Chapter 637


Li Xianyang said with a smile, "Xiao Hai has just been born and doesn't understand vocabulary. Maybe we can teach it a simple form of reduplication."

"Reduplicated address?"

Su Lang eyebrows a pick, ask a way, "is hemp father kind?"

However, Li Xianyang did not have time to nod.

I heard Xiao Hai shouting in Su Lang's palm: "Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma ~"

MA you Mei, my man!

Su Lang felt that he was about to vomit blood.

This child is too difficult to take. You must give it to Chu Xiaobei as soon as possible.

"Ma Ma ~ Ma Ma ~"

Xiao Hai continues to shout happily. Su Lang thinks that he can't change it in a short time.

Maybe we can upgrade it in the future, so that its intelligence can be improved and it can be changed?

"Well, try to upgrade it earlier."

Su Lang nodded wildly in his heart and immediately patted Xiaohai to stop it from being called ma ma.

And then.

Su Lang put a lot of spiritual power into Xiao Hai's body!

Xiaohai's body instantly changed back to its original shape, occupying a large area of the sky.

This is its instinct. The innate abilities of defense, counterattack, magic and so on are also its instincts. There is no need to teach them, otherwise it will be a burden to SKR people.

At the next moment, the pure indigo blue light shield was derived from the small sea, forming a circular mask, covering the area of dozens of yaochi holy cities.

The huge movement immediately attracted the eyes of the warriors in the city.

However, there is not much sensation. After all, such a "big event" will happen in two or three days in yaochi holy city. Everyone is getting used to it.

And these low-level warriors can't recognize the immortal weapons.

Everyone exclaimed and talked about what to do.

Yao Chi, Yan FA and others are not the same. They look at the brand-new small sea, just like an antique appraiser who has found a super treasure. Their eyes are almost light bulbs.

"Get out of the way. I'm going to set up the formation."

With a big wave of Su Lang's hand, although they did not give up, they also scattered and watched in the distance.

Su Lang is familiar with the arrangement of the sky illusory spirit combined with the immortal array, and can be easily captured.

After the completion of the screen, it seems that there is a little bit of blue water on the screen.

"Ma Ma Ma Ma ~"

Xiao Hai feels stronger, so he shouts happily.

has been unable to make complaints about Su Lang. He beckoned and the little sea Spirit fell into the palm of his hand.

"You're going to protect this place from now on."

Su Lang looked dignified and said, "without my command, you can't leave without permission."

After saying this, Su Lang doubted whether he was a little cruel and even said this to a newly born "child".

Bah, think too much.

"Ma Ma Ma Ma ~"

Xiao Hai exclaimed happily, which was to agree with Su Lang's request.

Immediately, Su Lang summoned Li Xianyang and others.

"You will guard the sea of the sky as before."

Su Lang ordered, "Li Xianyang, you don't need to practice, and you have a lot of poisonous eyes and means. If you have nothing to do, you can walk around and look for people who kill Tianlou."

"Yes, my servant!"

Li Xianyang and others knelt down to accept orders.

And then.

Yao Chi, Yan FA and other 16 martial saints put those buildings on the sea of the sky, and immediately entered the sea of the sky to guard.

Li Xianyang turned into a mirage and fell into the city. He wandered around and became an inspector.

Su Lang, on the other hand, came to the closed room of a building on the sea of the sky.

At this time, the cultivation villains in the mysterious black space have almost become gold.

The same is true of the halo behind his head and the dense surrounding his body.

This means that Su Lang can not only break through the realm of cultivation, but also promote his spiritual level and understand the rules of fire system!

"Mental progress is slower, drugs, drugs!"

Su Lang sat on the ground, took out a handful of spiritual cultivation pills and put them into the import. He didn't stop taking drugs until he reached the limit of his body.

Time goes by slowly.

An hour later.

The cultivation villain itself becomes gold completely!

"Ding! The sea of accomplishments is full. Is it a breakthrough? "

"No breakthrough for now!"

Two hours later.

The white dense cloud around the cultivation villain turns into gold.

Understanding the rules of fire system is over!

Three hours later.

The white halo behind the head of the cultivation villain is completely covered with gold.

Mental strength has reached the critical point!