C150 – Leftovers

Sun Zheng-Yi dialed 911, and in no time, the police arrived and whisked the individual away, bringing the incident to a close.

Having navigated that brief interlude, Jiang Hao quickly reached his destination.

Stepping out of the car, he entered the bustling antique street, surrounded by structures mimicking ancient architecture.

The street was a vibrant highlight of Tianhee City, teeming with tourists and activity.

Jiang Hao browsed the offerings.

“Come take a look! Ancestral blue and white porcelain on sale for a steal!”

Passing by a stall, Jiang Hao glanced at the item and was immediately at a loss for words.

That was supposed to be blue and white porcelain? It was nothing more than a modern craft piece, brand new at that!

Without even using his Eye of Law Destruction, he could tell it was a counterfeit.

Jiang Hao examined the Tiger Talisman’s form and material, which seemed authentically ancient.

By its appearance alone, he sensed it might be genuine.

Yet he was aware that the techniques for aging items had become incredibly sophisticated; appearances alone couldn’t confirm authenticity.

He lacked the expertise to judge based on knowledge and experience like a professional, but he did possess the Eye of Law Destruction.

Jiang Hao fixed his gaze on the Tiger Talisman and activated his Eye of Law Destruction. As the mystical eye came to life, his mind was flooded with a barrage of images. The Tiger Talisman’s history was extensive, having passed through numerous hands over time. His vision regressed from the present day, through the era of the Republic, the Qing Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, until it settled on a Han Dynasty general. That’s when Jiang Hao snapped back to reality, an exclamation thundering in his thoughts, “Holy... This is actually genuine!”

A surge of elation washed over Jiang Hao as he observed the young man intent on returning the item. “Brother, if you don’t want it, then this humble monk shall take it off your hands. There’s an old saying, ‘If I don’t enter hell, who will?'” he thought, reveling in his secret delight without letting it show.

Jiang Hao then weaved through the crowd, feigning curiosity as he eyed the Tiger Talisman in the young man’s grasp before speaking up. “Big Brother, you’re really giving this up?”

The young man turned, his brow furrowed as he regarded Jiang Hao. “What’s this? You’re interested in buying it?” He sized up Jiang Hao, dressed in plain sportswear and with a youthful countenance, and scoffed, “But can you actually afford it?”

Unruffled, Jiang Hao adopted a bashful demeanor, looking down as he replied with a hint of defiance, “Big brother, how much would you be willing to sell it to me for?”

At this point, the onlookers, sensing Jiang Hao’s determination as if he were serious about the purchase, began to interject with well-meaning advice. “Kid, that’s a fake. The expert was quite clear about it. Don’t waste your money!”