C75 – Level Five Hacker Skill

Out of nowhere, a pop-up window suddenly commandeered the screens of nearly every computer in Tianhee City, taking over the entire display.

In a college dorm room, Xu Tianqing was deeply engrossed in the latest popular shooter game, “Eating Chicken,” with his headphones on. Just as he was locked in a fierce gunfight, an unexpected pop-up abruptly overshadowed his screen, obstructing his view entirely.

“Oh, damn it! What in the world is this? I’m about to be gunned down here!”

His frustration was pushing him to the brink of despair.

He frantically attempted to locate a way to close the intrusive pop-up, but his efforts were in vain. In his haste, he inadvertently clicked on it, a feeling of helplessness washing over him.

Even if he tried to return to the game now, he knew it was a lost cause.

However, as he perused the content of the pop-up, he became utterly captivated.

After reading it in its entirety, he audibly gasped in shock.


Followed swiftly by anger.

“Damn it, can you believe there are people like this in Tianhee City? Individuals like them ought to face execution!”

Xu Tianqing’s reaction wasn’t unique; others who had seen the video shared his sentiments.

Numerous individuals at their computers had involuntarily been exposed to the pop-up and its contents, sparking a widespread outpouring of anger.Th.ê most uptodate novels are published on n(0)velbj)n(.)co/m

“Unbelievable, this scoundrel is actually a CEO of a publicly traded company!”

An agitated voice crackled through the speaker.

“Venom Snake, it’s Owl. Where are you right now?”


A sense of recognition passed between them. After a brief exchange of words, Qin Ming detected a hint of concern in Owl’s tone and responded promptly.

“I’m in my office. What’s going on?”

“In your office?” Owl’s voice brimmed with disbelief and frustration.

“Why the hell haven’t you gone on the run? Your identity has been compromised! The entire internet is buzzing with news about you!”

“Who in the world have you managed to provoke?”

“Listen, we can’t stay in contact after this. You’re on your own now!”

Owl’s words spilled out rapidly, like a machine gun firing off rounds, and then the line abruptly disconnected.

“Ding ~ Ding ~ Ding ~”

The phone signaled a call termination.

“Piss someone off? I haven’t...”

Baffled, Qin Ming hurriedly powered up his computer. Within moments, his face drained of color.

“This is not good!”

But Qin Ming wasn’t just any corporate executive; he was a seasoned leader. Without a second thought, he dashed out of his office.