asha. “I might as well fill you in on your changes, your rewards.”Reêad latest novels at

AshaNoble FaeGreat DryadEarth, Water And Wood Aspect[Material Statistics] [Intangible Statistics] Might106Fortune2Fortitude145Majesty14Intellect103Charm10Resilience299League18Alacrity101Determination28Precision103Foresight2Aether3032Fate10[Material Skills]RankClassType[Aetheric Skills] Eight Moons Chakra NetworkRank 6Imperious (6)Rule (5)Aether ManipulationRank 2Powerful (4)Foundation (4)Adherence ManipulationRank 3Noble (5)Law (8)[Elemental Skills] Wood ManipulationRank 4Powerful (4)Foundation (4)Root And Sacral Chakras Of WoodRank 2Powerful (4)Foundation (4)Water ManipulationRank 4Powerful (4)Foundation (4)Sacral Chakra Of WaterRank 2Powerful (4)Foundation (4)Earth ManipulationRank 6Noble (5)Foundation (4)Root Chakra Of EarthRank 6Noble (5)Foundation (4)Lunar Chakra Of Wood, Water And EarthRank 4Noble (5)Rule (5)[Intangible Skills] [Unique Skills] Lovers' LinkRank 4Noble (5)Artifice (6)Inspire GrowthRank 6Noble (5)Rule (5)Mistress Of FertilityRank 4Powerful (4)Foundation (4)The Given Kiss Of A DryadRank 4Powerful (4)Rule (5)Tree BoundRank 6Noble (5)Principle (7)[Level] 0/56[Class]

True Earth, Water and Wood Fae 2/30 Nature’s Chosen 3/20 Maiden Of Prayer 1/10

[Mastered Classes]

Earth Fae 10/10 Great Earth Fae 20/20 Purified One 10/10

“I see. Yes, you’re unquestionably a Great Dryad.” I said, and Asha shed more tears.

“So many Dryads have died. We cannot leave our Trees, so when lands fall, or wars occur...” her voice was soft. “... we are often the first to perish. There is no other way.”

“That’s then. It’s sad, certainly, and I grieve for your losses, your fallen older sisters. But that won’t happen again. Tan was right. While it’s likely impossible to not be attacked again, we still have to deal with that toad bastard at the least, we’ll make it so that our Territory is able to stand tall and proud, just like your Tree, which is sheltering us all with its mighty branches. You and your Tree won’t be left alone to suffer again.”

“He’s right. If this is an RTS, then we’ve just hacked in a resource cheat. Time to spend it all!” Shiro said, excited despite the exhausting efforts she’d be having to perform in the future.

“Arr Tee Ess?” Asha asked, and Hyacinth answered proudly.

“Yooou were the same, no?”

“I knew I was gorgeous beforehand.” Shiro disagreed, before sighing. “But yeah, I’ve changed. It’s not a bad thing though. So, all that’s left are the classes, right?”

“Yeah, the Fae classes and the Tree classes are nothing new. Hyacinth and Shaeula have the same classes, just with different elements. They offer nice boosts to Aether and elemental generation, League and so on. But the other couple...

Purified One – This class is given to a being corrupted by curse, plague or other outside influence, and forced to perform acts both degrading to the spirit and against the will of the being so corrupted. Such a being only faces doom, devoured by the corruption, ending their life in an attempt to atone or a tide of guilt, or becoming a monster that revels in evil. Few ever return from such a state, but those that do are often blessed with a Resilience few others possess, and great Determination. This class increases those statistics, and also increases resistance against further corruptive influences.

Nature’s Chosen – This class is gained by those who are involved in great feats of growth and restoration, returning life to dead areas, and cultivating the natural environment, as well as possessing Earth, Water and Nature elements. This class strengthens those elements, increasing generation and boosting the effect of these elements when used to protect and enhance nature and life. Plants, animals and spiritual beings with an aspect of Nature will respect, and if hostile, fear the possessor of this class.

Maiden of Prayer – After wielding a jumbled Adherence made of conflicting yet complimentary powers and achieving a great feat, the flavour of that Adherence has been poured into her very spirit. The maiden of the Grail, the mourning women at the foot of the Cross, the Fae who dance around the Cauldron, the Blood within, all of these threads of Adherence will be tangled, granting her a tiny fragment of power. The ability to utilise Adherence increases, and League increases.

“That class... Maiden of Prayer, it’s dangerous.” I said, frowning. Shiro shrugged.

“It’s also misleading, she’s no maiden, not anymore. We were there, right Hyacinth?”

As Asha blushed and Hyacinth chuckled, I sighed. “Yeah, very funny. Seriously though, Mary Stuart was angry that Britain was keeping their false Grail, as she called it, and the adherence she felt belonged to them. If her Church ever finds out that Asha is taking some of it now, even if only a tiny fragment... it’ll be trouble.”

