
Cases cannot be handled by guesswork.

Evidence, everything needs evidence.

Dan City Detective Team.

Chen Yan is organizing the first case analysis meeting.

First, Zhang Yaoming explained the basic situation of the case.

"Wang Luyao, female, 36 years old, at 7:59 this morning, the district team received a call to the police, and someone died in the Runhua community."

"I led the team immediately and arrived at the scene of the crime at 8:11, after which the on-site investigation investigators of the criminal investigation team conducted a preliminary investigation on the death scene of the deceased."

On the projector are photos of the living room of the deceased.

"First, the time of death of the deceased Wang Luyao was at 3 o'clock in the morning today. The fatal injury was a knife wound that almost penetrated the abdomen and the spleen. The cause of death was excessive blood loss leading to death."

"Secondly, before the deceased died, he was stabbed 32 times. There were multiple stab wounds on his left arm, chest, abdomen, and legs, most of which were minor tentative stab wounds."

"Because there were too many knife wounds on the deceased, we suspected homicide for the first time, and then conducted some detailed inspections of the room."

"However, we found no traces in the living room where the incident occurred, no strange fingerprints, hair or footprints."

"After analyzing the traces of blood, it was also concluded that there were no traces of outsiders at the scene."

"In addition, we checked the burglar-proof door of the house, and there were no signs of damage, which ruled out the possibility of someone breaking in intentionally."

"At the same time, we reviewed the video of the deceased Wang Luyao in the corridor after returning home from get off work last night, and found no trace of strangers entering."

"Through some findings at the scene, we have initially concluded that Wang Luyao died of suicide."

"But," Zhang Yaoming changed his voice, "out of an attitude of prudence, and because Wang Luyao had too many stab wounds, the team reported the case to the Liao Provincial Detective Brigade."

"Group leader Chen, these are the details of the case we discovered earlier."

Chen Yan nodded and looked around: "We are old acquaintances, this case is very difficult."

Chen Yan's expression was a bit serious, and he took the projection pen from Zhang Yaoming's hand: "The previous work of the Dan City Criminal Police Team was carried out strictly according to the process."

"From the point of view of the process, and from the importance Team Zhang attaches to the case, there is no problem." Chen Yan affirmed Zhang Yaoming and the work ahead of the Dan City Criminal Police Team.

It's not that Chen Yan is polite, Zhang Yaoming's early work is indeed very solid.

Personnel screening, video review, on-site trace inspection, etc., every aspect is in place.

Generally speaking, based on these foundations, the case can basically be classified.

However, out of caution and doubts about the way the deceased committed suicide, Zhang Yaoming did not hesitate to report the case.

Only then did Chen Yan come to take over the case.

"Before arriving at the scene at noon, Team Zhang had already reported the details of the case to me, and I also carefully read the files and records afterwards."

"At the scene, I compared the situation at the scene with the previous inspection by the Dan City Detective Team, and I also came to the conclusion that the deceased committed suicide."

"But." Chen Yan switched the projection.

The upper part is the shape of the plaque on the back of the deceased's thigh.

"During the process of transporting the corpse for autopsy, we discovered that the plaques on Wang Luyao's corpse were abnormal."

Regarding the characteristics and laws of corpse spots, everyone present is experienced.

All corpses will develop corpse spots after death.

Wang Luyao's posture after death was lying on the sofa at an angle. Judging from the normal situation, there would be corresponding marks of oppression on her back and buttocks.

However, the photo above the projection is obviously not the same.

There is a row of button-like traces on the back of the corpse, and the underside of the legs

There are oval traces. This situation...

"When the dead died, they would only have such traces of corpse spots when they were sitting on a person's body."


"Also, the other party should be wearing a coat with buttons!"

"In other words, when Wang Luyao died, there must have been other people at the scene!"


After Chen Yan finished speaking, many people began to communicate.

"Group leader Chen, judging from the shape of the corpse's plaque, it is indeed a bit strange, but there is no trace of any other people appearing in the living room of the deceased's house."

It was Han Lei, deputy captain of the Dan City Criminal Police Team who spoke: "Especially the analysis of blood traces, I led the team to do it myself."

"I can be sure that the traces of blood on the deceased are very natural. If the deceased was killed, how did the other party escape so much blood?"

"Wang Luyao was stabbed 32 times. The blood in her whole body is almost gone. There are bloodstains everywhere in the living room. If the other party is at the scene, it is impossible not to leave any traces."

Han Lei's judgment was not wrong.

The more complicated the scene, the more traces the murderer may leave.

Judging from the scene of Wang Luyao's death, if there was someone there, unless the other party was floating in the air, they would definitely destroy the bloodstains.

Chen Yan looked at Han Lei: "There is nothing wrong with what Vice Captain Han said."

