Chapter 430 Vortex

"The information has been registered, and now you are a member of our Konoha, but because you have just joined, your current level is only stubborn."

Yongze handed some documents to Huo Naixiang.

Huo Naika took the information, put the things into the backpack seriously, then smiled happily, bowed to Yongze and said:

"I don't care about the ninja level, thank you for helping me, I really appreciate it."

With the 20,000,000 taels of compensation from the land, save a little bit of use, do some easy work by yourself, and live in peace to death is not a problem at all.

So even if she was given the upper ninja level, Huo Naika would not do any dangerous S-level A-level tasks, but the lower ninja was just right.

"It's fine if you are satisfied, do you want me to take you to meet your clan next time?" Yongze asked.

Based on his relationship with Huo Naoxiang in the past few days, he probably knew the character of the other party, and he was so cautious that he was a little morbid.

If you don't help introduce people, I'm afraid that with Huo Naixiang's cautious personality, you can only meet one or two friends after staying in Konoha for several years, and the other party must take the initiative.

Although Huo Naoxiang himself may not care about this, he feels that it is good to live alone without anyone.

But Yongze still hopes that Huo Naoxiang can have some friends.

No one really likes being alone, either by being hurt or forced and used to it.

It is a very happy thing to have a good friend. He will think for you from your perspective, can make you laugh when you are not happy, and help you scold those you don't like.

Of course, it was also because Kushina and Hua Ling were both good communication people, so Yongze introduced them.

Yongze believes that they can guess the sad reason from Huo Naoxiang's cautiousness, especially Hualing.

No matter what Kushina said, when she came to Konoha, she also had an elder Uzumaki Mito who was willing to take care of her, and she also met Minato behind.

And Hua Ling wandering in the ninja world, she can know how difficult it is for the vortex people in the ninja world, because she has experienced it herself.

"Well, sorry to bother you." Huo Naixiang thanked her, clasping her hands together, her eyes flashing with light, and she had some expectations in her heart.

Apart from her own parents, she has never met other people from the Vortex Clan.

And there is a wife who is the fourth Hokage.

‘It should be a very dignified and intellectual elder. ' Huo Naixiang guessed in his heart.

Yongze thought for a while, and prepared to go to Kakashi's house to see Hua Ling first.

It was noon, and Kakashi should also be at home.

Yongze walked in front, Huo Naixiang followed closely behind him, and occasionally lowered his head when passersby cast curious glances.

After marrying Hua Ling, Kakashi did not move, and still lived in the original single-family villa.

This small villa is the first batch of buildings when Konoha built the village. It is relatively retro and has a large interior space.

Originally Kakashi was about to move, just because the space was too big, living alone in space, and cleaning was also a hassle.

After having Hua Ling later, Kakashi gave up the idea of ​​moving. He heard that Hua Ling liked this kind of retro house very much, because the previous home was like this.

So although the family of three is now free, Kakashi has not said anything about moving.

Walking into the yard of Kakashi's house with Honoka, Nagasawa knocked on the door of Kakashi's house.

"It's me, Yongze."

Kakashi moved quickly, and Yongze just said that he opened the door not long after.

Kakashi opened the door and looked at Kakashi, who was standing timidly behind Yongze, only showing one third of his body, and was slightly stunned.

For a while, he couldn't think of what Yongze would do with a girl who came to him.

But seeing the girl's red hair, he had some guesses in his heart.

"Mr. Yongze is here, Hua Ling, prepare some tea." Kakashi brought the two to the living room while asking Hua Ling to prepare tea to entertain Yongze.

After Hua Ling made the tea, she brought it up again, next to Lily Hua who heard the movement and followed.

Huo Naixiang sat upright, looking at Hua Ling with curious eyes from time to time, but each time she looked at it was very short.

Hua Ling looked at the conspicuous red-haired Huo Naixiang, thought of something, and smiled.

"Hello, Uncle Yongze." Lily Hua ran to Yongze and greeted Yongze.

Yongze smiled and touched Baihehua's white hair and responded.

"I have nothing to do this time, just to introduce her to you." Yongze pointed to Huo Naoxiang.

"This sister's hair is the same as her mother's." Lily Hua looked at Huo Naoxiang and found that this unknown sister actually had the same hair color as her mother.

