Chapter 1.1 Status, Growth and Change

TL: Akabane

TL: This series only has 4 Chapter. I'll split each chapter to 3 or 4 part.


"What's this?"

[Mob] No, it's too loud.

Who the hell is wearing that thing and what kind of thing is it?

What did aliens with super-science and technology do to me while I was sleeping?

What the hell is this, seriously.

I asked the boy in the seat in front of me.

"Here, my status? I have something like that, can you see it?"

When I pointed to the status displayed in the air, the boy made a dubious face and snickered.

"What? What's that?"

He don't see it? ...... Am I the only one?

I looked around the class and they all saw what looked like the status I had.

Name, growth, traits specialties. All of them have something in common.

"Akari, you're having too much fun sleeping."

Haru came over to my seat and spoke to me.

"Don't you get sleepy in April?"

"I know, but you're sleeping too much."

Haru giggles.

Even Haru has a status.


Segawa Haru

Growth: Growth

Characteristics Specialties:

> Outstanding sociability

> Good at taking care of others

> Motherly

> Pure


Ah, yes. I can think of a few things.

As far as socialization goes, she is friends with everyone in her grade.

I've been with Haru since kindergarten, and she often took care of me because I was out of the loop.


I can't help but notice that one symbolic point.

From about sixth grade on, she was so much more developed than the other girls.

Giant tits. In other words, motherlu. Yeah, yeah, that's what it means.

"Akari are staring at my boobs! Ecchi!"

"No, it's not!"

It's not, but I can't start without denying it.

Just like me, her status reflects her personality, hobbies, and tastes, but there was something I didn't know about her.


Really? Is this the right status?

She doesn't look pure because she's dressed like this. I don't believe the rumors about her being a bitch or anything, but I don't think the status is correct. You've gone to all this trouble to get the mysterious power? It doesn't make sense that I got the mysterious power, but it doesn't make sense either if it's showing something appropriate.

I came up with one way to check this.

If I do it, I will be socially dead. I'd get the finger pointed at me, and people would look at me like I'm a white trash. But if it's with Haru, she's as lighthearted as I was earlier, and I'm sure she'll forgive me.

I feign naturalness and reach out to Haru's chest.

"Oh, sorry..."

I grabbed her breasts and squeezed them, making it look like an accident.

What? It's big. So soft. I was shocked by the first squeeze and Haru's [motherhly]. Because of that, I couldn't help but check it twice or thrice.

"Huh? What are you doing?" I thought she was going to get angry in a joking way, but...


Her lips were tightly closed and her eyes were filled with tears.

She was ............ silent.

We had been childhood friends, man and woman, but this was the moment when our relationship changed to that of victim and perpetrator.

"My bad! Seriously, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I'm really sorry!"

Not a proper apology, but a proper bow of the head, and I sincerely, sincerely apologized.

"......You touched me ...... You rubbed me ...... it was my first time......."

"I'm so sorry! I'm not suing you, just......! It was my first rub too."

"......Then, okay."

It's okay? Why? No, I appreciate it, but.

Haru is [pure]. Yeah. I got the status right.

Also, what I don't understand is the growth item in the status. I wonder if it's a physical thing.

In terms of height, I've hardly grown at all since last year.

If that's the case, does that mean that I'm going to grow a lot taller from now on, since it says [rapid growth]?

"Hey, Haru, are you seeing this?"

I pointed to Haru's status window to change the subject, and she raised an eyebrow.

"What, are you talking about something scary?"

She looks back at the area I pointed at with a creepy look on her face.

I knew I was the only one who could see it. I thought about asking her if she could tell, but my guess was off.

"Oh, I'm sorry, maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing."

Status showing growth potential and traits and specialties.

The ace of the basketball team and his girlfriend are in the same class and they are happily flirting right now. But Ace-sama's status shows [having an affair with a senior].

I can't help but wonder if this is true or not.

I have no way of knowing if it's true or not, but if everyone sees the same things I do, I wouldn't be able to chat with her so happily.

When I consciously look at a particular person, a window that looks like a status window pops up. This "consciously" seems to be the key.

So far, this is all I know about this mysterious phenomenon.

"Hey, Akari, today ends in the morning, right? Do you have any plans after school?"

"What? No, nothing..."

I looked for a certain person while listening to Haru's question.

It was.......

Perhaps returning from the restroom or somewhere else, Takauji Saaya took a seat next to me across the aisle.

Her long black hair fell over his ears, revealing a cool profile.

Her outlandish appearance was such that it would be safe to say that the model was cosplaying in our high school uniform.

"So you're in the same class as me, Saaya-chan."

Haru murmurs.

"Looks like..."

I feigned indifference and looked away.

As usual, Takauji-san also had a status.


As I froze, glued to the floor, Haru cut in to block my view.

"Hey, Akari?"

"Eh, ah, oh."

"You didn't listen to me at all."

"I said I was listening. You said boobs are for motherhly, right?"

"No, it's not! Mou! I'll kill you now!"

Haru stretched out her arm as if to push me with her palm facing me. It was the so-called "palm bottom."