"In such a complicated scene, if there is a real murderer, then it is impossible for the other party to avoid all the bloodstains without leaving any clues."

"But...what if all the actions of the murderer and the deceased overlap?"


"what do you mean?"

Chen Yan left his seat and walked to the projection: "Everyone, look at this picture."

"The deceased was lying sideways on the sofa. I once restored the whole process of the deceased stabbing himself at the scene."

"It is certain that the wounds on the deceased were all caused by the ability to hold a knife in the deceased's right hand."

"However, let's look at the several stab wounds on the outside of the deceased's arms and thighs."

"There are no arteries in these locations. Cutting these locations, no matter how deep the wound is, cannot be life-threatening."

"However, Wang Luyao left multiple stab wounds on her left arm and outer thigh."

"The knife wound in this position is not in line with Wang Luyao's wish to commit suicide."

"Also, please pay attention to the order of these wounds."

The projection switched, and all the knife wounds on Wang Luyao's body were marked with serial numbers: "From the shape of the wound and the traces of bleeding, we determined the order of the 32 knife wounds on the deceased."

"The wounds to the arms and thighs came first, then the stab wounds to the chest, and finally the stab wounds to the abdomen."

"Why is it in this order?"

"And we measured the time when the first knife wound appeared and the time when the last knife wound appeared, and the interval was about an hour!"

"One hour, Wang Luyao committed suicide, not torture!"

"From a general psychological point of view, if a person decides to commit suicide, he will generally want to end his life in the shortest possible time."

"But Wang Luyao's suicide process lasted for an hour!"

"It doesn't make sense."

Chen Yan turned to look at Han Lei: "As for what Team Han said, why there was no trace of the murderer at the scene, because the murderer kept moving in sync with the deceased during the whole process."

"Or, the murderer controlled Wang Luyao to complete the so-called suicide!"


"Yes, it's control!"

"Chaoyang, Wang Gang, come over here."


Chaoyang sat on the sofa, and Wang Gang sat on Chaoyang. "

According to Chen Yan's request, the two sat on top of each other. After that, Chen Yan handed the remote control of the air conditioner on the table to Wang Gang.

Then, Chen Yan asked Zhang Chaoyang to hold Wang Gang's right hand, and Wang Gang held the remote control in his right hand. "Wang Gang, don't move, don't force your hand, Chaoyang, you control Wang Gang's right hand and stab Wang Gang's abdomen."

Stab in the air!

"Have you understood?"




So that's what Chen Yan meant!

Han Lei looked excited, and ran to Zhang Chaoyang and Wang Gang, looking forward from behind them.

"So that's how it is!"

"Group leader Chen, what you mean is that Wang Luyao's suicide was actually controlled by someone behind her back!"

"And in such a sitting position, the murderer is equivalent to overlapping with the deceased, so he will not affect the spraying direction of the wound blood at all, and naturally will not destroy the blood traces!"


This murderer... is a bit awesome.

He was actually using a marionette method to manipulate Wang Luyao to "suicide!"

No wonder there were no traces left.

So what's going on!

【Ding! The task of the strongest police training system is released. 】

[Detection of a suspenseful suicide case has a deadline of five days. Complete the task and reward three degrees of cell enhancement. If you fail or exceed the deadline, the task reward will be cancelled. 】

The nature of the case is determined, and the system issues tasks.

"But how did this person enter Wang Luyao's house, and how did he leave?"

Han Lei also watched the surveillance video, there is no doubt!

After hearing Han Lei's question, Chen Yan was slightly silent.

This is also the place where he is most puzzled.

Chen Yan had already found a loophole in the way to enter Wang Luyao's house.

It was 5 minutes after the surveillance video system restarted.

But how did the murderer get out?

After Wang Luyao's mother called the police, before Zhang Yaoming brought anyone, Chen Yan had to deal with all the people who entered the room.

There are 12 property staff, not one more.

It is impossible for the murderer to hide in the room in advance, then integrate into the property staff, and then evacuate. Therefore, the time of Wang Luyao's death can be determined to be 3 o'clock in the morning today.

After this time, the surveillance system was normal. Chen Yan had personally watched the video in the corridor on Wang Luyao's floor, and no one had gone out.

So, how did the other party leave?


Also unlikely.

At the scene of the crime, all windows were closed.

Wang Luyao's house lived on the fourth floor. If the murderer used a rope, he might have escaped through the window.

However, if the other party really escaped through the window, where is the rope?

Why are the windows closed?

The windows of Wang Luyao's house have been checked by Chen Yan. They are plastic-steel windows installed uniformly during the construction of the community. They cannot be closed from the outside, but can only be closed from the inside.

This and the field findings are in conflict with each other.

Facing Han Lei's question, the others had no way to explain it.

