Chapter 2.1: Like-minded People

TL: Akabane

TL: This chapter has 4 part.


In the afternoon homeroom, the committee for the year was decided.

At first, I thought it was okay when Haru invited me to join the Beautification Committee because it was easy, but then the situation changed.

The teacher said, "First, we'll decide who will be the male and female class committee members, and then we'll have those two decide who will be the rest of the committee."

The reason is that no one wants to do this willingly because of the troublesome image.

"Anyone, whether self-recommended or not?"

The teacher said in a troubled tone, and one of the girls raised her hand.

"Saaya, I think she has good grades and would be a good fit."

Everyone's attention turned to Takauji-san, the undisputed honor student.

"I think Takauji-san would do well and be a good choice."

When one of the boys said this, I could feel Takauji-san's clear face cloud over a bit.

I don't think it's forced or anything, but I think she is perfect.

But she didn't seem that convinced.

Then, perhaps thinking it was too much trouble to impose, a few men and women came up to me to recommend Takauji-san.

"How about you, Takauji-san? Did you do it last year?"


After replying, Takauji-san fell silent as if thinking.

As per her [Not a Pushover] status, she was recommended by nearly half of the class and may not be able to say no.

The class committee decides on two members, a boy and a girl.

If I were to run for the committee here, it would be decided in an instant, not a second.

If that happens, I'll nominate one of the girls and have that person do it. In that way, Takauji-san wouldn't have to do it.

Takauji-san, who is not a pushover, is in a lot of trouble.

It would be an exaggeration to say that I would help her, but it would avoid forcing her to do something she doesn't want to do.

Okay, i have a plan. Let's go with this.

As all eyes were on Takauji-san, I raised my hand in a small gesture.

"Sensei, if either a man or a woman is chosen, why don't we make it so that the person who is chosen can nominate the other person?"

"I guess it depends on who is nominated. I think that would be fine. If we don't decide, we can do it the usual way."

The teacher readily agreed.

I'm not used to standing out so much, but it's nothing if I think I'm helping Takauji-san.

"Then, I can do it."

I could see that Takauji-san looked at me.

"Then, Kimishima-kun, please do it."

There was no opposition, and as expected, the decision was made immediately.

"Since Takauji-san doesn't seem to be keen on the idea, I'll be the one to nominate you as the female class committee member."

I step forward and explain lightly. I'm not used to this, so it's kind of ticklish to get all eyes on me like this.

"Segawa-san, are you okay with this?"

I hesitate to call her Haru, so I call her by her last name, and with a gulp, Haru sits up.

"I knew you would. It's a mend, but okay."

With a nice smile, Haru agreed.

"Sensei, would you like to hold back Segawa-san for a moment?"

"Eh!? Why? I'm totally hot. Are you really upset about it?"

"Hmmm. The class representative is a bit..."

So, the class representative can't represent the class if she's a massive violator of the school rules.

Oh no. I was off the mark.

As Haru was complaining, a hand went up.

"I'll do it."

At the sound of that's voice, the classroom becomes quiet.

It was Takauji-san who raised her hand. She must have seen that everyone was in trouble.

Naturally, there was no opposition, and with the teacher's enthusiastic approval, it was decided that Takauji-san would be the class committee girl.

"Didn't you dislike it?"

I asked Takauji-san, who came in front of me, and she shook her head.

"No. I don't hate it."

Was I just reading too much into it?

"Because I'm worried about you, Kimishima-kun."

"That may be so, but..."

Takauji-san chuckles.

"Just kidding."

When she, who is usually nearly expressionless, smiles, the expression "breaking face" fits perfectly. The gap between her normally clear face and the one that she usually wears when she thinks she can break down in such a good way is stunning.

"Also, you're not allowed to talk about radio at school."

"Eh. Why?"

If she take that away from me, I'll have no chance to talk to Takauji-san.

"When we talk about it, you'll bring up that name, right? I don't want you to mention it here again."

So you're trying to prevent me from being identified.

If that was the case, I reluctantly agreed.

The committee was quickly and easily decided, and soon after school arrived.

"Akari, I told you we would be a member of the beautification committee. Bakari baka."

Haru's lips pouted sulkily as she got ready to leave and came over to my seat.

"I just said it might be a good idea, but J didn't say I'd do it. Also, if you call me a bakari, it'll sound like I have a stomach ache."

"Well, okay." Haru says, looking bored.

The tone and this attitude is proof that it's not good at all.

"So you two are close." Takauji-san says, to which Haru responds.

"We've known each other since childhood."

"Ah, I see......."

Takauji-san nodded, as if something had become clear to her.

"Saaya-chan, aren't you going home yet?"

"I'm waiting for my senpai."

That's right. ......Takauji-san, she was dating Kidokoro-senpai.......

"Heh, Akari's eyes are dead......"

I had thought many things today, that we could have talked a lot, that we could have gotten along, but those feelings were shattered when she said, "I'm waiting for my senpai."

In the first place, it was too late.

It was game over......

Even if I told Takauji-san about the rumor, she'd likely unleash a toe-curling blow with contempt, saying, "It's disgusting to speak ill of someone's boyfriend."

"Well, my mom was asking if you want to have dinner at our house today."


My mother, who passed away, and Haru's mother were very close, and they were concerned about the mother-son relationship, so they would sometimes invite me over for dinner like this.

"I'm just going to ding it."

[TL: It was "Chin" on japanese.]

"Ding ─ pfft, pfft."

[TL: And she thinks about ochin².]

Takauji-san's cheeks puffed out like a hamster, and she held her mouth.

The "ding" in "microwave ding" makes you laugh already?

I wondered what level of dirty talk she was talking about, but I didn't realize it was at the lower elementary school level.......

"Hmm? Did you just laugh, Saaya-chan?"

"What are you talking about?"

As if she could return her expression with the touch of a button, Takauji-san's face is back to its original, a clear face.

"Saaya-chan, sorry to keep you waiting. Let's go."

Kidokoro-senpai, with his fresh, handsome face dangling, peeked into the classroom, and Takauji-san got up from her seat.

"I'm not waiting for you, it's okay."

Grabbing her luggage, she greeted me and Haru, "Well, see you later." and left with Kidokoro-senpai.

"He's so handsome. But he's a jerk."

Haru says as if singing in verse.

Takauji-san, who is not a pushover and has a wide tolerance for dirty talk.......

This and that things with that handsome guy.......

"I'm dead. I thought we might have gotten along, but there was no chance."

"I've been saying that from the beginning. Well, I don't know what it's like, but you guys on the same committee. So you can talk to her from now on, right?"

"It's hard to talk when you know you have no chance."

But I'm happy when we can talk. What is this ...... a trap or something?

"Haru, do you have time later?"

"Hmm? Well, yeah, I do."

"Come hang out with me for a bit."