Her mother's hair color is very rare, except for Naruto's mother, Aunt Kushina, she has never seen anyone with such conspicuous red hair.

"Lord Yongze, she is also a wandering member of our whirlpool family." Hua Ling sighed and asked.

Those cautious movements and careful eyes were the same as she used to be.

"Well, her name is Vortex Honoka, I happened to meet someone outside, and I was afraid that she didn't know anyone in Konoha, so I brought her here to get acquainted with you, and then go to Kushina's side. "Yongze nodded.

Hua Ling controlled her expression and made her smile as gentle as possible.

"Huo Naixiang? You can come to play with me often in the future, and you can come to me if you encounter any difficulties in your life that you don't understand. Don't think it's bothering me. I used to come here like this."

"It used to be like this?" Huo Naoxiang was a little surprised. She thought that Hua Ling and Kushina were the kind of vortexes who came to Konoha very early. Now, it seems that they have also wandered in the ninja world?

"Actually, I only came to Konoha a few years ago. After our country perished, I have been wandering in the ninja world." Hua Ling talked about her past.

"Little Lihua, let's go, uncle will take you outside for a walk." Yongze hugged Lily Hua, then glanced at Kakashi.

Kakashi understood and followed Yongze out.

When he got outside, Yongze took out a lollipop from his pocket and gave it to Lily Hua, letting Lily Hua play by himself.

Originally, Yongze's words didn't count, which made Baihehua a little angry, but for the sake of Yongze's lollipop, she forgave Yongze and walked around alone.

"What do you think of Sharinyan?" Yongze asked Kakashi sitting on the wooden chair in the yard.

"what idea?"

"You need a pair of kaleidoscopes to exert the strongest power. One of them is almost meaningless. Now the other kaleidoscope is in my hands. If you want, I will help you transplant it."

"A pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels..." Kakashi fell into thought.

He is a person with a kaleidoscope writing wheel, and he also knows someone who has a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels. Naturally, he knows the power of completing a kaleidoscope writing wheel.

The ability of the other eye, according to Obito's performance in the night of the nine tails, should also be related to space. It can place one's body in a different space, so as to be immune to all attacks, and it can ignore the enchantment and act like a flying thunder god. Space moves.

If you gain the ability of that eye, you will be able to complete one attack and one defense. You can ignore the twisted space of defense to cut open the opponent, and you can also virtualize to save your life.

"Sounds good, but I don't need it." Kakashi raised his head and gave his answer.

The reason why Obito's eyes were transplanted was because Obito was going to die. This writing wheel was the only sustenance. He brought Obito's eyes to witness the world for him.

But now, knowing that Obito is not dead, not only did he not return the writing wheel, but he also accepted another writing wheel. What is this, coveting the power of Obito's writing wheel.

Kakashi didn't want to be that kind of person himself.

"If I can, I don't even want the left eye, I want to give it back to Obito."

"I see." Yongze probably understood Kakashi's thoughts, and it seems that the goddess Rachel is gone.

It is too wasteful to let Kamui alone, or dual Kamui is powerful, since Kakashi wants to return Obito, then find an opportunity to return it to Obito in the future.

After all, with Kakashi's talent, losing this kaleidoscope may have an impact in a short time.

However, Yongze is not going to return Obito directly for the time being. Kakashi transplanted intercolumnar cells, and it has only been two years.

This sudden loss of the Kaleidoscope Shaker may lead to a loss of balance between body energy and spiritual energy, resulting in backlash.

Wait for a while and let Kakashi's body adapt to the intercolumnar cells. At that time, his strength will be stronger, and there should be no major problems.

About an hour and a half later, Huo Naixiang came out, smiling happily, obviously in a good mood.

"Xiaoxiang, remember to come often when you have time." Hua Ling said goodbye to Huo Naixiang.

"Yeah." Huo Naixiang nodded vigorously.

On the way to Jiuxinnai's house, Yongze said with a smile: "I've already called Xiaoxiang, it seems that you two have more fun chatting than I thought."

"Well, Sister Hua Ling is a very gentle person, I am very happy to get along with her." Huo Naixiang nodded.

They who have also experienced wandering share a lot of common language, and, in Hua Ling, she can feel pure care without any impurities.

This is the first time she has felt such pure concern for anyone other than her parents, the purity is too high.