Because these clues showed that Wang Luyao committed suicide.

However, because Wang Luyao had too many stab wounds, Zhang Yaoming decided to report the case and ask the Serious Crime Squad to take over.

"Group leader Chen, is this a murder in a secret room?"

Zhang Yaoming can only guess in this direction.

First of all, Wang Luyao's body had unknown traces of corpse spots, which definitely did not appear for no reason.

With this one clue, it can be determined that someone must have been with Wang Luyao before she died.

Of course, it cannot be said that the person who is with her must be the murderer.

It depends on later evidence.

However, judging from the logic of the case and the number of wounds on Wang Luyao's body, this person should be the murderer.

After all, normal people would not stab themselves more than 30 times even if they committed suicide.

In particular, many stab wounds are not fatal wounds but tentative stab wounds.

As an adult, it is impossible for Wang Luyao not to know where the fatal points are, and to draw so many knives on her arms and thighs is not so much suicide as torture.


However, the doors and windows of Wang Luyao's house were closed, and the camera in the corridor at the door was always on. The time of Wang Luyao's death was 3:00 am this morning, and it was confirmed that no one came in or out after that time.

And the windows can only be locked from inside the room. Isn't this a secret room murder?

Chen Yan frowned.

Chen Yan agreed with Zhang Yaoming's judgment.

However, it's not that Chen Yan has never heard of the so-called secret room murder.

From a scientific point of view, there is no secret room murder in this world.

The so-called secret room murder is nothing more than two possibilities.

First, before the secret room was formed, the people in the secret room were already dead.


Third, the simplest example of this situation is fake suicide, such as letting the victim take chronic lethal drugs in advance, and the victim dies in the secret room after the victim himself forms the secret room, forming the so-called secret room murder.


In fact, strictly speaking, this situation means that the victim is doomed to die before entering the secret room. It's just that the time is delayed.

Fifth, that is the secret room formed by the murderer by using some loopholes after the death of the person.


Seventh, for example, in the murder case in the secret room that Chen Yan solved last time, the so-called secret room used the furniture in the secret room to block the exit.


Let the victim mistakenly think that the secret room is formed.

And the scene where Wang Luyao was killed obviously couldn't be the first one.

Because there are traces of other people's presence at the scene.

The special corpse spots on Wang Luyao's body are the proof.

So, how did the other party achieve the second type of secret room murder?

"That's it." After a while, Chen Yan decided to temporarily arrange other work. This is how to solve a case. Not every clue can be solved, and not all questions can be answered at the beginning. "Now, based on the special spots on Wang Luyao's back and legs, it can be concluded that there were other people around Wang Luyao when she died."

"Although we haven't discovered how this person entered and left Wang Luyao's house so far."

"However, finding this person is undoubtedly the key to solving the case."

"Team Zhang," Chen Yan looked at Zhang Yaoming, "As for Wang Luyao's identity and background investigation, our Dan City Police Department is in charge."

"Telephone call records, WeChat chat records, colleagues' relationships, bank statements, etc., all the information about Wang Luyao, the more detailed the better."


"Second, check all the surveillance videos of Wang Luyao's community."

Chen Yan looked at Liu Qingshan: "Captain Liu, you are responsible for this matter."

"The door lock of Wang Luyao's house does not show any signs of damage, so there are only two ways for the other party to enter Wang Luyao's house."

"Either this person opened the door of Wang Luyao's house with a key, or entered Wang Luyao's house through the window."

"From the current situation, only Wang Luyao's husband and Wang Luyao's parents have the keys to her house."

"And judging from the current clues, these people have no time to commit crimes, so who can get access to the keys of Wang Luyao's house?"

"Check to see if Wang Luyao's house has any records of changing locks, and whether it has any records of property maintenance."

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for acquaintances to have the keys to the house. No matter how good the relationship is, they will not give the keys to others.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the other party is the key to Wang Luyao's house that came into contact with her due to work.

"On the other hand, if the other party came in and out through the window, it is likely to leave clues. Check the window for signs of climbing, and see if there is any surveillance record. UU Reading "


"in addition"

Chen Yan thought for a moment, then looked at Zhang Yaoming: "I'm going to meet Wang Luyao's husband in person."

The first case analysis will end.

Dan City Detective Team One


trial room.

Chen Yan met Zhao Guang, Wang Luyao's husband.

Sitting across from Chen Yan, Zhao Guang was in a daze, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked extremely tired. "Officer, it is impossible for my wife to commit suicide. You must find out why she committed suicide!" Before Chen Yan could speak, Zhao Guang spoke first.

"Mr. Zhao, please forgive me. You said that Ms. Wang Luyao could not commit suicide. What evidence do you have or why are you so sure that she will not commit suicide?"

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