“I am not afraid. I am grateful to have any chance at further power. Being weak only led me to suffering and despair. Being strong allows me to walk beside you all.” Asha said stoutly.

“We’ll have to face them anyway. I doubt you can reason with fanatics.” Shiro protested. “Besides, it’s not like they’ll find out any time soon, right? Won’t they assume it’s just all going to the false Grail?”

“I don’t know. But you’re right, I guess.” I admitted. “I just worry. Well, we’ll take precautions.” Putting that aside, I considered the implications. I doubt she’ll accumulate as much as she took before any time soon, but even a little might be helpful.

“You should be able to pick up Nature’s Chosen if you get earth and water element, Hyacinth.” Shiro pointed out while I was thinking, and I agreed, setting aside my doubts for now.

“Yes, you’ve done a lot of good work bringing nature to my Territory.” I agreed. “The class is a bit plain, but anything that boosts elemental abilities is high priority, especially if it boosts your nature element, which is your best weapon.” I said.

“I will try.” She promised, nodding. “I was goooing to, I wanted to learn to be more helpful. But nooow Hyacinth is more motivated!” Her laugh was happy.

“I’m sure you are.” Someone said, and we turned, to see Eri, an ornate axe leaning over one shoulder, looking at us, her tail lashing and her cat-ears twitching. She looked at the surrounding hillside and up at the massive Tree. “That sure is something. It’s like looking up at a skyscraper.”

“That’s what I said.” I smiled, observing Eri, and the axe. On seeing that, she looked down, flushing adorably, a touch of shame in her face.

“I haven’t given up your axe.” She said earnestly. “It was a present from you, so I’ll always cherish it. But this one... it called to me, I wanted it. No, needed it.” She paused. “That doesn’t matter now. I came to see if it was safe to let others in. Princess Eleanor and the others are here, but the weaselkin have been keeping them away from the Tree.” She looked at Asha, still in my arms, and her expression changed. “I see. So, how was it?”

“All that I dreamed of. I am now complete.” Asha crowed.

“Lucky you. But I get it. Akio doesn’t have an exhibitionist streak, so no way he’d want an audience for that. But... you might want to clean up.” Eri wrinkled her nose.

“There is no need. I am not ashamed.” Asha shook her head. “It is the fruit of our love.”

“Fine. I’m not going to argue.” Eri reddened, perhaps remembering some of the embarrassing times we had endured, like when her darkness element drove her wild. “But... no. It’s fine.” She turned, and as I looked at her axe, the amber letters lighting up my vision, she called out. “it’s all right. It’s safe to come in, Akio’s given permission.”

The Beheading Axe Of Trials - Item Class [Imperious] Item Type [Artifice]

This crescent moon axe, the blade enamelled in emerald, the shaft carved with elegant holly engravings, was once wielded by the Green Knight, and the edge is brutally keen, and can cut through armour and bone with equal ease. The bearer of this axe will be strengthened, their blows mighty, but any challenge or wager offered by the wielder must be honoured, lest the axe turn on the faithless bearer.

So it’s much better than the axe I made her, no question, but it has a downside. She’ll have to be careful. Like most people, I knew some of the stories of Arthurian myth, but other than the little I’d heard about the Green Knight from Eleanor, I didn’t know the details. Something else I need to research. It seems that no matter how much I gain, I always end up having less time to spare...

“So, you were here.” Eleanor said, coming in, followed by David and Raidre. Raidre had shrunk in on himself, casting sideways glances at Ulfuric, who was also accompanying them. “I have to admit, even from the brief look around, your Territory is very impressive.” She looked up at the colossal Tree, before glancing over at Asha. “You’re fine, I hope? I had worried that the force of what lies beneath the Tower would harm you. It is very potent and unruly.”

“Fine?” David snorted. “She’s better than fine. Take a good look at her. She’s been having a whale of a time while you worried, Princess.”

Eleanor paused, looking at Asha, whose dress was stained with grass and other fluids, her dishevelled hair and changed attitude, and she blushed, going red even to the tips of her ears. “How rude.” She exclaimed, shocked. “And to think we were worried. I’m almost offended!”

As Eleanor writhed in embarrassment, while David egged her on mockingly, I scratched at my head, confused. I suppose this is better than worrying about potential trouble I can do nothing about. As the rest of the girls returned, all carrying new treasures happily, I glanced up at the massive Tree. Oh well, we’ll clear this mess up. And I suppose I do owe Eleanor. I can spare her a downpayment on getting her Territory back on track, delaying my plans half a day or so won’t be a big deal...