A dull pain ran into my jaw with a strange sound.


"Hey, don't attack me properly! At least come within a playful range."

"That's because you lied to me when you didn't listen to me."

I was barely listening to what Haru was saying from right to left.

The main reason I got palms down was because of Takauji-san's status.


Takauji Saaya

Growth: Stagnant

Characteristics Specialty:

> Brain of grade 1

> Good looks beyond her high school years

> Not a pushover

> Likes to talk dirty

> Likes the cold

> Loves junk food


The contents were displayed as I imagined or not.

The contents reflected their personalities, strengths and weaknesses, and hobbies and interests, just like mine and Haru's.

I thought it was surprising that she [Not a pushover] but there was something even more unexpected.

[Like to talk dirty]

Even though you always make a clear face like "No human rights for the ungraceful"?

......But the late-night radio show "Mandalion's Late Night Theory," which Takauji-san probably listens to, has quite a lot of undertones in its publicly solicited stories section. I always thought that only men listen to that show, but if you are a listener of that show, it's not hard to see why you like the bottom stories.

Then the two boys sitting in front of Takauji-san started talking about vulgar topics.

"My p*ssy has been itching for some reason lately."

"Your p*ssy?"

"Ah, my d*ck."

That's direct in a classroom, oi!


I, who was looking that way, didn't miss it.

I didn't miss the part where Takauji-san's cheeks puffed out for a moment and she held back her laughter.

And the part where she quickly and quietly returned to her original clear face, almost as if she was going to make a sound.

.....She like it, or rather, she has that kind of laugh.

It's surprising.

If I hadn't known that she likes to make jokes, I would have missed the reverse face.

It was such a quick trick.

She can make a face like that, too. I think it's unusual to see that look, but that's all.

The seat next to me across the aisle is as far away as possible. It is unlikely that I will ever be able to speak to her.

[Timid] [Mob] [Neutrality]

It's all true.

That's right. Just because you can see their status doesn't mean anything.

It's better to just hold on to your thoughts than to call out in a strange way and be disliked.

I glance at the beautiful profile again.


If I could change - if I could grow - would I be able to talk to him?


The mysterious display I was able to see fits perfectly into the word status, so I decided to call it that.

The status was not only with my classmates, but also with my homeroom teacher, my juniors, my seniors, the uncle walking the dog, and a number of other privacy information like that two-timing.

I decided to go through with the two-timing and cheating because I couldn't show proof and I didn't want to get involved in a lover's quarrel or something.

The last class of the day ...... was homeroom, but after it, Haru came to my seat.

"Akari. Let's go home."

"Yeah. I'll be back in a minute."

I was so busy looking at other people's statuses that I wasn't ready to leave at all.

"Hurry up." Haru urged me.

"What were you doing earlier?"

"I was thinking."

Before I knew it, less than half the students in the classroom had gone home or were heading to club activities.

Takauji-san seemed to be ...... already getting ready to leave, putting her bag on desk and fiddling with her phone in it.

Even though I knew we were fellow late-night radio listeners, even though I knew she liked to talk dirty, I still couldn't talk to her.

Just the thought of it makes me nervous.

For me, Takauji-san was the first person I had ever liked who I had a romantic interest in.

When I imagine her talking to me, I get even more nervous because I can't help but compare myself with the senior who almost confessed his love to her but then stopped..

And if she responded like that, I wouldn't be able to get back on my feet.

Is he equipped with a sophisticated interceptor system?

He was a good looking guy, though.

I'm not even that good looking.

When I remember that, I feel like I can't even talk to her, let alone confess my feelings.

I wish I could have given up after that.

But I couldn't stop following her with my eyes, couldn't stop wanting to talk to her, couldn't stop feeling mortified when I saw other boys talking to her.

"Excuse me!"

With a casual voice, one of the third-year seniors entered the classroom.

It was Kidokoro-senpai, a handsome senior who was famous in the school for being on the level of Takauji-san.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Let's go home, Saaya-chan."

Kidokoro-senpai smiles smugly. Saaya-chan, you say.....?

The most handsome guy in the school suddenly said such a thing, but Takauji-san's high-performance interception system is not a date.

I'm sure Kidokoro-senpai doesn't know about it. There's no way that Takauji-san would let him get close to her.

Takauji-san stood up with a start.

"Yes, let's go home."

Hey, hey, hey, hey! Is my interceptor system is dead?

Confused, I was no more than a bystander, so Takauji-san quickly grabbed her bag and headed over to Kidokoro-senpai and left the classroom.

"Haru ...... what in the world was that ...... now?"

"Hmm? You mean Saaya-chan and Senpai?"

"Yeah, yeah. Gee, is the interception system dead......?!"

"No, I don't know what you're talking about, but those two are dating, aren't they?"


"What ...... is tsukiattendesho?"

"No, it's exactly what it means. It means they're lovers."

Yes, it's over.

It's over now.

My first love is over.

The most handsome guy in school and the most beautiful girl in school got together and it was a happy ending.

Thank you very much for everything.