It's not that she thinks that Yongze has impure intentions towards her. In fact, Huo Naixiang is very grateful to Yongze, and she is even more grateful now, and she trusts her very much. If she encounters any difficulties, the first thing that will come to her mind must be Yongze.

But Yongze's concern is not so fiery. Yongze's concern for her is more like the kind of person who is very capable. When a **** the side of the road is too pitiful, he takes it easy.

"This is a good start." Yongze felt that it was not bad, and everything went as he imagined.

Fire Noka was looking forward to meeting Kushina even more in her heart.

When chatting with Hua Ling, Hua Ling also mentioned that when she first came to Konoha, Kushina took care of her a lot and was very grateful to Kushina.

Kushina, who is admired even by such a gentle and considerate sister Hua Ling, must be a quiet, reserved, gentle and considerate big sister with a noble and virtuous temperament.

The blessing of Mrs. Hokage, coupled with Hua Ling's praise, made Huo Naixiang subconsciously think that Kushina was the kind of gentle and elegant traditional lady.

Since he spent a lot of time at Kakashi's house, it was already afternoon, Minato had already gone to work in the Hokage Building, and there were only Kushina and Naruto at home.

It may be because of Hua Ling's good start, this time Huo Naixiang did not hide behind Yongze, but stood by his side.

Kushina opened the door and saw Yongze and Huo Naoxiang. Although he was very concerned about Huo Naixiang's red hair, he brought the two in first, and it was inappropriate to speak at the door.

"Are there any guests here?"

Naruto's voice came from upstairs.

"It's your Uncle Yongze who is here." Kushina replied.

Hearing that it was Yongze, there was a burst of running sound in an instant, and Naruto quickly ran downstairs and ran to Yongze's side.

"Uncle Yongze, who won the war between Uchiha and Chishou? What happened to Hasuma and Madara..." When he saw Yongze, Naruto couldn't help but ask all the questions he was holding in his heart.

"When will you tell the next story?"

Yongze touched Naruto's head and said casually; "I've been very busy recently, and I don't have time to tell Naruto you a story.

Naruto, you can make your own guesses based on some of what I said, and this is also an exercise for you. "

"Also, I have something to do with your house today. If you're okay, go upstairs and tell the story when you have time."

Naruto's smile froze on his face, and he became hesitant to speak.

He wanted to say, Uncle Yongze, you said the same last time, and you have time to talk about it, but when will you have time?

After looking at Yongze, and then at Kushina, Naruto finally walked up to the second floor.

It's better to be good, but it's scary that my mother is angry, and my father is not at home.

"What's the matter?" Kushina asked, looking at Huo Naoxiang a few times.

She probably guessed what it would be like.

Under normal circumstances, Yongze would definitely consult with Minato if he had something to do with her, plus that girl's red hair.

"She is an orphan of the whirlpool family and will live in Konoha in the future, so let you take care of her." Yong Ze said.

"Well, I will, what's your name?" Kushina, who guessed right, smiled and asked.

"My name is Whirlpool Huo Naixiang, Master Kushina, just call me Huo Naixiang." Huo Naixiang said weakly.

"Haha, you don't need to add an adult after the name. There are not many members of our family anymore. It's better to be closer. You can call me sister or my name." Jiu Xinnai said with a big smile.

Kushina's heroic laughter made Huo Naoxiang a little surprised, which was a little different from what she imagined Kushina, but she didn't hate it, so Kushina felt very kind.

"Well, Sister Kushina." Huo Naixiang nodded and said.

Seeing that the two of them seemed to be interested in chatting, Yongze, who felt that there was some excess, went straight to yo-yo, and was going to have afternoon tea, and he would pick her up when it was almost time.

Coincidentally, Yongze met Terumi Mei who came to buy dumplings at the dumpling shop.

"The one you recommended last time was too sweet, the normal one is better." Terumi Mei puffed up, thinking it was a deliberate prank by Yongze.

Yongze smiled and asked Boss Watanabe to make two Yongze special edition dumplings, which he ate happily.

"It's delicious, why don't you try another one?" Yongze handed a sweet-smelling dumpling to Terumi Mei.

Looking at Yongze's happy expression, Terumi Mei showed a suspicious expression, but looking at Yongze's happy face, he didn't think it was fake, so he tried it with the idea of ​​trusting Yongze again. After all, Yongze recommended it. The food for her is really good, and she likes it very much.
